All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- added new bulkReplace trait entity GraphQL endpoint, for use via python API, among other things
- support for auth-less setups
- technical frontend:
- added option for exporting issues as CSV and Excel
- (breaking): added ConfigureServices() to plugin registration interface
- upgrades to dbup-postgresql to support cluster configurations
- fixed various issues with startup and Quartz scheduler handling
- implemented ciChanges field for changeset in graphql-API
- upgrade to .Net 7.0
- reworked JSON polymorphic handling
- removed partitioning of attribute and relation tables
- (breaking) removed OIA feature
- (breaking) removed deprecated attribute fields for changesets in GraphQL API
- implemented fetching latest relevant changesets per CI
- added prioritites for CLB and validator jobs
- GenericJSONIngest:
- allow IDMatching with null-attribute values, remove issue
- added options for duplicate-relation-handling
- added IDMethodAttributeExists
- relatedCIFilter for trait entities
- implemented updateSingleByFilter GraphQL mutation #270
- added healthchecks for quartz schedulers
- added docker based healthcheck, delegating to HTTP healthcheck
- implemented deleteMultipleByCIID_* GraphQL mutation
- implemented bulk replace for trait entities GraphQL mutation
- improved odata backend: support expand, even nested
- implemented usage tracking for graphql operations
- implemented trait entity filtering for integer-typed attributes, supporting exact matching only
- technical frontend:
- added functionality for deleting issues
- added proper loading animations to various screens
- improved handling of graphql errors
- by default, only show first 10 items in attribute value array, expand on user request
- reworked plugin loading to be more resilient and work better with plugin dependencies
- removed special API for manage_odatacontexts and replaced it with regular trait entity API
- removed predicates (predicate-IDs stay) #193
- improved handling of default values for optional trait attributes #264
- performance improvements using dataloader for changeset-data
- deprecation of dataID related GraphQL fields
- rework of array handling for attribute values, increasing performance
- lots of library updates in backend and frontend
- fixed #266
- bugfix when graphql queries contain __typename subfield in traitEntities field
- technical frontend:
- proper (html) titles to all pages
- management UI for viewing running jobs
- re-create trait-centric graph rendering with Cytoscape
- visualization frontend for relations
- visualization of read-write graph
- issues, including:
- technical frontend/UI
- ingests produce issues
- internal traits
- archiving of outdated issues
- validators, including:
- technical frontend/UI for validator contexts
- validators producing issues
- authz filters, including:
- interfaces
- implementation and usage throughout all outward-facing APIs
- moved layer based authz into new filter-based concept
- GraphQL API:
- trait entity filtering for non-set attributes
- trait entities: more complete handling for upserting trait relations
- exactOtherCIID relation filter for trait entities
- upsertSingleByFilter for trait entities
- traitEntities: deleteSingleByFilter
- filteredSingle trait entities API
- fields for reading permitted layers from auth-role
- support for filtering of trait-hinted trait relations
- trait entity filtering for boolean attributes
- API for fetching all readable and writable layers
- configuration option for defining AuthorityForFrontend
- support for trait hints for relations in code-based traits
- ingest:
- RawJsonIngest endpoint that ingests pre-prepared JSON structures
- attribute value type boolean
- attribute value type for datetime
- support for multi-mutation-single-request
- support for changeset data
- support for basic authentication for odata contexts
- updated and implemented perf-tests, integrated into CI/CD pipeline
- performance improvements to latest tables via indices
- improvements to how old changesets are removed
- technical frontend:
- moved manage menu item to the right
- updated react-virtuoso
- improvements for effective trait view
- split layer statistics loading from operations in layer management view
- upgraded react to 18.2.0
- upgraded apollo client to 3.6.9
- upgraded antd to 4.22.4
- upgraded react-router-dom to 5.3.3
- upgraded graphiql to 1.11.5
- upgraded ag-grid to 27.3.0
- (breaking) Reworked CLB plugin interface to include IssueAccumulator
- upgraded npgsql to 6.x
- removed requirement that a layer must be empty before import
- made plugin loading retry to enable loading of plugins with dependencies on other plugins
- performance improvement for removing attributes: using CTEs
- performance improvement for updating attributes: using CTEs
- performance improvement for CIID lookup by IDs for generic trait entities
- performance improvements for GenericTraitEntities
- moved plugin OKPluginCLBNaemonVariableResolution into its own repository
- improved swashbuckle docs generation
- switched CLBs to local scheduler
- (breaking): various REST API changes
- performance improvement for odata navigation fetching
- fixed issue in EdmModel creation when trait hint refers to non-existant trait
- performance improvements to LayerStatisticsModel
- improved error message for ArchiveOldDataJob
- fix for wrongly named Generic-JSON-Ingest context CI
- (breaking) Ingest: added configurable setting for SameTempIDHandling
- implemented new CLB: OKPluginCLBNaemonVariableResolution
- technical frontend:
- added prettyfying of JSON attribute values in editor
- enabled text selection for all manage ag grid crud tables
- implemented and use JSONCellEditor for clBrainConfig editing
- added default sort order for multiple management tables
- implemented toggle for visibility for all layers
- sort effective traits in CI view, fixes #209
- removed keycloak workaround, improved graphql error handling
- improved origin popup
- small improvement to attribute value array UI
- improved layer icon popovers
- visual improvements to relations lists
- trait entities: implemented support for singular trait relations
- usage stats: added operation column
- new graph visualization: based on usage data and layer-centric
- CLBs:
- (breaking) changed CLB interface
- (breaking) renamed CLBs
- reworked CLBs to use different user per instance
- reworked CLB scheduling to run CLBs asynchronously and in parallel
- implemented CLBLastRunCache writing/reading into database instead of in-memory
- scheduling:
- split into local and distributed scheduler
- made quartz distributed instance id configurable
- big performance improvement for trait entities
- split CI/CD pipeline into frontend and backend
- fixed issue with long-running CLBs
- bugfix in trait entity for singular trait relation that is null/empty
- technical frontend:
- bugfix when managing predicates
- fixed bug with non-updating layersetting, fixes #157
- (breaking) reworked odata support based on trait entities
- initial version of insight-discovery-ingest plugin
- generic-json-ingest: implemented SameTargetCIHandling feature
- technical frontend:
- added usage stats interface
- added usage stats tracking for attribute-names and relation-predicates
- (breaking) reworked usage-stats to include layer-ID per element and removed layer stats type
- improved error handling of generic-json-ingest
- improved CLB logging
- technical frontend:
- (breaking) migrated /auth prefix of keycloak URL from hard coded value into env variable
- update keycloak-js to 18.0.0
- migrated configuration for odata contexts into new data-based form
- performance improvements: added relation selection based on from/to + relationIDs and use throughout codebase
- GraphQL API:
- (breaking) reworked trait relation mutations: modifying trait relations are now separate methods and not part of the trait entity mutations anymore, allowing more fine-grained control
- (re-)added possibility to insert relations when inserting new trait entity
- implemented trait-hints for trait relations to simplify typed access to related CIs with traits
- added support for relation-based filters
- added NonNullGraphType wrapper for certain trait entity attribute fields
- added GraphQL GET endpoint
- technical frontend:
- implementation of visualization frontend plugin
- implementation of double attribute value type; closes #189
- implemented basic application health check
- implemented system-test infrastructure and initial test cases; added system-tests to ci/cd pipeline
- implemented attribute selection for name+value filters
- added ComputeLayer config to core traits
- GraphQL API:
- dataloader-related performance improvements and restructurings
- (breaking) removed min- and max-cardinality from trait relations
- big performance improvement changes to trait entity filtering
- technical frontend:
- removed trait select filters for empty and meta @ ci search
- rework of frontend plugin management and infrastructure
- updated to .Net 6.0
- replacement of Newtonsoft.Json with System.Text.Json throughout the codebase
- performance improvements to JSON attribute value handling
- disabled OData support for now
- switched to smaller alpine based docker image for backend container
- updated SpanJSON to latest version
- updated Graphql-Dotnet to 5.1.0
- removed obsolete REST API endpoints
- performance improvement and memory improvement to GenericJsonIngest ingest
- lots of improvements to JSON handling in various levels
- fixed memory leak related to ModelContexts and using them in GraphQL resolvers
- fixed bug in trait entity GraphQL mutations where errors would still commit the data to the database
- added layer based authz checks for multiple graphQL queries and mutations
- fix for #59
- bugfix for trait entities: updating-by-CIID and deleting-by-CIID had no effect because database transaction was not commited
- GraphQL API:
- (breaking) implemented regex options for trait entity attribute filtering
- initial version of visualization plugin
- support for masking of attributes and relations
- GraphQL API:
- implemented trait entity filtering for text attributes by regex and exact
- trait entities API: implemented ability to set CI name in mutations
- implemented automatic reload of trait entities GraphQL schema; fixes #173
- implemented default behavior for Trait Entities to make it look for matching CIs based on IDs only if it can't find a complete entity
- implemented "OtherLayersValueHandling", which allows the Trait Entity mutation APIs to skip attribute/relation writes if the data already exists in other layers. This means that data is not needlessly duplicated.
- implementation and integration of plugin OKPluginVariableRendering; made part of variant
GraphQL API:
- (breaking) improved GraphQL API for (recursive) traits
- added safety checks to trait entity mutations
technical frontend:
- implemented tree for traits in CI search view
- small improvements to traits view
- store layer settings in local storage
- added copy buttons for various elements, including CIIDs and changeset-IDs
- improvements to search result list
- updated several dependencies, including graphql, ant-design, apollo, react and keycloak-js
high availability:
- (breaking) switched from hangfire to Quartz for job scheduling
- removed distributed memory cache
- removed latest layer caching
lots of code refactorings, including areas:
- completely reworked and simplified mutations in Attribute- and Relation Model
- tests
bumped various libraries to their latest versions
reduced chattiness of CLBJob logger
Made PassiveFilesController of GenericJSONIngest properly report its logging category, including context; fixes #174
- fixed regression bug causing attribute deletions to occur for generated attributes on every bulk update
- bugfix for parsing JSON as string from GraphQL API
- bugfix for cross-request user spilling; fixes #172
- Technical frontend:
- bugfix when removing all generators from layer config
- fixed issue with auth role permission UI; fixes #171
- bugfixes related to UsageTrackingService, Disposal and Autofac
- improved caching/locking mechanisms of ICurrentUserService implementations
- bugfix in data loader related to effective traits
- bugfix related to masking in BulkUpdate() when removing attributes
- bugfix for naming conventions of trait entities
- bugfix regarding trait entity relations
- GraphQL API:
- implemented transition from mergedCI to trait entity
- added API for fetching latest change(set) for a trait entity
- technical frontend:
- improved search UI: only search on button click, various layout improvements
- (breaking) changed graphql field for attribute value to lowercase
- (breaking ) switched from ElementType to ElementWrapperType when accessing trait entities from ci in GraphQL API
- removed migration scripts for latest tables and layer data, removed old layer_* db tables
- some hangfire stability improvements (hopefully)
- technical frontend:
- fixed rtl texts with special characters (attribute names, trait-IDs)
- restart functionality in backend through REST API and frontend through management interface
- implemented querying and mutating of relations through GraphQL API for trait entities
- bumped versions of backend libraries:
- NuGet.Frameworks from 5.8.0 to 6.0.0
- GraphQL from 4.6.1 to 4.7.1
- GraphQL Playground from 4.3.0 to 5.2.0
- removed protobuf dependency
- reduced loglevel of UsageDataWriterRunner
- removed graphql playground in production environment
- added permission check for readable layers when performing generic JSON ingest
- bugfix for race condition on trait entity initialization
- Initial implementation of GraphQL API for trait entities:
- custom type-safe types for all traits
- querying all/singleByCIID/singleByDataID
- mutations: upsert and remove
- unsupported: mutating trait relations
- Big refactoring to the way trait entities and generic trait entities are handled in code
- Generic JSON ingest plugin:
- improved features on how to do ID matching: union/intersect nested matching, more matching options
- improved performance, logging and error handling
- GraphQL query for effective traits: did not return optional trait attributes properly
- ability to change layer description
- (breaking) migrated layer-data from dedicated database tables into meta-config layer structure
- (breaking) changed GraphQL API for creating layers and layer-data
- technical frontend: changed layer modification UI in management
- technical frontend: improved layer drawer visualization
- improved hangfire concurrent job handling
- performance improvement: per-request caching of traits
- technical frontend: layer drawer line break bug
- usage tracking for generators
- switched hangfire backend from memory backed to postgres
- database: added unique constraint that ensures that per changeset and layer, only a single change can be made to each attribute/relation
- GraphQL server: implemented possibility for graphql resolver of effective traits (of CI) to specify traitIDs
- technical frontend: switched default empty-trait search behavior to "may" instead of "must not"
- performance improvements: graphql-fetching EffectiveTraits of CIs -> fetching only relevant attribute from database
- performance improvements: getting latest layer change
- moved long-running archive old data default interval to once per day
- better console output formatting
- give hangfire jobs IDs so that the are properly stoppable; remove existing hangfire jobs on startup
- internal changes and work to support attribute masks
- technical frontend: nginx bugfix for URLs containing a period
- GraphQL server: when not selecting mergedAttributes, querying effectiveTraits only ever returned the __named effectiveTrait
Internal release
- (breaking) implemented functionality for CLBs to skip their run under certain circumstances: when all of their dependent layers have not change since their last run
- technical frontend: gridview: added full text search field to grid
- technical frontend: show CI name in changeset view for attributes
- technical frontend: check latest layer update time in layer statistics
- performance improvements: per-request caching of various often-needed data such as layers and meta configuration
- (breaking) rework of CI diffing GraphQL API
- added option to CI diffing: cross CI diffing for comparing 2 different CIs with each other
- (breaking) support for optionally referenced attributes in generators. The decision whether or not a generator creates an attribute for a CI is made by the generator template: if it evaluates to
, no attribute is generated.
- build process for backend
- (potential breaking) upgrade to .Net 5.0
- (breaking) reworked GraphQL API for CI diffing
- ability for plugins to define their own GraphQL queries and mutations
- performance improvement to maintenance task of archiving unused attributes/relations
- technical frontend: fixed wrong badge counts for added and removed attributes in changeset view
- fixed CI diffing GraphQL resolve error
- generic JSON Ingest: graceful error handling for missing relation ends
- better handling of x-forwarded-proto in certain environments (nginx SSL frontloading+docker)
- implemented bulk replace for trait entities
- added support for historical querying of layers
- technical frontend: bugfix for error when editing generators in layer management
- bugfix for swagger API generation error related to AuthRedirectController
- initial implementation of usage stats tracking for effective traits, layers and auth-roles
- implementation of GenericTraitEntities and usage of them for all core traits such as base configuration, predicates and traits themselves
- added support for tuples as ID for GenericTraitEntities
- initial implementation of attribute value type "mask"
- implemented CI diffing in backend, offered GraphQL interface, made technical frontend differ use backend implementation
- added REST endpoint /.well-known/openid-configuration to help clients with authentication
- gridview: support for ag-grid enterprice license (via environment variable)
- gridview: support for copy/paste (when using ag-grid enterprise)
- gridview: support for excel export (when using ag-grid enterprise)
- performance improvements to CI search
- performance improvements to relation querying
- performance improvements to attribute mutations: use postgres copy inserts
- performance improvements when querying MergedCIs
- performance improvements to Generic JSON Ingest
- marked some REST APIs obsolete, prefer GraphQL use instead
- usage of Autofac DI instead of Core DI, removed scrutor
- technical frontend: fixed performance issues in various parts of the frontend when displaying larged numbers of attributes/relations/changesets/CIs
- fixed order of layers in layerStack array when returned by GraphQL
- re-added display of stacktrace in GraphQL error response objects
- technical frontend: inreased CLBrain Config cell editor maximum length
- gridview: bugfix for [not-set] issue
- lots of smaller bugfixes
- Breaking change: split meta- and base-configuration; made base-configuration a CI inside of ok-config layer(s)
- Option (via environment variable) to add AgGrid enterprise license, which enabled enterprise-only features in the gridview
- An __okconfig layer is now automatically created on startup if it does not exist AND is set as meta-config layer
- support for exporting specific layers in layer export feature
- switched to SpanJson for performance intense JSON (de-)serializations: GraphQL and Gridview data query
- performance improvements to LayerStatisticsModel
- bugfixes for CI search regarding empty trait
- bugfix when building latest tables in omnikeeper ramp-up
- performance improvements to archiving data runner
- implemented configurable compute layers
- performance improvements for querying attributes via GraphQL
- removed CompactCI and distinction between that and FullCI; there's now only one more CI class throughout the code base
- simplified GraphQL query schema for querying CIs
- implemented data loader support for fetching effective traits for CIs via GraphQL
- frontend: added dashboard, showing overall omnikeeper instance statistics
- implemented Generators! See the documentation for an introduction
- added support for selecting specific attributes when querying CIs
- performance improvements when searching for CIs with traits
- performance improvement for archiving/deleting unused and empty CIs
- simplified (Base)AttributeModel by a lot
- removed Attribute- and Relation-State, simplified datamodel
- layer export: generated attributes are not exported anymore
- bugfix in CI search regarding empty trait
- lots of small bugfixes
- gridview: support for columns from related CI attributes via
. F.e, specifysourceAttributePath: [">", "runs_on"]
in addition tosourceAttributeName
to show attribute of CI related via a forward relation with predicateruns_on
- implemented layer importing and exporting
- frontend: added GraphiQL playground
- frontend: improved layer operations view
- frontend: added breadcrumb navigation throughout frontend, removed back buttons
- big performance improvements when fetching CIs using large list of selected ciids by using CTEs (common table expressions) instead of Postgres arrays
- big performance improvements by introducing dataloader for GraphQL, batching database calls together
- performance improvements for various data fetching methods
- performance improvements and memory improvements in data ingest
- performance improvements for effective trait calculations
- split relations into outgoing and incoming relations in both backend, frontend and GraphQL API
- gridview: introduced proper column IDs instead of relying on attribue name being unique
- frontend: reduced network traffic when performing CI searches
- bugfixes in data ingest code
- frontend: fixed layout issues
- bugfix in gridview frontend when having a context column with a dot (".") in it
- bugfix in frontend: long names in CI search result list are now properly cut off
- big performance improvements to attribute and relations fetching due to introduction of *-latest caching tables
- performance improvements to attribute fetching due to inversion of CIIDSelection, when feasible
- performance improvements to traits fetching
- performance improvements to CI search when specifying traits
- performance improvements to changeset in timerange fetching
- resolving of dependent traits is now consistent and its order is documented
- selection of what constitutes outdated attributes and relations for archiving purposes was wrong, fixed now
- traits can now have optional relations
- instance-local caching for effective traits, providing a speedup for all usecases using traits
- added code functionality to get CI(s) with a trait that ALSO have a certain attribute, including attribute-value
- lots of documentation improvements and updates
- added automated tests
- integrated automated tests into CICD pipeline
- technical frontend: implemented trait view
- technical frontend: added badges to various tabs, showing the number of items inside
- technical frontend: reworked effective trait view for CI
- technical frontend: reordered main menu items
- reworked archiving/deletion of outdated data (attributes/relations/changesets)
- made automated tests runnable via command line (
dotnet test
- fixed bug in PartitionModel regarding timezones
- fixed ansible inventory scan test
- configuration option for PII
- configuration option for authentication option ValidateIssuer
- validation of various elements' IDs, so that they follow the naming rules: traits, predicates, ...
- validation Plugin, still PoC status and lots of work to be done
- big rework of TraitConfigData handling
- reworked generic JSON ingest plugin to use omnikeeper data for its own configuration
- reworked grid view to use omnikeeper data for its own configuration
- removed predicate constraints
- rework of Plugin Traits
- technical frontend: fix non-working diffing tool when viewing traits
- technical frontend: fixed hardcoded timeranges for changeset queries
- missing roles key in token now produces warning, not exception
- updated jwtbearer library, fixing vulnerability