To run tests on all browsers in headless mode, execute the following command:
npx playwright test --grep @local
To run tests on all browsers in headed mode, execute the following command:
npx playwright test --grep @local --headed
To run tests on individual browsers in headless mode, execute either of the following commands:
Chromium browser:
npx playwright test --project=Chromium --grep @local
Firefox browser:
npx playwright test --project=Firefox --grep @local
Safari (webkit) browser:
npx playwright test --project=Webkit --grep @local
Edge (webkit) browser:
npx playwright test --project=Edge --grep @local
To run tests on individual browsers in headed mode, execute either of the following commands:
Chromium browser:
npx playwright test --project=Chromium --grep @local --headed
Firefox browser:
npx playwright test --project=Firefox --grep @local --headed
Safari (webkit) browser:
npx playwright test --project=Webkit --grep @local --headed
Edge (webkit) browser:
npx playwright test --project=Edge --grep @local --headed
To run specific test/s against multiple browsers or a single browser, you can specify custom tag/s in the given test block like this:
test('@customTag example test description', async ({ page }) => {
await bookingPageObjects.dismissCookieBanner()
Then execute the test using either of the following commands:
Headed mode:
npx playwright test --project=**BrowserName** --grep @customTag --headed
npx playwright test --grep @customTag --headed
Headless mode:
npx playwright test --project=**BrowserName** --grep @customTag
npx playwright test --grep @customTag
Note: replace **BrowserName**
with the actual valid browser value such as; Chromium
, Firefox
, Webkit
or Edge