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mCODE Extraction Framework

A Node.js framework for extracting mCODE FHIR resources. All resources are profiled per the mCODE v1.16.0 R4 FHIR Implementation Guide

Table of Contents



npm install --save git+

Framework Usage

There are various extractors, modules, and helper functions exposed by the framework that can be imported and used in your project. The framework also exposes a logger designed for outputting log statements to the console during extraction. The framework's exports can be seen in the index.js file.

Each extractor exposes an asynchronous get function that will return a bundle of extracted mCODE data.

// Example
const { CSVCancerDiseaseStatusExtractor, logger} = require('mcode-extraction-framework');

// Instantiate extractor with base URL and any additional request headers
const cancerDiseaseStatusExtractor = new CSVCancerDiseaseStatusExtractor({ filePath: 'path-to-csv' });

(async () => {'Extracting primary disease status data');
  const primaryDiseaseStatusBundle = await cancerDiseaseStatusExtractor.get({ mrn: 'some-mrn' });

Client Usage

The framework also contains the MCODEClient which has registered all of the extractors in this repo. Once you have exported CSV data and updated your configuration file, use the mCODE Extraction client by running the following:

npm start -- [options]

To see all the options that can be used with the mCODE client, run the following:

npm start -- --help

First Time User Guide

To run the mCODE Extraction Client you must have:

  1. A CSV file at data/patient-mrns.csv that contains a list of all MRN's to be extracted;
  2. CSV files containing the patient data to transform into mCODE data;
  3. A configuration file that points to your data and provides additional information.

CSV File Formats: Steps 1 & 2

CSV data for each extractor is expected in the data directory. The CSV schema for each data element is located in docs. The two patient CSV files below are necessary for the client to run.

Examples files for these extractor can be found in the test/sample-client-data directory. Files there provide examples of the values that are expected in each column, but they are not based on any real patient data.

Configuration Files: Step 3

After exporting your CSV files to the data directory, kickstart the creation of a configuration file by renaming the provided csv.config.example.json to csv.config.json. Then, ensure the following configuration parameters are properly set:

  1. patientIdCsvPath should correspond to an absolute file path to a CSV file containing MRN's for relevant patients;
  2. commonExtractorArgs.dataDirectory should correspond to an absolute path to the dataDirectory containing all your exported CSV files;
  3. For each extractor, fileName should correspond to the file name this extractor should be reading from. Note: combining the dataDirectory above and fileName should resolve to a file on disk containing this corresponding extractor's data;

Note: Previous versions of the MEF suggested using a filePath property for each extractor; while this property should still work without issue, the recommended approach is to use a common dataDirectory for all CSV files and to have each Extractor call out the name of the CSV file they need.

For instructions on setting up an email notification trigger whenever an error is encountered in extraction, see the Email Notification section below.

Configuration Deep Dive

Each deployment of the mCODE Extraction Client needs a configuration file. This file will specify basic information that every run will use. The configuration file can live in the config directory or any directory you prefer. An illustrative example file can be found in config/csv.config.example.json.

To specify which patients the client should extract data for, the configuration file must point to a CSV file containing MRNs for each patient. The format for this file can be found here. An example of this file can be found in test/sample-client-data/patient-mrns.csv.

Each extractor uses various methods to gather data and format that data into mCODE profiled resources. The observation extractor formats data into a general FHIR R4 profile. Extractors may require additional configuration items that can be specified in the configuration file.

Post-extraction mapping can be enabled by including a file named mapper.js in the config folder which exports resourceMapping and variables. For more information about defining mappers see documentation for the FHIR Mapper

Email Notification

The mCODE Extraction Client supports sending an email using the SMTP protocol when there are errors during data extraction. The connection to the SMTP server is considered authenticated from the start. Currently, there is no support for providing authentication information separately through configuration.

In order to send an email, users must specify the hostname or IP address of an SMTP server to connect to and the email addresses to send the email to. Optionally, users can specify the port to connect to and the email address to send from. These fields must be specified in the notificationInfo object in the configuration file. Below is more information on each field that can be specified. Further information can be found in the nodemailer documentation for the SMTP transport and message configuration.

  • host: <string> The hostname or IP address of an SMTP server to connect to
  • port: <number> (Optional) The port to connect to (defaults to 587)
  • to: <string[]> Comma separated list or an array of recipients email addresses that will appear on the To: field
  • from: <string> (Optional) The email address of the sender. All email addresses can be plain '[email protected]' or formatted '"Sender Name" [email protected]' (defaults to [email protected], which cannot receive reply emails)
  • tlsRejectUnauthorized: <boolean> (Optional) A boolean value to set the node.js TLSSocket option for rejecting any unauthorized connections, tls.rejectUnauthorized. (defaults to true)

An example of this object can be found in config/csv.config.example.json.

If the notificationInfo object is provided in configuration, an email will be sent using the specified options if any errors occur during data extraction. If any required field is missing in the object (host or to), an email cannot be sent. If you prefer to not have an email sent even if errors occur, you can choose to not include the notificationInfo object in your configuration file.

Logging Successful Extractions

Whenever the mCODE Extraction Client successfully runs with the --entries-filter flag, a log is kept of the given date range of the extraction. The default location of the log is in a logs directory in a file called run-logs.json. If there is no log file at that location, the file will be created the first time the user runs the program with the --entries-filter flag.

Users can specify a different location for the file by using the --run-log-filepath <path> CLI option. Users will need to create this file before running the mCODE Extraction Client with --entries-filter and a date range. Initially, this file's contents should be an empty array, []. For example:

npm start -- --entries-filter --from-date YYYY-MM-DD --to-date YYY-MM-DD --run-log-filepath path/to/file.json

Masking Patient Data

Patient data can be masked within the extracted Patient resource. When masked, the value of the field will be replaced with a Data Absent Reason extension with the code masked. Patient properties that can be masked are: genderAndSex, mrn, name, address, birthDate, language, ethnicity, race, telecom, multipleBirth, photo, contact, generalPractitioner, managingOrganization, and link. To mask a property, provide an array of the properties to mask in the constructorArgs of the Patient extractor. For example, the following configuration can be used to mask address and birthDate:

  "label": "patient",
  "type": "CSVPatientExtractor",
  "constructorArgs": {
    "fileName": "patient-information.csv"
    "mask": ["address", "birthDate"]

Alternatively, providing a string with a value of all in the constructorArgs of the Patient extractor will mask all of the supported properties listed above. The following configuration can be used to mask all properties of the Patient resource, rather than listing each individual property:

  "label": "patient",
  "type": "CSVPatientExtractor",
  "constructorArgs": {
    "fileName": "patient-information.csv"
    "mask": "all"

Extraction Date Range

The mCODE Extraction Client will extract all data that is provided in the CSV files by default, regardless of any dates associated with each row of data. It is recommended that any required date filtering is performed outside of the scope of this client.

If for any reason a user is required to specify a date range to be extracted through this client, users must add a dateRecorded column in every relevant data CSV file. This column will indicate when each row of data was added to the CSV file. Note that this date does not correspond to any date associated with the data element.

Note that some resources should always be included and should not be filtered out with a dateRecorded column and date. For example, every extraction should extract patient information to a Patient resource, so no dateRecorded column should be provided in a CSV that contains the Patient information.

CLI From-Date and To-Date (NOT recommended use)

If any filtering on data elements in CSV files is required, the entries-filter option must be used. The remaining instructions in this section assume this flag is provided.

If a from-date is provided as an option when running the mCODE Extraction Client, it will be used to filter out any data elements that are recorded before that date based on the dateRecorded column in the CSV files. If a to-date is provided as an option, it will be used to filter out any data elements that are recorded after that date based on the dateRecorded column in the CSV files. If no to-date is provided, the default is today. If no from-date is provided, the mCODE Extraction Client will look to a run log file (details above) to find the most recent run and use the to-date of that run as the from-date for the current run, allowing users to only run the extraction on data elements that were not included in previous runs. If there are no previous run times logged, a from-date needs to be provided when running the extraction when the entries-filter option is provided. If the entries-filter option is not provided, any from-date and to-date options will be ignored, none of the data elements will be filtered by date, and a successful run will not be logged since there is no specified date range. An example running the client with the from-date and to-date is as follows:

npm start -- --entries-filter --from-date <YYYY-MM-DD> --to-date <YYYY-MM-DD> --config-filepath <path>


NULL/NIL values found and replaced with empty-strings

When CSV files are provided containing NULL/NIL values, those values are treated as empty values and are translated into ''. Each Extractor, however, defines a set of unalterableColumns which will be immune from this NULL/NIL correction. All values that are corrected will produce a debug-level message, and can be seen by running the extractor with the debug flag set.

Byte Order Markers in CSV Files

The extraction client has built-in handling of byte order markers for CSV files in UTF-8 and UTF-16LE encodings. When using CSV files in other encodings, if you experience unexpected errors be sure to check for a byte order marker at the beginning of the file. One way to check is to run the following command from the command line:

cat -v <file.csv>

If there is an unexpected symbol at the beginning of the file, then there may be a byte order marker that needs to be removed.

Troubleshooting Additional Errors

The mCODE Extraction Framework uses the node csv-parse library to parse specified CSV files. Parsing options for the csv-parse library can be included in the configuration file within the commonExtractorArgs.csvParse.options section. For example, the following configuration will pass the to option to the csv-parse module, causing the mCODE Extraction Framework to only read CSV files up to the specified line number:

"commonExtractorArgs": {
    "dataDirectory": "/Users/*****/Documents/dataDirectory",
    "csvParse": {
      "options": {
        "to": 3

Note: The mCODE Extraction Framework enables the bom, skip_empty_lines, and skip_lines_with_empty_values options by default, including these options in the configuration file will cause these default options to be overwritten.

Terminology and Architecture

This framework consists of three key components: Extractors, Modules and Templates. Below is, in order:

  1. A glossary of what components of the mCODE Extraction Framework refer to;
  2. A high-level explanation of how those components connect;


Image detailing exact definitions of what is meant by Client, Extractor, Module and Template

High Level Diagram

High-level architecture diagram, detailing exactly how Clients, Extractors, Modules, Templates and various web services communicate with one another

These diagrams can be modified by updating the XML files in the /docs/diagrams/ directory using or a company licensed equivalent.


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.