The configuration should always have the same name for the flag in wsl
as the
key name in the golangci-lint
documentation. For example if you run local
installation you should be able to use --allow-cuddle-declarations
and if
you're using golangci-lint
the golangci.yaml
configuration should look like
allow-cuddle-declarations: true
The following configuration is available. Click each header to jump to the rule description.
Controls if the checks for slice append should be "strict" in the sense that it will only allow these assignments to be cuddled with variables being appended.
Default value: true
Required when true:
x := []string{}
y := "not going in x"
x = append(x, "not y")
x = append(x, y)
Supported when false:
x := []string{}
y := "not going in x"
x = append(x, "not y")
z := "string"
x = append(x, "i don't care")
Controls if you may cuddle assignments and calls without needing an empty line between them.
Default value: true
Supported when true:
x := GetX()
x = AssignAgain()
Required when false:
x := GetX()
x = AssignAgain()
Controls if you may cuddle assignments and anything without needing an empty line between them.
Default value: false
Supported when true:
if x == 1 {
x = 0
z := x + 2
y := "x"
Required when false:
if x == 1 {
x = 0
z := x + 2
y := "x"
Controls if you may cuddle assignments even if they span over multiple lines.
Default value: true
Supported when true:
assignment := fmt.Sprintf(
"I span over", "multiple lines"
assignmentTwo := "and yet I may be cuddled"
assignmentThree := "this is fine"
Required when false:
assignment := fmt.Sprintf(
"I span over", "multiple lines"
assignmentTwo := "so I cannot be cuddled"
assignmentThree := "this is fine"
This option allows whitespace after each comment group that begins a block.
Default value: false
For example,
func example() string {
// comment
return fmt.Sprintf("x")
func example() string {
// comment
// comment
return fmt.Sprintf("x")
become legal, as the whitespace after (or between) each comment block doesn't count against whitespace before the first actual statement.
Can be set to force trailing newlines at the end of case blocks to improve readability. If the number of lines (including comments) in a case block exceeds this number a linter error will be yielded if the case does not end with a newline.
Default value: 0 (never force)
Supported when set to 0:
switch n {
case 1:
case 2:
fmt.Println("no newline")
case 3:
case 4:
Required when set to 2:
switch n {
case 1:
fmt.Println("must have")
fmt.Println("empty whitespace")
case 2:
fmt.Println("might have empty whitespace")
case 3:
fmt.Println("might skip empty whitespace")
case 4:
Controls if you're allowed to cuddle multiple declarations. This is false by
default to encourage you to group them in one var
block. One major benefit
with this is that if the variables are assigned the assignments will be
Default value: false
Supported when true:
var foo = 1
var fooBar = 2
Required when false:
var (
foo = 1
fooBar = 2
Controls if blocks can end with comments. This is not encouraged sine it's usually code smell but might be useful do improve understanding or learning purposes. To be allowed there must be no whitespace between the comment and the last statement or the comment and the closing brace.
Default value: false
Supported when true
if true {
// See ya later!
if false {
// Multiline OK
if 1 == 1 {
This is also fine!
So just comment awaaay!
Enforces that an if
statement checking an error variable is cuddled with the line that assigned that error variable.
Default value: false
Supported when false:
err := ErrorProducingFunc()
if err != nil {
return err
Required when true:
err := ErrorProducingFunc()
if err != nil {
return err
Enforces that an assignment which is actually a short declaration (using :=
is only allowed to cuddle with other short declarations, and not plain
assignments, blocks, etc. This rule helps make declarations stand out by
themselves, much the same as grouping var
Default value: false
Supported when false:
a := 1
a = 2
err := ErrorProducingFunc()
if err != nil {
return err
Required when true:
a := 1
a = 2
err := ErrorProducingFunc()
if err != nil {
return err
Note: this means the option overrides the force-err-cuddling option above, among others.