The tool is designed to provide high DPDK performances to burst any pcap dump on a single or multiple NIC port(s). 一个基于dpdk的发包工具
To do so, the pcap files will be cached on hugepages before being sent through DPDK.
- 配置dpdk网口所需的一切(编译dpdk库,编译igb_uio/vfio驱动,bind驱动)
- 编译此代码
- dpdk-dev (obsly)
- libnuma-dev
- That's all.
NB: libpcap is not required, as dpdk-replay process pcap files manually.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
dpdk-replay [--nbruns NB] [--numacore 0|1] [--usleep USLEEP_TIME] FILE NIC_ADDR[,NIC_ADDR...]
dpdk-replay --nbruns 1000 --numacore 0 --usleep 1 foobar.pcap 04:00.0,04:00.1,04:00.2,04:00.3
Add a configuration file or cmdline options for all code defines.
Add an option to send the pcap with the good pcap timers.
Add an option to send the pcap with a multiplicative speed (like, ten times the normal speed).
Add an option to select multiple pcap files at once.
Be able to send dumps simultaneously on both numacores.
Split big pkts into multiple mbufs.
Add a Python module to facilitate scripting (something like what does scapy for tcpreplay sendpfast func).
Manage systems with more than 2 numa cores.
Use the maximum NICs capabilities (Tx queues/descriptors).
Add an option to configure maximum bitrate. (通过usleep简单实现控制速率)
Copyright 2018 Jonathan Ribas, FraudBuster. All rights reserved.