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File metadata and controls

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Thanks for your interest in contributing to Congol. In this document you will learn how to setup the project on your machine and gain an understanding of how the project is structured.



  1. Install nodejs and mongodb. Guide on how to install nodejs here. Guide on how to install mongodb here
  2. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install npm dependencies by running
npm ci

inside the congol folder/directory. 4. (optional) Inside the server folder, copy example.env to .env. You can modify the values in the .env file to configure your environment, such as changing the port that the site is hosted on or choosing a different mongodb uri. If you want a different TOKEN_SECRET you can generate it by running node and then running require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex') inside of node. Copy the string generated without quotations to your .env. 5. Run the application by running

npm run start

This will build and serve the project. You will be able to access it by going to or localhost:3000 in your web browser. The application will rebuild itself whenever you make a change to a file, so there is no need to quit and restart the process when you make changes.


Congol uses an express server with a mongo database and a vanilla javascript frontend. is used to allow users to communicate back and forth with the server. The client is built using gulp. Gulp handles copying static files such as images, merging and minifying css files, compiling pug code into html, and building/minifying js with browserify. Once it is built, the client code is stored in the dist folder.


The server sends the file index.html and it's requested static files no matter what the url requested is. Routing is handled by client/router.js, which sets the display of pages to "block" or "none" depending on if they are visible or not.



Gulp generates index.html from the index.pug file inside client/pug. index.pug includes head.pug and each page inside of the pages directory.


Gulp generates bundle.js from main.js inside client/js. main.js requires a few other modules/files, which load other modules/files that they need.


Gulp merges the files in client/styles into one file styles.css. To make css easier to write, it is split by it's scope. There is a different file for each page as well as a file shared.css that affects elements on many different pages.