Releases: mailchimp/mc-woocommerce
Releases · mailchimp/mc-woocommerce
Mailchimp for WooCommerce v3.0
- Adds support for High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
- Fix for campaign reports showing data from older orders
- Fix for GDPR selections updating on each checkout
- Fix for DOI enabled audience customers not syncing
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.8.2
- enhancements to logic for setting campaign ids on orders
- updates to WP CLI deployment automations
- patch for text encoding issue impacting abandoned carts
- fix for PHP warnings non-numeric value encountered
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.8
- Added transient to help sync manager finish
- Adds cookie enhancement filter
- Support for previous unsubscribes to be resubscribed
- Fixes the my account subscription status
- Adds option to remove the my account opt-in checkbox
- Adds ability to ignore campaign data reporting for admins
- Support for Woocommerce Blocks options
- Fix for Askew opt-in checkbox on Default Wordpress Theme
- Adds ability to use "last clicked campaign" from the API as a fallback if cookies aren't capturing revenue
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.6
- adds support for selectively syncing subscribers only
- updates to action scheduler dependency
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.4.6
- fix for errors on installs with RTL Site Languages
- adds GDPR fields for GDPR enabled audiences
- locale settings from WooCommerce or WP are now auto-selected
- support for notices in the wc-admin inbox
- moves Mailchimp plugin link to bottom of Woocommerce sub navigation
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.4.0
- update for latest Action Scheduler v3.1.4
- adds customer language on Cart and Order sync
- adds batch processing for queues
- support for Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR Language
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.3.3
- fixes abandoned cart issues with Paypal
- resolves Action Scheduler 3.0 compatiblity issues
- Fixes missing product images
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.3
- adds action scheduler queue system
- documentation for Custom Merge Tags
- adds more specific installation requirements
- fixes PHP Error in class-mailchimp-order.php
- fixes pop up blocks on connection
- fixes unable to sync without accepting to auto subscribe existing customers
- documentation for wp-cli class queue-command
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.2
- plugin reskin
- support for oauth to Mailchimp
- fixes sync issues with altered order IDs
- fixes issues with trashed coupons
MailChimp for WooCommerce v2.1.17
- Re add resync button to sync tab, after sync finishes
- Renamed 'merge_vars' to 'merge_fields' as per new Mailchimp naming convention
- fixes issues with cloudflare
- honors woo currency settings
- fix for failing custom coupon type