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Membrane WebRTC video room advanced demo

This project demonstrates an advanced example usage of Membrane RTC Engine API defined in membrane_rtc_engine.

Environment variables

Available runtime environment variables:

VIRTUAL_HOST={host passed to the endpoint config, defaults to "localhost" on non-production environments}

USE_TLS={"true" or "false", if set to "true" then https will be used and certificate paths will be required}
KEY_FILE_PATH={path to certificate key file, used when "USE_TLS" is set to true}
CERT_FILE_PATH={path to certificate file, used when "USE_TLS" is set to true}

STUN_SERVERS={list of stun servers separated by ",", defaults to a single server ""}
TURN_SERVERS={list of turn servers separated by ",", defaults to ""}
USE_INTEGRATED_TURN={"true" or "false", if set to "true", then integrated TURN servers will be used}
INTEGRATED_TURN_IP={turn server ip}

Run manually


In order to run phoenix application manually you will need to have node installed. Demo has been tested with node version v14.15.0. You will also need some system dependencies.

Mac OS X

brew install srtp clang-format ffmpeg


sudo apt-get install libsrtp2-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev

To run

First install all dependencies:

mix deps.get
npm ci --prefix=assets

In order to run, type:

mix phx.server 

Then go to http://localhost:4000/.

Run with docker

Videoroom demo provides a `Dockerfile** that you can use to run videoroom application yourself without any additional setup and dependencies.

To run:

Default environmental variables are available in .env file, you can adjust it to your needs.

IMPORTANT If you intend to use TLS remember that setting paths in .env file is not enough. Those paths will be used inside docker container therefore besides setting env variables you will need to mount those paths to docker container on your own.

docker run -p 4000:4000 --env-file .env membraneframework/demo_webrtc_videoroom_advanced:latest

Or build and run docker image from source:

docker build  -t membrane_videoroom_advanced .
docker run -p 4000:4000 --env-file .env membrane_videoroom_advanced 

Then go to http://localhost:4000/.


By default OpenTelemetry is turned off. You can turn it on by going to config/runtime.exs and changing otel_state to one of four possible values:

  • :local - OpenTelemetry traces will be printed on stdout
  • :zipkin - OpenTelemetry traces are sent to Zipkin. You can change the url traces are sent to in config/runtime.exs. To setup zipkin you can run this command docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin.
  • :honeycomb - OpenTelemetry traces are sent to Honeycomb. You have to specify "x-honeycomb-team", which is API KEY for this service.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2020, Software Mansion

Software Mansion

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0