यही तो गलती है, I care about people.
This is exactly my mistake, I care about people. 😢
Once upon in time in the holy pilgrimage of Govind Bhawan canteen, the Lord said these divine words to the God of frontend development Mohit Virli, in response to Virli's statement, "I don't give a fuck what people think."
Next साल, HSoC + GSoC भी निकल जाएगा.
Next year, I will successfully complete both HSoC and GSoC.
Once upon a time in the temple-lab of IMG, the Lord said these words to the demigod of terrible jokes, Rhea. This was after he had recently received inner peace after a summer of turmoil. Seems easy for the Lord.
[continuously updated]
Tranlated to English for all the people who do not understand Hindi (really hoping for a multinational audience), by the devout disciple of the Lord, Dhruv, of house Bhanushali, first of his name.