Releases: marticliment/UniGetUI
WingetUI 3.0.1
Important note: WingetUI will soon become UniGetUI. Please see #1900 for more details
- Fixed an issue where some parts of the interface would not adapt to WingetUI's theme, becoming il·legible
- Fixed an issue where updating scoop packages would incorrectly report an error
- Fixed an issue where running an operation as administrator would fail
- Fixed an issue where some NPM packages wouldn't render correctly
- Fixed an issue where enabling parallel installs for a specific manager wouldn't work
- Package sorting is handled in a more visible way
- Accessibility improvements
- Fixed broken characters on Command-Line outputs
- Fixed an issue where successful operations would disappear from the list when set to not disappear automatically
- Fixed scoop sources not being listed
- Improvements in winget sources reset script
- More efficient handling of WebView objects
- The Interface will now adapt better to wider window sizes
- Other general improvements and fixes
New Contributors
- @mvaneijken made their first contribution in #1940
- @SpaceTimee made their first contribution in #1957
- @Schtenk made their first contribution in #1962
Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.0.1
SHA256: dabf9a8115e8cf4f3dab56a61b69d354fbfeb5eaacdd50e96be9c2597b0691fe
WingetUI 3.0.0
Important note: WingetUI will soon become UnigetUI. Please see #1900 for more details
WingetUI has been redesigned entirely. WingetUI is now built with WinUI3 on top of .NET 8. This redesign brings not only a brand new interface, but also an improved backend. The major highlights are:
- Smoother, more responsive interface. Aesthetics and accessibility have been greatly improved.
- The backend has been improved. Packages now load faster and more reliably, providing a more straight-forward experience.
- Importing and exporting packages got a big upgrade: Lists of packages can now be opened, edited and exported again. A new Package Bundles section has been added to the interface.
WingetUI has been redesigned from scratch, therefore, this upgrade brings tons of other improvements and new features that are not going to be listed here. You can check the full changelog or download WingetUI 3.0.0 and start experiencing the best WingetUI ever right now
New Contributors
- @Pandoriaantje made their first contribution in #1687
- @yrjarv made their first contribution in #1744
- @Malus-risus made their first contribution in #1813
- @dave-sc made their first contribution in #1875
Full Changelog: 2.2.0...3.0.0
SHA256 [reuploaded]: 4ca18c9c2ec2c8b309f897b2cb99ebfcb76b9eb6e09da2f43b092bf67467b47d
WingetUI 3.0.0 Beta 1
WingetUI 3.0.0 Beta 0
WingetUI 3.0.0 Alpha 2
Main changes since Alpha 1
- Upgraded .NET 6.0 to .NET 8.0. The binary size has been decreased in 60mb
- Added support for the background api, featuring
- Compatibility with receiving shared packages
- Compatibility with WingetUI Widgets
- WingetUI won't crash with file pickers anymore when ran as administrator
- Added the built-in autoupdater
- Minor scoop, chocolatey and winget improvements
- Minor interface improvements
- Other bug fixes
WingetUI 3.0 Alpha 1
Main changes since Alpha 0
- Addes Importing and exporting packages feature, now renamed to Package Bundles
- Bundles can now be edited
- Packages can now be added one (or multiple) at a time. No need to bulk-select all of them
- Bundles can be exported as XML (in addition to already existing JSON and YAML) too.
- Package backups do work now
- Sources can be added and removed
- Package details will show.
- Fix crashes and improve overall program
WingetUI 3.0 Alpha 0
This is the first release of the brand-new WingetUI, based on C#.NET + WinUI3.
This release contains the base WingetUI application, completely rewritten from scratch.
However, the following features are NOT available yet:
- Importing and exporting packages
- Installed package backups
- Package tags
- Adding and removing sources (installed sources are listed)
- The API that communicates with WingetUI Widgets
- The API that allows WingetUI to open when a package was shared to you (you can still share packages)
- Viewing package details (The interface works, but it will show no data).
- WingetUI ran as administrator will crash when opening a File/Folder picker
- The built-in WingetUI autoupdater. You may want to subscribe to this repository to get notified when a new release is available.
The rest of features are expected to work as they did on WingetUI 2.2.0 and prior.
This beta release may be unstable. It is not intended to be daily-driven.
WingetUI 2.2.0
- WingetUI does now support PowerShell Gallery, the 7th Package Manager.
- Added Support for WingetUI Widgets, a set of widgets for the Windows Widgets pane that will ease installing available package updates.
- Installation options will be saved for each package, so they do not need to be reapplied on each install/update
- Exporting packages has been reworked:
- Installation options will be saved next to the package list.
- Ignored updates and skipped versions will also be exported
- Package lists can now be exported in YAML or JSON formats.
- WingetUI can now backup your installed packages automatically.
- Chocolatey and PowerShell do now support multiple sources. Winget and Scoop sources mechanisms have been improved.
- Add Romanian as a supported language
- Added the ability to uninstall, then update packages
- Added the ability to reinstall packages from the Installed Packages tab
- WingetUI source code is more modular, partially detaching the interface from the Package Engine. This will allow for further interface improvements.
- Integrity checker is now more powerful and reaches more WingetUI files.
- Ignored packages and skipped versions will be now stored on human-readable, JSON files.
- Minor improvements on the sharing interface
- Prerelease packages can now be installed with a simple toggle from the details tab.
- Install location can be customized for Winget packages.
- Improvements to the Interface API (Widgets and Share)
- A new WebView Wrapper has been added in order to show Release Notes and Help articles
- Save cached files under AppData\Local\WingetUI instead of under .wingetui
- Improvements in operation logs
- General interface improvements
- Better handling for when .NET Framework is not installed
- Improvements in the Settings Tab
- Tons of other under-the-hood improvements and fixes
What's Changed
- Several improvements to Spanish translation. by @uKER in #1488
- Improvements by @panther7 in #1468
- Add [CustomMessages] in Inno Setup and icon by @mapi68 in #1478
- Account for cases where the user has a PowerShell profile by @Carterpersall in #1506
- Fixed search translation strings on multiline by @panther7 in #1517
- Fix for Accent Color Change Theme bug by @raghavdhingra24 in #1524
- Add widgets API by @marticliment in #1572
- Fix Steam and Uplay by @ppvnf in #1590
- Add custom WebView2 wrapper to show help articles by @marticliment in #1588
- Digitally sign DLL files by @marticliment in #1591
- Change ignore file format to json by @FrecksterGIT in #1500
- Improve Import/Export capabilities by @marticliment in #1592
- Universal manager-source handling interface by @marticliment in #1619
- Readme: Make install through Winget command more specific by @tomasz1986 in #1634
- Structure WingetUI as a module by @marticliment in #1633
- Add Powershell Gallery support by @marticliment in #1639
New Contributors
- @uKER made their first contribution in #1488
- @mapi68 made their first contribution in #1478
- @Carterpersall made their first contribution in #1506
- @FrecksterGIT made their first contribution in #1500
- @tomasz1986 made their first contribution in #1634
Full Changelog: 2.1.1...2.2.0
SHA256: 3b496d294d378a648e5880a20351a6f10875f3a6aee71c1068300dde3041aa86
WingetUI 2.2.0 beta (2.1.2-beta3)
ℹ️ This is the third beta release after WingetUI 2.1.1, and WingetUI 2.1.2 has not been released. It will be WingetUI 2.2.0 instead
Reduced changelog
- Added PowerShell Gallery support.
- Package Managers are dynamically loaded in the Welcome Wizard and in the Commandline generator
- Interface backend improvements.
- The integrity checked has been improved a lot.
- The way on which WingetUI is packaged has changed. WingetUI is more modular.
Full Changelog: 2.1.2-beta2...2.2.0-beta
WingetUI 2.1.2 Beta 2
Reduced changelog
- Added the new Release Notes tab. The page currently shown is a test page.
- Improvements in the web wrapper
- Downgraded PyInstaller to 5.9.0 and Python to 3.11.3 (prevent WingetUI from being flagged as a virus)
- Reworked source support for Managers
- Settings interface is now automatically generated (for the package managers only)
- Lots of bugfixes and improvements
Full Changelog: 2.1.2-beta...2.1.2-beta2