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File metadata and controls

267 lines (215 loc) · 13.6 KB

feb. 2017:

getting affiliations:

google group ask:!topic/arxiv-api/MSlbzNMlbNM

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to build a visualisation that displays new submissions on a world map. When I made my arxiv account my affiliation was a required field, so I assumed that this information would be accessible for all authors. However I've been reading through the API docs and previous topics here, and in several locations it is stated that the affiliation is optional.

Perhaps arxiv has the affiliation of authors from the registration field stored and does not display them. But I'm not sure why this is the case. It cannot be for privacy, because for any arbitrary paper I can just look at the PDF and the author's affiliation is always there. Since this data is easily human-readable why not make it machine-readable?

This is a little frustrating, I can't come up with a different way to get author's affiliations reliably. There are packages that let you parse pdfs ( but then I will have to resort to downloading ~100 pdfs a day and parsing them, which arxiv doesn't seem to like and I don't want to pay for that bandwidth.

Will the folks developing the arxiv API expose the affiliation fields we are required to fill when we register?

Best, Mohammed

april 1 2017:

ADS has this author service called astroperson.lis. example:,%20N

actually seems to have decent coverage. this could be enough to get started

========================== april 3 2017:

ADS is not exactly fullproof. it worked once out of the four times. What if instead I just google the author's full name + the field they are publishing in and then always take the first link

========================== april 25 2017:

ADSBeta might be the answer. Their API exposes affiliations

For common names (like G. Yang), filtering on field (astronomy) could help. Also, ADS isnt perfect either.

Need a robust way to get affiliations. Check for affiliations like this: 1. Check affiliaction on arxiv 2. Check ADS Beta 3. Check old ADS? 4. Check ORCID (in an ideal world this would be first but ORCID has terrible coverage) 5. Google "author name astronomy" and scrape the first or so links lol

============== may 4 2017:

I'd like for people to be able to add filters on the world map that persist over sessions. ex: * filtering on author or institution makes a paper's symbol change to a star, and brighter color * filtering on a keyword adds a pulsing animation to the paper's symbol * paper's that don't match any filters can just be a slowly rotating diamond or something

also I bought today, to mirror 17 bucks

====== may 8 2017:

====== may 10 2017:

====== may 23 2017:

====== june 29 2017:

======== july 4 2017

  • there are a lot of plugins that do things I wanna do:
    • For example "Search & Popups" for the filtering I want to do and "Overlay animations" for the animating of markers I want to do
  • ADS sometimes returns several affiliations separated by semicolons:
    • for example: "Astrophysics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK; Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK; Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, Albanova, 10691, Stockholm, Sweden"
    • this causes geocoding to fail. Fix should be to just split on semicolons

=========== july 20 2017

  • it'd be nice to have the json file incrementally get updated for those times when ADS randomly gives me a 500.
    • right now if I get a 500 I have to start from the beginning

============ august 20 2017

============= august 22 2017

  • you can hit the arxiv API from the browser! This saves me a lot of bandwidth for when I want to load abstracts for example. CORS usually stops me from doing this

============== august 30 2017

============= sept 22 2017

============== sept 29 2017

=========== oct 1 2017

  • bug where popup shows up beneath the custom controls is because Leaflet.Control.Custom inserts itself as a sibling of the leaflet-map-pane instead of underneath it, so z-index has no effect. I think I in the initialization step just move the div into where I need it to be and then z-indexing should work.
  • Use bootstrap collapse to do the summary loading stuff:

============ oct 3 2017

  • now that i keep track of the current popup I can probably implement the "my mouse isnt on this popup close it" feature by attaching a mousemove handler on worldmap and checking that it's not above the popup. I can then close the popup whenever I want

============ Oct 9 2017

  • arxiv scheduling:
  • minimum lists I want to support for launch:
    • astro-ph: done
    • physics: not bad, in the interface support the sub lists. This shouldn't require a different data download, just filtering
    • cond-mat: not bad
    • math: I don't trust the affiliations, find a Math database instead of using ADS
    • cs: same, find a CS database instead of using ADS
  • A note on affiliations:
    • A paper's marker is placed on the world at the location that corresponds to the institution the first author is affiliated with. Affiliations are found as best as possible based on what data is available. We first look for affiliation info directly from arXiv. If none is found, the site looks up the author's papers on databases like Harvard ADS and looks for associated affiliation information. If no affiliation is found for the first author on a paper, then the site attempts to find an affiliation for the second author, then third author, and so on. This strategy leads to several data problems:
      • Authors who have recently changed institutions and who's new papers are not on such databases yet could lead the site to display the author's old institutions.
      • Authors can be confused with authors of the same last name, leading to an entirely incorrect affiliation. This is especially an issue when no first name is provided or the author's name is common. We can add more databases and create more complicated data checks when collecting papers but the real solution to these data problems lies with you, the author. When submitting a paper to the arXiv including the affiliation of at least the first author will ensure the marker is placed at the correct location. Another way to identify yourself (especially if you have a common name) is to register for a unique ORCiD and associating it with your arXiv account. This will enable arXiv and every third-party app built off of arXiv's data like this one to present firm connections between an author and their affiliation. If this is an interesting problem to you you can read more here:
  • arxiv employee on orcids:

============ Oct 17 2017

  • GW170817 is flooding arXiv with papers today, and it's making it clear that filtering on abstract content is useful since not every GW170817 paper has GW170817 in their title but they all have it in their abstract at least.
    • scraping the abstract before loading the page means I don't hit arxiv with as many requests
    • One option is to scrape it form the new page the way I already scrape the title and authors. Just need to make sure I handle the case where there is mathjax spans
    • the other option is to hit the arxiv api with the full list of arxiv ids. It's a big request but it's just one request.

============ Mar 29 2018

  • I think for people working in and experienced in a field the author filter will be the most useful

============ June 13 2018

============ June 18 2018

  • filters language: ALMA should just match on whole word ALMA (whole word) star should match stars (sub word) houde and Houde should match the same thing (case-insensitive)

    proposed rule:

    • if there is more than one capital letter, be case sensitive (this will usually imply whole word too, since ALMA won't match 'palma' in this case)
    • if there is less than two capital letters, be case-insensitive.

    Filters are case-insensitive, unless more than one capital letter is used (e.g. 'ALMA' won't catch 'palma' but 'star' will catch 'stars')

============ June 20 2018

  • maybe filters should be list specific
  • use the hearthstone colors for common, rare, epic, legendary to color the number of matches

============ Sept 2 2018

  • I kinda want a way to save papers for later or reference. like in a sidebar that opens on the right
