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824 lines (755 loc) · 23.3 KB

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824 lines (755 loc) · 23.3 KB

Build Libraries

This builds node/npm modules with a container image.

It requires an image tagged ristretto-deno-node, that can be built with the instructions in

With Docker/Podman it creates:

  • an internal-only network
  • a container for a proxy with access to the internal-only network and the web
  • a container for the build with access to the internal container only
  • volumes for caching

It uses a script that shells out to docker and runs on the Docker client (the host or a Docker-in-Docker container), and another script in the build container that shells out to npm. The script that shells out to docker is run-container-build.js and the script that shells out to npm is run-build-in-container.js. Each of these scripts are run with deno permissions that are by necessity fairly broad, because they allow running docker and npm with any arguments, but have some of the code running in a worker without these permissions, to make them smaller and easeir to audit, as well as to run manually.

Build inside container

This build runs inside the container and is used to run npm.

FROM ristretto-deno-node:latest
ADD /app
ADD run-build-in-container.js /app
CMD ["/bin/deno", "run", "--allow-net", "--allow-read=/app", "--allow-write=/app", "--allow-run=npm", "run-build-in-container.js", "build"]


async function runNpm(args) {
  const output = await new Deno.Command('npm', {
  const result = [
    ['stdout', `-- npm ${args.join(' ')}`],
    ...(output.stdout?.byteLength > 0 ? [['stdout', output.stdout]] : []),
    ...(output.stderr?.byteLength > 0 ? [['stderr', output.stderr]] : []),
  if (output.code === 0) {
    return result
  } else {
    return [
      ['stderr', `-- Received nonzero exit code: ${output.code}`]

const packages = [
  '@rollup/[email protected]',

async function* getFiles(path) {
  for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(path)) {
    if (entry.isDirectory) {
      const dirPath = `${path}${}/`
      for await (const childPath of getFiles(dirPath)) {
        yield childPath
    } else if (\.(js|json|mjs)$/i) && !== './run-build-in-container.js') {
      yield `${path}${}`

const commands = {
  getArgs() {
    return structuredClone(Deno.args)
  install: async function* install() {
    yield ['stdout', new TextEncoder().encode(`Installing packages:\n\n\`\`\`\n`)]
    const setOutput = await runNpm(['set', 'proxy=http://proxy:3000/'])
    yield setOutput
    const initOutput = await runNpm(['init', '-y'])
    yield initOutput
    const installOutput = await runNpm(['install', ...packages])
    yield installOutput
    yield ['stdout', new TextEncoder().encode(`\n\n\`\`\`\n\n\n\n`)]
    for await (const path of getFiles('./')) {
      const content = await Deno.readFile(path)
      yield ['stdout', new TextEncoder().encode(`\n\n\`${path.slice(2)}\`\n\n\`\`\`\`\`\n`)]
      yield ['stdout', content]
      yield ['stdout', new TextEncoder().encode(`${( === 10 ? '' : "\n")}\`\`\`\`\`\n\n`)]

async function handleMessage(e) {
  const [cmd, ...args] =
  const port = e.ports[0]
  try {
    if (cmd === 'getArgs') {
      // single command
      const result = await commands[cmd](...args)
    } else if (cmd in commands) {
      for await (const result of commands[cmd](...args)) {
      port.postMessage({done: true})
    } else {
      throw new Error('invalid command')
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`Error running \`${cmd}\``, err)
    port.postMessage({error: true})

const re = /(?:^|\n)\s*\n`build-in-container-entry.js`\n\s*\n```.*?\n(.*?)```\s*(?:\n|$)/s
const runEntry = `
const re = new RegExp(${JSON.stringify(re.source)}, ${JSON.stringify(re.flags)})
addEventListener('message', async e => {
  if ([0] === 'notebook') {
    globalThis.__source = new TextDecoder().decode([1])
    const entrySrc = globalThis.__source.match(re)[1]
    await import(\`data:text/javascript;base64,\${btoa(entrySrc)}\`)
}, {once: true})
const worker = new Worker(`data:text/javascript;base64,${btoa(runEntry)}`, {
  type: 'module',
  permissions: 'none',
worker.addEventListener('message', handleMessage)
const data = await Deno.readFile('./')
worker.postMessage(['notebook', data], [data.buffer])


async function parentRequest( {
  const channel = new MessageChannel()
  const result = await new Promise((resolve, _) => {
    channel.port1.onmessage = (message) => {
    postMessage(data, [channel.port2])
  if (result === false) {
    throw new Error(
      `Received false from parent request ${JSON.stringify(data[0])} in worker`
  return result

function iterResult(result) {
  if (result?.done) {
    return {done: true}
  } else {
    return {value: result}

function eventToIterator(subscribe, unsubscribe) {
  const resolves = []
  const results = []
  subscribe(result => {
    if (resolves.length > 0) {
    } else {
  return {
    [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
      return {
        next() {
          if (results.length > 0) {
            return Promise.resolve(iterResult(results.shift()))
          } else {
            return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
              resolves.push(value => { resolve(iterResult(value)) })
        return() {

async function* parentRequestMulti( {
  const channel = new MessageChannel()
  const iterator = eventToIterator(
    handler => { channel.port1.onmessage = ({data}) => handler(data) },
    () => channel.port1.close()
  postMessage(data, [channel.port2])
  for await (const message of iterator) {
    if (Array.isArray(message) && typeof message[0] === 'string') {
      yield message
    } else if (Array.isArray(message)) {
      for (const outputItem of message) {
        yield outputItem
    } else if (message?.error) {
      throw new Error('Received error from request to parent')
    } else {
      console.error('unexpected message', message)
      throw new Error('Received an unexpected message from request to parent')

async function logOutput(output) {
  const stream = output[0] === 'stdout' ? Deno.stdout : Deno.stderr
  await stream.write(
    typeof output[1] === 'string' ?
    new TextEncoder().encode(output[1] + "\n") :

const commands = {
  async build() {
    for await (const output of parentRequestMulti('install')) {
      await logOutput(output)

async function build() {
  try {
    const [cmd, ...args] = await parentRequest('getArgs')
    if (cmd in commands) {
      await commands[cmd](...args)
    } else {
        ((cmd ?? undefined) === undefined) ?
        'missing command' :
        `invalid command: ${cmd}`
  } catch (err) {

await build()


function* readBlocks(input) {
  const re = /(?:^|\n)([ \t]*)(`{3,}|~{3,})([^\n]*\n)/
  let index = 0
  while (index < input.length) {
    const open = input.substring(index).match(re)
    if (!open) {
    } else if (open[1].length > 0 || open[2][0] === '~') {
      throw new Error(`Invalid open fence at ${index + open.index}`)
    const contentStart = index + open.index + open[0].length
    const close = input.substring(contentStart).match(
      new RegExp(`\n([ ]{0,3})${open[2]}(\`*)[ \t]*\r?(?:\n|$)`)
    if (!(close && close[1] === '')) {
      throw new Error(`Missing or invalid close fence at ${index + open.index}`)
    const contentRange = [contentStart, contentStart + close.index]
    const blockRange = [index + open.index, + close[0].length]
    yield { blockRange, contentRange, info: open[3].trim() }
    index =

function* readBlocksWithNames(input) {
  for (const block of readBlocks(input)) {
    const match = input.slice(0, block.blockRange[0]).match(
      new RegExp('\\n\\s*\\n\\s*`([^`]+)`\\s*\\n\\s*$')
    yield ({...block, ...(match ? {name: match[1]} : undefined)})

async function run(src) {
  globalThis.readBlocks = readBlocks
  globalThis.readBlocksWithNames = readBlocksWithNames
  for (const block of readBlocksWithNames(src)) {
    if ( === 'build-in-container.js') {
      const blockSrc = src.slice(...block.contentRange)
      await import(`data:text/javascript;base64,${btoa(blockSrc)}`)



The Dockerfile is here, and if writing it fails, it throws an error.


FROM ristretto-deno-node:latest
ADD proxy.js /
CMD ["/bin/deno", "run", "--allow-net", "proxy.js"]

This is an HTTP proxy that reads a host and port from CONNECT, responds, and tunnels all traffic after the response to the specified host and port.


async function forward(outConn, writer) {
  try {
    for await (const chunk of outConn.readable) {
      console.log(`read chunk of ${chunk.byteLength} bytes from outbound connection`)
      try {
        await writer.write(chunk)
      } catch (err) {
        console.error('Error writing to inbound connection')
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Error forwarding from outbound to inbound connection')

async function handleHttp(conn) {
  try {
    let pos = 0
    const arr = new Uint8Array(512)
    let outWriter
    // TODO: don't let reading of the stream be delayed by setting up the writer and network connection
    for await (const chunk of conn.readable) {
      if (outWriter === undefined) {
        arr.set(chunk, pos)
        pos += chunk.byteLength
        console.log(`Received chunk of ${chunk.byteLength} bytes`)
        const decoded = new TextDecoder().decode(arr.slice(0, pos))
        console.log(`Decoded: ${decoded}`)
        const match = decoded.match(/\r?\n\r?\n/)
        if (match) {
          const messageEnd = match.index + match[0].length
          const message = decoded.slice(0, messageEnd)
          const remaining = arr.slice(new TextEncoder().encode(message).byteLength, pos)
          const proxyUrl = message.match(/CONNECT (\S+) HTTP/)[1].split(':')
          const hostname = proxyUrl[0]
          const port = Number(proxyUrl[1])
          const connectArgs = {hostname, port}
          const writer = await conn.writable.getWriter()
          await writer.write(new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode('HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n')))
          console.log(`Connecting to hostname "${hostname}", port ${port}...`)
          const outConn = await Deno.connect(connectArgs)
          outWriter = await outConn.writable.getWriter()
          // TODO: send remaining
          forward(outConn, writer)
      } else {
        console.log(`read chunk of ${chunk.byteLength} bytes after sending response`)
        try {
          await outWriter.write(chunk)
        } catch (err) {
          console.error('Error writing to outbound connection', err)
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('error in HTTP handler')

// see if a plain old request can be sent
for await (const conn of Deno.listen({ port: 3000 })) {

Run Container Build

This gives access to the build script to run commands and access resources needed to build the libraries.


import { join } from '[email protected]/path/mod.ts'

async function runDocker(args) {
  const output = await new Deno.Command('docker', {
    cwd: join('.', 'build', 'build-libraries'),
  return [
    ['stdout', `-- docker ${args.join(' ')}`],
    ...(output.stdout?.byteLength > 0 ? [['stdout', output.stdout]] : []),
    ...(output.stderr?.byteLength > 0 ? [['stderr', output.stderr]] : []),

async function* runDockerStream(args) {
  try {
    yield ['stdout', `-- docker ${args.join(' ')}`]
    const command = new Deno.Command('docker', {
      cwd: join('.', 'build', 'build-libraries'),
      stdin: 'piped',
      stdout: 'piped',
      stderr: 'piped'
    const stdoutStream = new TextDecoderStream()
    const stderrStream = new TextDecoderStream()
    let chunks = []
    async function appendStdout() {
      try {
        for await (const chunk of stdoutStream.readable) {
          chunks.push(['stdout', chunk])
      } catch (err) {
        console.error('Error in appendStdout', err)
    async function appendStderr() {
      try {
        for await (const chunk of stderrStream.readable) {
          chunks.push(['stderr', chunk])
      } catch (err) {
        console.error('Error in appendStderr', err)
    const child = command.spawn()
    let status
    async function setStatus() {
      status = await child.status
    let open = true
    while (true) {
      await new Promise((resolve, _reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100))
      if (chunks.length > 0) {
        yield chunks
      if (status !== undefined) {
      chunks = []
  } catch (err) {
    yield ['stderr', `Error running docker: ${err}`]
    yield {error: true}

const commands = {
  getArgs() {
    return structuredClone(Deno.args)
  clean: async function* clean() {
    const commands = [
      ['network', 'rm', 'ristretto-build-libraries-internal'],
      ['network', 'rm', 'ristretto-build-libraries-external'],
    for (const command of commands) {
      yield await runDocker(command)
  buildImages: async function* buildImages() {
    const commands = [
        '--platform', 'linux/amd64',
        '-t', 'ristretto-build-libraries-proxy',
        '-f', 'Dockerfile.proxy',
        '--platform', 'linux/amd64',
        '-t', 'ristretto-build-libraries-build-in-container',
        '-f', '',
    for (const command of commands) {
      yield await runDocker(command)
  createNetworks: async function* createNetworks() {
    const commands = [
      ['network', 'create', '--internal', 'ristretto-build-libraries-internal'],
      ['network', 'create', 'ristretto-build-libraries-external'],
    for (const command of commands) {
      yield await runDocker(command)
  runBuild: async function* runBuild() {
    const createOutput = await runDocker([
      'create', '--platform=linux/amd64',
    const commandOutput = createOutput.find(v => (
      v[0] === 'stdout' && !(typeof v[1] === 'string' && v[1].startsWith('-- '))
    const proxyContainerId = new TextDecoder().decode(commandOutput[1]).trim()
    yield ['stdout', `-- proxyContainerId: ${JSON.stringify(proxyContainerId)}`]
    yield createOutput

    const connectOutput = await runDocker([
      'network', 'connect', 'ristretto-build-libraries-external', proxyContainerId
    yield connectOutput

    const startOutput = await runDocker([
      'start', proxyContainerId
    yield startOutput

    const outFile = await
      {write: true, create: true, truncate: true}
    const outWriter = outFile.writable.getWriter()
    for await (const output of runDockerStream([
      'run', '--tty=false', '--platform=linux/amd64',
    ])) {
      yield output
      for (const outputItem of (typeof output[0] === 'string' ? [output] : output)) {
        if (outputItem[0] === 'stdout') {
          await outWriter.write(
            typeof outputItem[1] === 'string' ?
            new TextEncoder().encode(outputItem[1]) :

    const stopOutput = await runDocker([
      'stop', proxyContainerId
    yield stopOutput

async function handleMessage(e) {
  const [cmd, ...args] =
  const port = e.ports[0]
  try {
    if (cmd === 'getArgs') {
      // single command
      const result = await commands[cmd](...args)
    } else if (cmd in commands) {
      for await (const result of commands[cmd](...args)) {
      port.postMessage({done: true})
    } else {
      throw new Error('invalid command')
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`Error running \`${cmd}\``, err)
    port.postMessage({error: true})

const re = /(?:^|\n)\s*\n`container-build-entry.js`\n\s*\n```.*?\n(.*?)```\s*(?:\n|$)/s
const runEntry = `
const re = new RegExp(${JSON.stringify(re.source)}, ${JSON.stringify(re.flags)})
addEventListener('message', async e => {
  if ([0] === 'notebook') {
    globalThis.__source = new TextDecoder().decode([1])
    const entrySrc = globalThis.__source.match(re)[1]
    await import(\`data:text/javascript;base64,\${btoa(entrySrc)}\`)
}, {once: true})
const worker = new Worker(`data:text/javascript;base64,${btoa(runEntry)}`, {
  type: 'module',
  permissions: 'none',
worker.addEventListener('message', handleMessage)
const data = await Deno.readFile(join('.', ''))
worker.postMessage(['notebook', data], [data.buffer])

The build script

This is run in the sandboxed worker by the entry point, and it calls into the parent.


async function parentRequest( {
  const channel = new MessageChannel()
  const result = await new Promise((resolve, _) => {
    channel.port1.onmessage = (message) => {
    postMessage(data, [channel.port2])
  if (result === false) {
    throw new Error(
      `Received false from parent request ${JSON.stringify(data[0])} in worker`
  return result

function iterResult(result) {
  if (result?.done) {
    return {done: true}
  } else {
    return {value: result}

function eventToIterator(subscribe, unsubscribe) {
  const resolves = []
  const results = []
  subscribe(result => {
    if (resolves.length > 0) {
    } else {
  return {
    [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
      return {
        next() {
          if (results.length > 0) {
            return Promise.resolve(iterResult(results.shift()))
          } else {
            return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
              resolves.push(value => { resolve(iterResult(value)) })
        return() {

async function* parentRequestMulti( {
  const channel = new MessageChannel()
  const iterator = eventToIterator(
    handler => { channel.port1.onmessage = ({data}) => handler(data) },
    () => channel.port1.close()
  postMessage(data, [channel.port2])
  for await (const message of iterator) {
    if (Array.isArray(message) && typeof message[0] === 'string') {
      yield message
    } else if (Array.isArray(message)) {
      for (const outputItem of message) {
        yield outputItem
    } else if (message?.error) {
      throw new Error('Received error from request to parent')
    } else {
      console.error('unexpected message', message)
      throw new Error('Received an unexpected message from request to parent')

async function logOutput(output) {
  const stream = output[0] === 'stdout' ? Deno.stdout : Deno.stderr
  await stream.write(
    typeof output[1] === 'string' ?
    new TextEncoder().encode(output[1] + "\n") :

const commands = {
  async clean() {
    for await (const output of parentRequestMulti('clean')) {
      await logOutput(output)
  async buildImages() {
    for await (const output of parentRequestMulti('buildImages')) {
      await logOutput(output)
  async createNetworks() {
    for await (const output of parentRequestMulti('createNetworks')) {
      await logOutput(output)
  async runBuild() {
    for await (const output of parentRequestMulti('runBuild')) {
      await logOutput(output)

async function build() {
  try {
    const [cmd, ...args] = await parentRequest('getArgs')
    if (cmd in commands) {
      await commands[cmd](...args)
    } else {
        ((cmd ?? undefined) === undefined) ?
        'missing command' :
        `invalid command: ${cmd}`
  } catch (err) {

await build()


function* readBlocks(input) {
  const re = /(?:^|\n)([ \t]*)(`{3,}|~{3,})([^\n]*\n)/
  let index = 0
  while (index < input.length) {
    const open = input.substring(index).match(re)
    if (!open) {
    } else if (open[1].length > 0 || open[2][0] === '~') {
      throw new Error(`Invalid open fence at ${index + open.index}`)
    const contentStart = index + open.index + open[0].length
    const close = input.substring(contentStart).match(
      new RegExp(`\n([ ]{0,3})${open[2]}(\`*)[ \t]*\r?(?:\n|$)`)
    if (!(close && close[1] === '')) {
      throw new Error(`Missing or invalid close fence at ${index + open.index}`)
    const contentRange = [contentStart, contentStart + close.index]
    const blockRange = [index + open.index, + close[0].length]
    yield { blockRange, contentRange, info: open[3].trim() }
    index =

function* readBlocksWithNames(input) {
  for (const block of readBlocks(input)) {
    const match = input.slice(0, block.blockRange[0]).match(
      new RegExp('\\n\\s*\\n\\s*`([^`]+)`\\s*\\n\\s*$')
    yield ({...block, ...(match ? {name: match[1]} : undefined)})

async function run(src) {
  globalThis.readBlocks = readBlocks
  globalThis.readBlocksWithNames = readBlocksWithNames
  for (const block of readBlocksWithNames(src)) {
    if ( === 'container-build.js') {
      const blockSrc = src.slice(...block.contentRange)
      await import(`data:text/javascript;base64,${btoa(blockSrc)}`)
