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GitHub Action

GitHub Action for Firebase


GitHub Actions for Firebase

This Action for firebase-tools enables arbitrary actions with the firebase command-line client.

If you want a more flexible implementation, an early version of a rewrite is available here: setup-firebase that allows you to choose node and java version and run more than one command.


  • args - Required. This is the arguments you want to use for the firebase cli


* response - The full response from the firebase command current run (Will most likely require a grep to get what you want, like URLS)

Response has been removed for now as it caused loads of issues in the bash script

Environment variables

  • GCP_SA_KEY - Required if FIREBASE_TOKEN is not set. A normal service account key (json format) or a base64 encoded service account key with the needed permissions for what you are trying to deploy/update.

    • Since the service account is using the App Engine default service account in the deploy process, it also needs the Service Account User role.
    • If deploying functions, you would also need the Cloud Functions Developer role.
      • If the deploy has scheduled functions, include the Cloud Scheduler Admin role.
      • If the deploy requires access to secrets, include the Secret Manager Viewer role.
      • If updating Firestore Rules, include the Firebase Rules Admin role.
      • If the project is using Blocking functions (beforeCreate or beforeSignin) , include the Firebase Functions Admin role.
    • If updating Firestore Indexes, include the Cloud Datastore Index Admin role.
    • If deplying Hosting files, include the Firebase Hosting Admin role.
    • For more details:
  • FIREBASE_TOKEN - Required if GCP_SA_KEY is not set. This method will soon be deprecated, use GCP_SA_KEY instead. The token to use for authentication. This token can be aquired through the firebase login:ci command.

  • PROJECT_ID - Optional. To specify a specific project to use for all commands. Not required if you specify a project in your .firebaserc file. If you use this, you need to give Viewer permission roles to your service account otherwise the action will fail with authentication errors.

  • PROJECT_PATH - Optional. The path to the folder containing firebase.json if it doesn't exist at the root of your repository. e.g. ./my-app.

  • CONFIG_VALUES - Optional. The configuration values for Firebase function that would normally be set with firebase functions:config:set [value]. Example: CONFIG_VALUES: stripe.secret_key=SECRET_KEY zapier.secret_key=SECRET_KEY.


To authenticate with Firebase, and deploy to Firebase Hosting:

name: Build and Deploy
      - master

    name: Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@master
      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Build
        run: npm run build-prod
      - name: Archive Production Artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
          name: dist
          path: dist
    name: Deploy
    needs: build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@master
      - name: Download Artifact
        uses: actions/download-artifact@master
          name: dist
          path: dist
      - name: Deploy to Firebase
        uses: w9jds/firebase-action@master
          args: deploy --only hosting
          FIREBASE_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FIREBASE_TOKEN }}


          GCP_SA_KEY: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}

If you have multiple hosting environments you can specify which one in the args line. e.g. args: deploy --only hosting:[environment name]

If you want to add a message to a deployment (e.g. the Git commit message) you need to take extra care and escape the quotes or the YAML breaks.

          args: deploy --message \"${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}\"

Alternate versions

Starting with version v2.1.2 each version release will point to a versioned docker image allowing for hardening our pipeline (so things don't break when I do something dump). On top of this, you can also point to a master version if you would like to test out what might not be deployed into a release yet by using something like this:

  name: Deploy to Firebase
  uses: docker://w9jds/firebase-action:master
    args: deploy --only hosting


The Dockerfile and associated scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.


If you decide to do seperate jobs for build and deployment (which is probably advisable), then make sure to clone your repo as the Firebase-cli requires the firebase repo to deploy (specifically the firebase.json)