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Site Descriptors Project |
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Problem: Tracking publications associated with a field station or site is difficult. There is no clear or standard way to cite field station descriptions.
Proposal: Create individual, citable “publications” with associated persistent identifiers for each field station (more generically called a “site”). Collect these publications in a central location.
- Can be used to describe any site used for research. Examples include field stations, marine labs, sampling sites, collection locations, instrument locations, laboratory facilities, etc..
- Each publication gets a DOI
- Descriptions can be updated periodically. Updates = versions. Can’t edit existing document; must submit new one. Can use same DOI for single site though.
- Can be exported as EML XML or as human-readable PDF
- Format
- Standardized, structured description of site - metadata fields, plus supplementary material such as images, descriptive blurbs, etc.
- Decisions for each field: what it’s called, whether it’s mandatory, whether it has limited responses, how it maps to datacite, how it maps to EML
- See Site Descriptor Content Spreadsheet for more information/example
Collect these Site Descriptors in the general use DataONE repository, ONEShare. The user interface will be a new instance of the existing UC3 Dash service (under development) with some modifications for Site Descriptors.
- Example from NRS: metadata submitted to KNB; got a DOI
- Web page from Sierra Nevada field station:
- OBFS online directory:
- OBFS map with link to field station websites:
- SiteDB from LTER:
- LTER sites descriptions: