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File metadata and controls

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Watch out: only a few files are counted in coverage statistics.

Full documentation on Read the Docs.

A set of tools for viral metagenomics.

virmet is called with a command subcommand syntax: virmet fetch --viral n, for example, downloads the bacterial database. Other available subcommands so far are

  • fetch download genomes
  • update update viral/bacterial database
  • index index genomes
  • wolfpack analyze a Miseq run
  • covplot plot coverage for a specific organism

A short help is obtained with virmet subcommand -h.

The simplest example

[user@host ~]$ virmet wolfpack --run path_to_run_directory
... some time later ...
[user@host ~]$ wc virmet_output_name_of_the_run/sample_name/orgs_list.csv
   9     128     963 orgs_list2.tsv

Reads are filtered, decontaminated, and finally blasted against a (large) set of viral sequences. Results for each database sequence to which similar reads were found are summarised in a tsv file is with columns

  • species: scientific name of the species corresponding to the database sequence;
  • reads: number of reads assigned to this specific sequence;
  • stitle: title of the sequence in the database (fasta header);
  • ssciname: scientific name of the sequence;
  • covered_region: number of nucleotides covered by at least one read;
  • seq_len: length of the sequence.

An example of such a file is reported here.

Figure 1



VirMet is available through Bioconda, a channel for the conda package manager. Once conda is installed and the channels are set up, conda install virmet installs the package with all its dependencies.

setuptools or Docker

The classic python install will work, but see the relevant page of the documentation to install third-party tools, or follow the instructions to run the docker version.


VirMet contains programs to download and index the genome sequences, instructions here.

Running a virus scan

This can be run on a single file or on a directory. It will try to guess from the naming scheme if it is a Miseq output directory (i.e. with Data/Intensities/BaseCalls/ structure) and analyze all fastq files in there. The extension must be .fastq or .fastq.gz. It will then run a filtering step based on quality, length and entropy (in short: reads with a lot of repeats will be discarded), followed by a decontamination step where reads of human/bacterial/bovine/fungal origin will be discarded. Finally, remaining reads are blasted against the viral database. The list of organisms with the count of reads is in files orgs_list.csv in the output directory (naming is virmet_output_...). For example, if we have a directory named exp_01 with files


we could run

[user@host test_virmet]$ virmet wolfpack --dir exp_01

and, after some time, find the results in virmet_output_exp01. Many files are present, the most important ones being orgs_list.csv and stats.tsv. The first lists the viral organisms found with a count of reads that could be matched to them.

[user@host test_virmet]$ cat virmet_output_test_dir_150123/3-1-65_S5/orgs_list.tsv
organism	reads
Human adenovirus 7	126
Human poliovirus 1 strain Sabin	45
Human poliovirus 1 Mahoney	29
Human adenovirus 3+11p	19
Human adenovirus 16	1

The second file is a summary of all reads analyzed for this sample and how many were passing a specific step of the pipeline or matching a specific database.

[user@host test_virmet]$ cat virmet_output_exp01/AR-1_S1/stats.tsv
raw_reads       6250
trimmed_too_short       462
low_entropy     1905
low_quality     0
passing_filter  3883
matching_humanGRCh38    3463
matching_bact1  0
matching_bact2  0
matching_bact3  0
matching_fungi1 0
matching_bt_ref 0
reads_to_blast  420
viral_reads     257
undetermined_reads      163

Updating the database

More and more sequences are uploaded to NCBI database every month. The figure shows the number of viral sequences with complete genome in the title that are submitted every month to NCBI (code).

Code used to create the figure is here

VirMet provides a simple way to update the viral database.