Open the Cloud Shell, type BASH
If not in cloud shell, do az login first)
az group create -n $resourcegroup -l $location
Get the ObjectID of your current user
objectid=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId)
echo $objectid
Set the parameters for the template deployment
Deploy the template
curl -o template.json $url
az group deployment create -g $resourcegroup -n azseclab --template-file template.json --parameters userObjectId=$objectid --parameters sqlservername=$sqlservername
When the paw-1 VM is up and running, connect to it via the Azure Portal
- RDP username = wsadmin
- password = p@ssword1rocks
Disconnect, now you can proceed with LAB EXERCISE #1
In the paw-1 VM, download the repo in ZIP format
Execute the PortScanner.ps1 script with Windows Powershell as admin, with the unrestricted execution policy. (NOTE: The Notepad++ link is currently broken)
az group delete -n $resourcegroup