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Model validation and performance analysis status for Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit

Public models

Image classification

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
alexnet + + + + +
anti-spoof-mn3 + - - - -
caffenet + + + + +
convnext-tiny + - - - -
densenet-121 + + + + +
densenet-121-caffe2 + + - + -
densenet-121-tf + + - + +
densenet-161 - + + + -
densenet-161-tf - + - - -
densenet-169 - + + + -
densenet-169-tf - + - + -
densenet-201 - + + + -
densenet-201-tf - + - - -
dla-34 + + - -* -
efficientnet-b0 + + - + +
efficientnet-b0_auto_aug - + - + -
efficientnet-b0-pytorch + + - + +
efficientnet-b5 - + - + -
efficientnet-b5-pytorch - + - + -
efficientnet-b7_auto_aug - + - + -
efficientnet-b7-pytorch - + - + -
efficientdet-d0-tf - - - - -
efficientdet-d1-tf - - - - -
googlenet-v1 + + + + +
googlenet-v1-tf + + - + +
googlenet-v2 + + + + +
googlenet-v2-tf + + - + +
googlenet-v3 + + + + +
googlenet-v3-pytorch + + - + +
googlenet-v4 - + + - -
googlenet-v4-tf + + - + +
hbonet-0.25 + + - -* +
hbonet-0.5 - - - - -
hbonet-1.0 + + - - -
inception-resnet-v2 - + + -* -
inception-resnet-v2-tf + + - + +
mixnet-l + + - -* -
mobilenet-v1-0.25-128 + + + + +
mobilenet-v1-0.50-160 - + + + -
mobilenet-v1-0.50-224 - + + + -
mobilenet-v1-1.0-224 + + + + +
mobilenet-v1-1.0-224-tf + + - + +
mobilenet-v2 + + + + +
mobilenet-v2-1.0-224 + + - + -
mobilenet-v2-1.4-224 + + - + -
mobilenet-v2-pytorch + + - + +
mobilenet-v3-large-1.0-224-tf + + - + +
mobilenet-v3-small-1.0-224-tf + + - + +
mobilenet-v3-small-1.0-paddle + - - - -
nfnet-f0 + + - - -
octave-densenet-121-0.125 - + - + -
octave-resnet-101-0.125 - + - + -
octave-resnet-200-0.125 - + - + -
octave-resnet-26-0.25 + + - + +
octave-resnet-50-0.125 - + - + -
octave-resnext-101-0.25 - + - + -
octave-resnext-50-0.25 - + - + -
octave-se-resnet-50-0.125 - + - + -
open-closed-eye-0001 + + - -* -
regnetx-3.2gf + + - - -
repvgg-a0 + + - - -
repvgg-b1 + + - - -
repvgg-b3 + + - - -
resnest-50-pytorch + - - - -
resnet-101 - called resnet-v1-101 + - -
resnet-152 - called resnet-v1-152 + - -
resnet-18-pytorch + + - + +
resnet-34-pytorch + + - -* +
resnet-50 - called resnet-v1-50 + - -
resnet-50-caffe2 - + - + -
resnet-50-pytorch + + - + +
resnet-50-tf + + - + +
rexnet-v1-x1.0 + + - - -
se-inception + + + + +
se-resnet-101 + + + + -
se-resnet-152 + + + + -
se-resnet-50 + + + -* +
se-resnext-101 + + + -* -
se-resnext-50 + + + -* +
shufflenet-v2-x0.5 + + - - -
shufflenet-v2-x1.0 + + - - -
squeezenet1.0 + + + + +
squeezenet1.1 + + + + +
squeezenet1.1-caffe2 - + - + -
t2t-vit-14 + + - - -
vgg16 + + + + +
vgg19 + + + + +
vgg19-caffe2 + + - + -

Semantic segmentation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
deeplabv3 + + + + +
drn-d-38 + - - - -
erfnet + - - - -
hrnet-v2-c1-segmentation + - - - -
fastseg-large + - - - -
fastseg-small + - - - -
pspnet-pytorch + - - - -
ocrnet-hrnet-w48-paddle + - - - -

Instance segmentation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
mask_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco + + - -* -
mask_rcnn_inception_v2_coco - + - -* -
mask_rcnn_resnet101_atrous_coco - + - - -
mask_rcnn_resnet50_atrous_coco + + - -* -
yolact-resnet50-fpn-pytorch + - - - -

3D segmentation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
brain-tumor-segmentation-0001 + there is no data - - -
brain-tumor-segmentation-0002 + there is no data - - -

Object detection

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
ctpn + there is no data - - -
ctdet_coco_dlav0_384 - - - - -
ctdet_coco_dlav0_512 + - - - -
detr-resnet50 + - - - -
efficientdet-d0-tf + - - - -
efficientdet-d1-tf + - - - -
faceboxes-pytorch + - - - -
face-detection-retail-0044 + - - - -
faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco + + - -* -
faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco - + - -* -
faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco - + - -* -
faster_rcnn_resnet50_coco + + - -* -
mobilefacedet-v1-mxnet + - - - -
mobilenet-ssd (ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco) + + + + +
mobilenet-yolo-v4-syg + - - - -
mtcnn + pipeline - - -
nanodet-m-1.5x-416 + - - - -
nanodet-plus-m-1.5x-416 + - - - -
pelee-coco + + + -* +
retinanet-tf + + - -* +
rfcn-resnet101-coco-tf + - - - -
ssd300 + + + + +
ssd512 + + + + +
ssdlite_mobilenet_v2 + - - - -
ssd_mobilenet_v1_fpn_coco + + + + +
ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco + + + + -
ssd-resnet34-1200-onnx + - - - -
ssd_resnet50_v1_fpn_coco + + + + -
ultra-lightweight-face-detection-rfb-320 + - - - -
ultra-lightweight-face-detection-slim-320 + - - - -
vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0123 + - - - -
yolo-v1-tiny-tf + + - + +
yolo-v2-tiny-tf + + - + +
yolo-v2-tf + + - + +
yolo-v3-tiny-tf + - - - -
yolo-v3-tiny-onnx + - - - -
yolo-v3-tf + + - -* +
yolo-v4-tiny-tf + - - - -
yolo-v4-tf + - - - -
yolof + - - - -
yolox-tiny + - - - -

Face recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
facenet-20180408-102900 + there is no data - - -
face-recognition-resnet100-arcface-onnx + - - - -
Sphereface + + - -* -

Human pose estimation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
higher-hrnet-w32-human-pose-estimation + - - - -
human-pose-estimation-3d-0001 + - - - -
single-human-pose-estimation-0001 + - - - -


Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
fcrn-dp-nyu-depth-v2-tf + - - - -
midasnet + - - - -

Image inpainting

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
gmcnn-places2-tf + - - - -
hybrid-cs-model-mri + - - - -

Style transfer

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
fast-neural-style-mosaic-onnx + - - - -

Action recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
common-sign-language-0001 + - - - -
i3d-rgb-tf + - - - -


Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
colorization-siggraph + - - - -
colorization-v2 + - - - -

Sound classification

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
aclnet + - - - -
aclnet-int8 + - - - -

Speech recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
mozilla-deepspeech-0.6.1 + - - - -
mozilla-deepspeech-0.8.2 + - - - -
quartznet-15x5-en + - - - -
wav2vec2-base + - - - -

Image translation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
cocosnet + - - - -

Object recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4)
license-plate-recognition-barrier-0007 + - - -

Place recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
netvlad-tf + - - - -

Debluring models

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
deblurgan-v2 + - - - -

JPEG artifacts removal models

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
fbcnn + - - - -

Salient object detection

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
f3net + - - - -

Text prediction models

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
gpt-2 + - - - -

Text recognition models

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
text-recognition-resnet-fc + - - - -
vitstr-small-patch16-224 + - - - -

Text to speech models

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
forward-tacotron + - - - -
wavernn + - - - -

Named entity recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
bert-base-ner + - - - -

Face Localization

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
retinaface-resnet50-pytorch + - - - -

Vehicle reidentification

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
vehicle-reid-0001 + - - - -

Intel models

Weld recognition model

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
weld-porosity-detection-0001 + - - - -

Object detection

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
faster-rcnn-resnet101-coco-sparse-60-0001 + - - - -
face-detection-0100 - + - - -
face-detection-0102 - + - - -
face-detection-0104 - + - - -
face-detection-0105 - + - - -
face-detection-0106 - - - - -
face-detection-adas-0001 + + + + +
face-detection-adas-binary-0001 - + - - -
face-detection-retail-0004 + + + + +
face-detection-retail-0005 + + + + +
face-detection-0200 + - - - -
face-detection-0202 + - - - -
face-detection-0204 + - - - -
face-detection-0205 + - - - -
face-detection-0206 + - - - -
person-detection-retail-0002 + + - + +
person-detection-retail-0013 + + + + +
person-detection-action-recognition-0005 + + - + +
person-detection-action-recognition-0006 + + - + +
person-detection-action-recognition-teacher-0002 + + - + +
person-detection-raisinghand-recognition-0001 + + - -* +
person-detection-0200 + - - - -
person-detection-0201 + - - - -
person-detection-0202 + - - - -
person-detection-0203 + - - - -
person-detection-0301 + - - - -
person-detection-0302 + - - - -
person-detection-0303 + - - - -
person-detection-0106 + - - - -
pedestrian-detection-adas-0002 + + + + +
pedestrian-and-vehicle-detector-adas-0001 + + + + +
vehicle-detection-adas-0002 + + + + +
vehicle-detection-0200 + - - - -
vehicle-detection-0201 + - - - -
vehicle-detection-0202 + - - - -
person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-0078 + + + + +
person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016 + + + + +
person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-yolov3-1020 + - - - -
person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 + - - - -
person-vehicle-bike-detection-2001 + - - - -
person-vehicle-bike-detection-2002 + - - - -
person-vehicle-bike-detection-2003 + - - - -
person-vehicle-bike-detection-2004 + - - - -
vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106 + + + -* -
product-detection-0001 + + - + +
person-detection-asl-0001 + + - - -
yolo-v2-ava-0001 + + - + +
yolo-v2-ava-sparse-35-0001 + + - + +
yolo-v2-ava-sparse-70-0001 + + - + +
yolo-v2-tiny-ava-0001 + + - + +
yolo-v2-tiny-ava-sparse-30-0001 + + - + +
yolo-v2-tiny-ava-sparse-60-0001 + + - + +
yolo-v2-tiny-vehicle-detection-0001 + - - - -
smartlab-object-detection-0001 + - - - -
smartlab-object-detection-0002 + - - - -
smartlab-object-detection-0003 + - - - -
smartlab-object-detection-0004 + - - - -

Object recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
age-gender-recognition-retail-0013 + + + + +
emotions-recognition-retail-0003 + there is no data - - -
facial-landmarks-35-adas-0002 + + + + -
gaze-estimation-adas-0002 + + - + +
head-pose-estimation-adas-0001 + + + + +
license-plate-recognition-barrier-0001 + + - + +
vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039 + there is no data - - -
vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042 + - - - -
emotions-recognition-retail-0003 + there is no data (AffectNet) - - -
landmarks-regression-retail-0009 + + + + +
facial-landmarks-98-detection-0001 + - - - -
facial-landmarks-35-adas-0002 + + + + +
person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0230 + + + + +
person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0234 + - - - -
person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0238 + - - - -
vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039 + there is no data - - -
vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042 + - - - -


Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
gaze-estimation-adas-0002 + + - + -
face-reidentification-retail-0095 + + - + +
person-reidentification-retail-0277 + - - - -
person-reidentification-retail-0286 + - - - -
person-reidentification-retail-0287 + - - - -
person-reidentification-retail-0288 + - - - -

Semantic segmentation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
road-segmentation-adas-0001 + + + + +
semantic-segmentation-adas-0001 + + + + +
unet-camvid-onnx-0001 + + - -* -
icnet-camvid-ava-0001 + + - -* -
icnet-camvid-ava-sparse-30-0001 + + - -* -
icnet-camvid-ava-sparse-60-0001 + + - -* -

Instance segmentation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
instance-segmentation-security-0002 + - - - -
instance-segmentation-security-0010 - + - - -
instance-segmentation-security-0050 - + - - -
instance-segmentation-security-0083 - + - - -
instance-segmentation-security-0091 + - - - -
instance-segmentation-security-0228 + - - - -
instance-segmentation-security-1025 - + - - -
instance-segmentation-security-1039 + - - - -
instance-segmentation-security-1040 + - - - -
instance-segmentation-person-0007 + - - - -

Human pose estimation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
human-pose-estimation-0001 + + - + +
human-pose-estimation-0005 + - - - -
human-pose-estimation-0006 + - - - -
human-pose-estimation-0007 + - - - -

Image processing

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
single-image-super-resolution-1032 + + - + +
single-image-super-resolution-1033 + + - + +
text-image-super-resolution-0001 + there is no data - - -

Text detection

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
text-detection-0003 + there is no data (ICDAR) - - -
text-detection-0004 + there is no data (ICDAR) - - -
horizontal-text-detection-0001 + - - - -

Text recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
text-recognition-0012 + there is no data (ICDAR) - - -
text-recognition-0014 + - - - -
text-recognition-0015 + - - - -
text-recognition-0016 + - - - -
handwritten-score-recognition-0003 + there is no data - - -
handwritten-japanese-recognition-0001 + there is no data (HANDS-nakayosi_t-98-09, HANDS-kondate-14-09-01) - - -
handwritten-simplified-chinese-recognition-0001 + - - - -
handwritten-english-recognition-0001 + - - - -
formula-recognition-medium-scan-0001 + - - - -
formula-recognition-polynomials-handwritten-0001 + - - - -

Text spotting

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
text-spotting-0005 + pipeline - - -
text-spotting-0005-detector - pipeline - - -
text-spotting-0005-recognizer-decoder - - - - -
text-spotting-0005-recognizer-encoder - - - - -

Action recognition

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
driver-action-recognition-adas-0002-decoder + (driver-action-recognition-adas-0002) + - -* -
driver-action-recognition-adas-0002-encoder + (driver-action-recognition-adas-0002) + - -* -
action-recognition-0001-decoder + (action-recognition-0001) + - -* -
action-recognition-0001-encoder + (action-recognition-0001) + - -* -
asl-recognition-0004 + - - - -
common-sign-language-0002 + - - - -
weld-porosity-detection-0001 + - - - -

Image retrieval

Model Availability in OMZ (2021.10.19) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
image-retrieval-0001 + + - -* +

Compressed models

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
resnet18-xnor-binary-onnx-0001 + + - -* +
resnet50-binary-0001 + - - - -

Question answering

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-0001 + - - - -
bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001 + - - - -
bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-emb-0001 + - - - -
bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-0001 + - - - -
bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-0002 + - - - -
bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0002 + - - - -
bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-emb-int8-0001 + - - - -

Machine translation

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
machine-translation-nar-en-ru-0001 + - - - -
machine-translation-nar-ru-en-0001 + - - - -
machine-translation-nar-de-en-0002 + - - - -
machine-translation-nar-en-de-0002 + - - - -

Text to speech

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
text-to-speech-en-0001 + - - - -
text-to-speech-en-multi-0001 + - - - -

Speech noise suppression

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
noise-suppression-poconetlike-0001 + - - - -
noise-suppression-denseunet-ll-0001 + - - - -

Time series forecasting

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
time-series-forecasting-electricity-0001 + - - - -

Action sequence modeling

Model Availability in OMZ (2022.12.01) Availability in the validation table Availability in the html table (R3) Availability in the html table (2021.4) Availability in the html table (2022.1)
smartlab-sequence-modelling-0001 + - - - -
smartlab-sequence-modelling-0002 + - - - -
smartlab-action-recognition-0001-encoder-side + - - - -
smartlab-action-recognition-0001-encoder-top + - - - -
smartlab-action-recognition-0001-decoder + - - - -

* "-*" in the column "Availability in the html table..." means that the model was checked but there is no in the performance table.

Models for the further checking

Intel models

  1. asl-recognition-0004
  2. bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-0001
  3. bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-0002
  4. bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-emb-int8-0001
  5. bert-small-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0002
  6. bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-emb-0001
  7. bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-int8-0001
  8. bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-squad-fp32-0001
  9. common-sign-language-0002
  10. faster-rcnn-resnet101-coco-sparse-60-0001
  11. face-detection-0200
  12. face-detection-0202
  13. face-detection-0204
  14. face-detection-0205
  15. face-detection-0206
  16. facial-landmarks-98-detection-0001
  17. faster-rcnn-resnet101-coco-sparse-60-0001
  18. formula-recognition-medium-scan-0001
  19. formula-recognition-polynomials-handwritten-0001
  20. handwritten-simplified-chinese-recognition-0001
  21. handwritten-english-recognition-0001-0001
  22. horizontal-text-detection-0001
  23. human-pose-estimation-0005
  24. human-pose-estimation-0006
  25. human-pose-estimation-0007
  26. instance-segmentation-person-0007
  27. instance-segmentation-security-0002
  28. instance-segmentation-security-0091
  29. instance-segmentation-security-0228
  30. instance-segmentation-security-1039
  31. instance-segmentation-security-1040
  32. machine-translation-nar-de-en-0002
  33. machine-translation-nar-en-de-0002
  34. machine-translation-nar-en-ru-0001
  35. machine-translation-nar-ru-en-0001
  36. noise-suppression-poconetlike-0001
  37. noise-suppression-denseunet-ll-0001
  38. person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0234
  39. person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0238
  40. person-detection-0106
  41. person-detection-0200
  42. person-detection-0201
  43. person-detection-0202
  44. person-detection-0203
  45. person-detection-0301
  46. person-detection-0302
  47. person-detection-0303
  48. person-reidentification-retail-0277
  49. person-reidentification-retail-0286
  50. person-reidentification-retail-0287
  51. person-reidentification-retail-0288
  52. person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000
  53. person-vehicle-bike-detection-2001
  54. person-vehicle-bike-detection-2002
  55. person-vehicle-bike-detection-2003
  56. person-vehicle-bike-detection-2004
  57. person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-yolov3-1020
  58. smartlab-object-detection-0001
  59. smartlab-object-detection-0002
  60. smartlab-object-detection-0003
  61. smartlab-object-detection-0004
  62. smartlab-sequence-modelling-0001
  63. smartlab-sequence-modelling-0002
  64. smartlab-action-recognition-0001-encoder-side
  65. smartlab-action-recognition-0001-encoder-top
  66. smartlab-action-recognition-0001-decoder
  67. text-recognition-0012
  68. text-recognition-0014
  69. text-recognition-0015
  70. text-recognition-0016
  71. text-to-speech-en-0001
  72. text-to-speech-en-multi-0001
  73. time-series-forecasting-electricity-0001
  74. vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042
  75. vehicle-detection-0200
  76. vehicle-detection-0201
  77. vehicle-detection-0202
  78. weld-porosity-detection-0001
  79. resnet50-binary-0001
  80. text-spotting-0005
  81. yolo-v2-tiny-vehicle-detection-0001

Public models

  1. aclnet
  2. aclnet-int8
  3. anti-spoof-mn3
  4. bert-base-ner
  5. cocosnet
  6. colorization-siggraph
  7. colorization-v2
  8. common-sign-language-0001
  9. ctdet_coco_dlav0_384
  10. ctdet_coco_dlav0_512
  11. deblurgan-v2
  12. detr-resnet50
  13. drn-d-38
  14. efficientdet-d0-tf
  15. efficientdet-d1-tf
  16. erfnet
  17. fbcnn
  18. f3net
  19. faceboxes-pytorch
  20. face-detection-retail-0044
  21. face-recognition-resnet100-arcface-onnx
  22. fastseg-large
  23. fastseg-small
  24. fast-neural-style-mosaic-onnx
  25. fcrn-dp-nyu-depth-v2-tf
  26. forward-tacotron
  27. gmcnn-places2-tf
  28. gpt-2
  29. higher-hrnet-w32-human-pose-estimation
  30. human-pose-estimation-3d-0001
  31. hybrid-cs-model-mri
  32. i3d-rgb-tf
  33. license-plate-recognition-barrier-0007
  34. midasnet
  35. mobilefacedet-v1-mxnet
  36. mobilenet-yolo-v4-syg
  37. mobilenet-v3-small-1.0-paddle
  38. mozilla-deepspeech-0.6.1
  39. mozilla-deepspeech-0.8.2
  40. nanodet-m-1.5x-416
  41. nanodet-plus-m-1.5x-416
  42. netvlad-tf
  43. ocrnet-hrnet-w48-paddle
  44. pspnet-pytorch
  45. quartznet-15x5-en
  46. resnest-50-pytorch
  47. retinaface-resnet50-pytorch
  48. rfcn-resnet101-coco-tf
  49. single-human-pose-estimation-0001
  50. ssdlite_mobilenet_v2
  51. ssd-resnet34-1200-onnx
  52. text-recognition-resnet-fc
  53. ultra-lightweight-face-detection-rfb-320
  54. ultra-lightweight-face-detection-slim-320
  55. vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0123
  56. vehicle-reid-0001
  57. vitstr-small-patch16-224
  58. wav2vec2-base
  59. wavernn
  60. yolact-resnet50-fpn-pytorch
  61. yolo-v3-tiny-tf
  62. yolo-v3-tiny-onnx
  63. yolo-v4-tiny-tf
  64. yolo-v4-tf
  65. yolof
  66. yolox-tiny