You'll need to download the Go binary to build and test this application.
You may also need to follow the user guide in the to obtain the Google service account to interact with the API with your locally built app.
git clone mathisve/gdrive-upload-action
You may want to run the tests before you start development, and make sure all tests are passing.
go test -v
You can build the app locally with either go run main.go
or go build .
The go run
method is very useful during development, as you can make sure
new or altered functionality works end-to-end.
In order for the githubactions.GitInput functions to work, you'll need to
export the needed env variables. E.g if using a direnv .envrc
export INPUT_ENCODED=true
export INPUT_CREDENTIALS=...some-base64-service-account-json...
export INPUT_FOLDERID=...some-gdrive-folder-id...
Then, run the app, and examine the output
go run main.go
::debug::Creating file in folder 1cPZfHTv4Btz-wazqowfEPurP4Ede_zyv