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Working from source

Marcus Brummer edited this page Oct 22, 2016 · 5 revisions


To get started you need the following tools

  • JDK 8
  • One of the following IDEs: IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, Eclipse or NetBeans
  • Kotlin plugin for your IDE
  • Gradle
  • Git

Getting the sources

If you just want to experiment with the sources all you have to do is clone the repository:

git clone

If you want to contribute to the project you have to follow this this guide.

Building from the command line

Gradle is used as build tool. You should always use the Gradle wrapper, which is included in the project.


To build and run the editor execute this command from source directory:

./gradlew editor:run

If you want to build en executable jar file, do this:

./gradlew editor:distEditor

You will find the jar in editor/build/libs/

LibGDX Runtime

To build the libGDX runtime do this:

./gradlew editor:distRuntime

You will find the jar in libgdx-runtime/build/libs

IntelliJ IDEA / Android Studio

The recommended IDE is IntelliJ IDEA (community edition is sufficient) or Android Studio. You also need the Gradle and Kotlin plugins installed. To import the project go to File > New > Import Project and select the folder, containing Mundus.

Change the view to 'Project'. You should now see 3 modules imported (commons, editor & libdx-runtime) With the project imported you can set your default gradle task to editor:run to build and run the project every time you hit the green run button.

Eclipse, NetBeans

These IDEs sould work as well as long as they have Kotlin & Gradle plugins.
But seriously, you should use IDEA.


Mundus Editor

LibGDX runtime

Mundus Development

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