A postgres database with semver extension is needed. Using abrt/postgres-semver
image is recommended.
docker run -p 5432:5432 -v /var/tmp/data:/var/lib/pgsql/data -e POSTGRESQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=scrt --name db -dit postgres-semver
Running FAF is as simple as:
docker run --name faf -dit -e PGHOST=$(DB_IP) -e PGUSER=faf -e PGPASSWORD=scrt -e PGPORT=5432 -e PGDATABASE=faf -p 8080:8080 faf-image
However you also probably want to mount volumes to /var/spool/faf
not to lose
FAF's data.
docker run --name faf -dit -v /var/lib/faf-docker/faf:/var/spool/faf -e PGHOST=$(DB_IP) -e PGUSER=faf -e PGPASSWORD=scrt -e PGPORT=5432 -e PGDATABASE=faf -p 8080:8080 faf-image
Then FAF is ready for use.
You can see incoming reports in webUI. It is accessible on http://<container_IP>:8080/faf
Finding out container IP address:
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' faf
Also to send reports into your own FAF, you have to set up libreport on all
machines, from with you wish to report into your own FAF. To do so, set up
URL = http://<container_IP>:8080/faf
in /etc/libreport/plugins/ureport.conf
New containers come with fully working and configured FAF (on top of basic configuration Fedora releases are added, caching is disabled, and FAF accepts unknown components).
To run any FAF action, please run them as faf user.
docker exec faf faf <action> <arguments>
cd faf/docker
make build
to build from copr
make build_local
to build from currently checked out github branch
make build_db
to build database
For easier using and debugging you can use also:
make run
to run copr version of FAF
make run_local
to run git version of FAF
make sh
to jump into bash in the container
make del
to remove faf container
'make run_db' to run database