Their use is to facilitate the learning of docker and to mitigate current installation issues by providing a ready-to-use docker+salt virtualised host. This vagrant Virtualbox management can be also used without Docker usage.
Master branch of this repository is using an Ubuntu Saucy Vagrantfile VM. Check other branches to find LTS precise versions.
check the Install part on this documentation for installation instructions
Notes for specific ubuntu release packages:
Run ./ release which will at once:
- Edit and increment version.txt's version
- Do a snapshot of the current vm to the desired release name (devhost-$branch_$ver.tar.tbz2)
- Upload the tarball to the CDN, actually sourceforge
All the images are constructed from ubuntu cloud archives images.
- Recent Virtualbox
- Linux hardware enablement stack kernel (3.8)
Some weird changes can happen in Vagrant file
Say that you want to put master commits in debian (vagrant-debian-7-wheezy64) branch:
git merge --no-commit --no-ff -e origin/master
Verify and discard or merge any changes to Vagrantfile:
git diff --cached Vagrantfile
git show origin/vagrant-debian-7-wheezy64>Vagrantfile git add Vagrantfile
2 ways merge:
git show origin/master>Vagrantfile.a git show origin/vagrant-debian-7-wheezy64>Vagrantfile vimdiff Vagrantfile.a Vagrantfile git add Vagrantfile
commit && push the result:
git commit && push