Fill empty cells of a CSV file by filling them with any non-empty value seen
before (this is usually called forward filling), or with any constant value
given to the -v, --value flag.
For instance, replacing empty values with 0 everywhere in the file:
$ xan fill -v 0 data.csv > filled.csv
xan fill [options] [<input>]
xan fill --help
fill options:
-s, --select <cols> Selection of columns to fill.
-v, --value <value> Fill empty cells using provided value instead of using
last non-empty value.
Common options:
-h, --help Display this message
-o, --output <file> Write output to <file> instead of stdout.
-n, --no-headers When set, the file will be considered as having no
-d, --delimiter <arg> The field delimiter for reading CSV data.
Must be a single character.