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Mehrdad Arshad Rad edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the tcpprobe wiki!

Pretty JSON

Print out the output in pretty json format

docker run --rm mehrdadrad/tcpprobe:latest -json-pretty
  "Target": "",
  "IP": "",
  "Timestamp": 1607998042,
  "Seq": 0,
  "State": 1,
  "CaState": 0,
  "Retransmits": 0,
  "Probes": 0,
  "Backoff": 0,
  "Options": 4,
  "Rto": 202000,
  "Ato": 40000,
  "SndMss": 1460,
  "RcvMss": 1460,
  "Unacked": 0,
  "Sacked": 0,
  "Lost": 0,
  "Retrans": 0,
  "Fackets": 0,
  "LastDataSent": 69,
  "LastAckSent": 0,
  "LastDataRecv": 0,
  "LastAckRecv": 0,
  "Pmtu": 1500,
  "RcvSsthresh": 52560,
  "Rtt": 1788,
  "Rttvar": 1360,
  "SndSsthresh": 2147483647,
  "SndCwnd": 10,
  "Advmss": 1460,
  "Reordering": 3,
  "RcvRtt": 0,
  "RcvSpace": 29200,
  "TotalRetrans": 0,
  "PacingRate": 16328813,
  "BytesAcked": 448,
  "BytesReceived": 10558,
  "SegsOut": 10,
  "SegsIn": 12,
  "NotsentBytes": 0,
  "MinRtt": 150,
  "DataSegsIn": 8,
  "DataSegsOut": 3,
  "DeliveryRate": 8690476,
  "BusyTime": 1000,
  "RwndLimited": 0,
  "SndbufLimited": 0,
  "Delivered": 4,
  "DeliveredCe": 0,
  "BytesSent": 447,
  "BytesRetrans": 0,
  "DsackDups": 0,
  "ReordSeen": 0,
  "RcvOoopack": 0,
  "SndWnd": 0,
  "TCPCongesAlg": "cubic",
  "HTTPStatusCode": 200,
  "HTTPRcvdBytes": 14795,
  "HTTPRequest": 106245,
  "HTTPResponse": 891,
  "DNSResolve": 4535,
  "TCPConnect": 2729,
  "TLSHandshake": 36155,
  "TCPConnectError": 0,
  "DNSResolveError": 0


Filter specific metrics

docker run --rm mehrdadrad/tcpprobe:latest -json -filter "Retransmits;TCPConnect;HTTPStatusCode"
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