Explode CSV rows into multiple ones by splitting selected cell using the pipe
character ("|") or any separator given to the --sep flag.
This is conceptually the inverse of the "implode" command.
For instance the following CSV:
Can be exploded on the "colors" column:
$ xan explode colors --singular file.csv > exploded.csv
To produce the following file:
Note finally that the file can be exploded on multiple well-aligned columns (that
is to say selected cells must all be splitted into a same number of values).
xan explode [options] <columns> [<input>]
xan explode --help
explode options:
--sep <sep> Separator to split the cells.
[default: |]
-S, --singular Drop a final "s" if present in the exploded column names.
Does not work with -r, --rename.
-r, --rename <name> New names for the exploded columns. Must be written
in CSV format if exploding multiple columns.
See 'xan rename' help for more details.
Does not work with -S, --singular.
Common options:
-h, --help Display this message
-o, --output <file> Write output to <file> instead of stdout.
-n, --no-headers When set, the first row will not be interpreted
as headers.
-d, --delimiter <arg> The field delimiter for reading CSV data.
Must be a single character.