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LUKSO Docker containers

This repo provides a base template to use Docker images to run LUKSO node validator nodes).

Note: it has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04. It won't work on macOS (because of network_mode: host).

LUKSO network configs are fetched from: lukso-network/network-configs.

It is provided "as is" and you are encouraged to adjust the configuration files for your own needs. The most important configuration files are the genesis files:

  • genesis.ssz
  • genesis.json
  • config.yaml

They can be found in our lukso-network/network-configs repo.

For more information, check the LUKSO Docs.

How to use

  1. Log into your node.

  2. Install docker. Here is a tutorial for Ubuntu 22.04

  3. Clone the repo.

git clone [email protected]:lukso-network/network-docker-containers.git
cd network-docker-containers

⚠️ NOTE: if you want to support multiple networks, it is recommended to clone this repo again and work from different directories. This is to avoid mixing data and keystore folders.

  1. Download the config files from lukso-network/network-configs repo.
mkdir configs
wget -O ./configs/genesis.ssz
wget -O ./configs/genesis.json
wget -O ./configs/config.yaml
  1. IMPORTANT: Create .env file and adjust the values in .env file (node name, fee recipient address, etc.).
cp .env.mainnet .env
  1. Copy your keystore-xxx.json files in the ./keystores/ folder.

  2. Write your keystore password in a temporary txt file:

echo "yourPassword" > /tmp/secrets/password.txt

NOTE 1: This password will also be used for the validator wallet.

NOTE 2: You can set your keystore password differently by changing the configuration in the docker-compose.yml file for the prysm_validator_import service.

  1. Start the services:
docker compose up

# To run in the background, use detached mode with -d flag


An example docker compose file for erigon is provided in docker-compose.erigon.yml. It only supports erigon execution engine. You will need to run an execution engine for your node to work properly. This file is provded "as is" and you can reuse it in the main docker-compose.yml file if you wish to use erigon client instead of geth.

Useful commands

Check the status of the containers:

docker ps

# CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                       COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                         PORTS                    NAMES
# 1ffeefcbcfb4   prysmaticlabs/prysm-validator:v4.2.1        "/app/cmd/validator/…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                       prysm_validator
# 1dff26d8026a   prysmaticlabs/prysm-beacon-chain:v4.2.1     "/app/cmd/beacon-cha…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                       prysm_beacon
# b3e2c814ddb5   ethereum/client-go:v1.13.15                  "geth --config /conf…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                       geth

Check the logs to make sure everything is running fine:

docker compose logs -f geth

# You can see the logs of each service:
# docker compose logs -f prysm_validator
# ...


We provide another repo which can help you set up monitoring for your node: lukso-network/network-docker-monitoring.

Execution stats

To add your node on the execution stats page, fill out this form to receive the secret.

You will then need to update these values in the .env file:



This repo is using the following docker images:
