- Create a herd
- Publish herd listing to public directory
- Create a secret herd - accessible via secret herd-word
- Call to a herd
- Edit / Delete call
- Respond to a call
- Edit / Delete Response
- Upvote / downvote a call
- Integrate agent profiles
- Manage / View Agent profile
- Restrict herd names to all-lowercase, no-spaces, underscores (temporily disabled)
- Upvote / downvote an comments
- Sort posts by votes, descending
- Hide Posts / Comments with vote count < 0
- Save secret herd-word to your private chain
- Threaded responses (responses to responses)
- Sort responses by vote count within their own thread level
- Filter content displayed in a herd based on DNA properties
- Allowlist / blocklist of authoring agents
- Allowlist / blocklist of reshared herds
- Allowlist / blocklist of post types
- Enable / disable voting on posts by type
- Enable / dsiable voting on comments
- Posts list sorting / filtering for herd perspective
- Repeat post at The Watering Hole
- Repeat post to another herd you are a member of
- Repeat post to another agent directly
- Permalinks to posts (sharable via traditional web)
- Define various participation expectations of members via DNA properties
- Witnesses review other members activity in the herd and publish warrants if they don't meet participation requirements
- Zome for registering / defining participation rules. Rules can be stacked together.
- A few example participation rules
- Min/Max posts of type by agent per timeperiod
- Min/Max votes by agent per timeperiod or
- Min/Max votes per post (i.e. 1 vote each, or spread your votes among posts
- Min/Max comments by agent per timeperiod
- Min/Max comments by agent on posts of given type, per time period
- Real-time indicatiors of activity occuring within a herd
- Resize herd name based on herd size
- Graph UX to display posts shared between herds
- Agent-side filtering of herds displayed: herd size, activity, other members, participation rules