$ node node_modules/@nrwl/cli/bin/nx.js generate @nrwl/angular:library --name=<name_of_the_lib> --directory=<name_of_the_feature> --prefix=<desired_prefix> --skipFormat --style=scss --routing --lazy --unitTestRunner=jest --linter=eslint --no-interactive
in <name_of_lib>.module.ts add
imports: [OhterModules, TranslateModule.forChild()],
declarations: [...],
exports: [...],
add folder ./libs/path/to/your/lib/src/assets
with files for every language to support and fill it with content
"projects": {
"reciptor": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "./libs/path/to/your/lib/src/assets/i18n",
"output": "./assets/i18n/name-of-your-lib/"
add the output
-path defined in angluar.json
to the MultiHttpLoader in app.module.ts
of the app.
export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient) {
return new MultiTranslateHttpLoader(http, [
{ prefix: './assets/i18n/', suffix: '.json' }, // the translations of the app
{ prefix: './assets/i18n/name-of-your-lib/', suffix: '.json' },
add tags to the definition of the lib in nx.json
You should add a tag for the type and the scope of the lib. Possible values for type
- type:feature
- type:ui
- type:data-access
- type:util
Possible values for scope
- scope:reciptor
- scope:shared
for example here is the entry for the lib shared-ui-header
"projects": {
"shared-ui-header": {
"tags": [