- Prevent Visitors from Viewing our MD and TXT Files
- Sitemap Plugin fixes
- Default Theme - update jQuery to v2.1.3
- Default Theme - update Twitter Bootstrap to v3.3.5
- Default Theme - remove IE9 Support
- Date format for blog posts and pages - Fixed
- Added {php}{/php} tags for inline php code
- Default Theme Fav Icon fixes
- Sitemap Plugin fixes
- Morfy fixes
- Default Theme fixes
- New method generateToken() - Generate and store a unique token which can be used to help prevent CSRF attacks.
- New method checkToken() - Check that the given token matches the currently stored security token.
- New method cleanString() - Sanitize data to prevent XSS (Cross-site scripting)
- Default Theme - Improvements
- Morfy Filters - Closure support added.
- Default Theme - Fixes
- Default Theme - Improvements
- Initial release