- pptx-template .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/m3dev/pptx-template.svg?branch=master
target: https://travis-ci.org/m3dev/pptx-template
pptx-template is a PowerPoint presentation builder.
This helps your routine reporting work that have many manual copy-paste from excel chart to powerpoint, or so.
- Building a new powerpoint presentation file from a "template" pptx file which contains "id"
- Import some strings and CSV data which is defined in a JSON config file or a Python dict
- "id" in pptx template is expressed as a tiny DSL, like "{sales.0.june.us}"
- requires python envirionment (2 or 3), pandas, python-pptx
- for now, only UTF-8 encoding is supported for json, csv
For further information, please visit GitHub: https://github.com/m3dev/pptx-template
- Added "xlsx-mode"
- Fixed many small bugs