Plivo SMS
This action can be applied to your workflow and will enable you to send an SMS in any scenario you wish.
- A Plivo Account. Sign up for free
- A Plivo Auth_ID and Auth_Token
Set up your credentials as secrets in your repository settings using
Add the following to your workflow
- name: 'Sending SMS Notification'
uses: plivo/action-sms@v1
fromPhoneNumber: ${{ secrets.FROM_NUMBER }}
toPhoneNumber: ${{ secrets.TO_NUMBER }}
message: '💡There has been new release to ${{ github.repository }}'
Required The Phone number in your Plivo account to send SMS from, which is stored as secret and can also be hardcoded.
Required The phone number to which SMS must be sent, is stored as a secret and can also be hardcoded.
Required The text message you want to send.
Required A Plivo Auth ID. To be stored in secret or as an environment variable.
Required A Plivo Auth Token. To be stored in secret or as an environment variable.
Plivo returns a JSON response acknowledging the message.
MessageResponse {
apiId: 'de46ab04-b21d-11eb-80f8-0242ac110006',
message: 'message(s) queued',
messageUuid: [ 'de485472-b21d-11eb-80f8-0242ac110006' ]
This GitHub Action uses a couple of Node.js modules to work.
License and other copyright information for each module are included in the release branch of each action version under node_modules/{module}
More information for each package can be found at{package}
Plivo SMS is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.