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-title: Diving into JTAG — Security (Part 6)
-description: "Overview of security and hacking of JTAG"
-author: zamuhrishka
-tags: [arm, cortex-m, mcu, debugging, debugger]
-The JTAG interface is an important tool for debugging and testing embedded
-systems, providing low-level access to the internal workings of microcontrollers
-and other integrated circuits. However, this powerful interface also presents
-significant security threats. In the sixth part of the "Diving into JTAG"
-article series, we will focus on security issues related to JTAG and the Debug Port.
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->**Disclaimer 1**: I am not a cyber-security expert and not deeply immersed in this
-topic, so this article does not aim to uncover any secrets or provide an in-depth exploration.
-It is brief discussion from a standard firmware engineering perspective.
->**Disclaimer 2**: This article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage hacking.
-# Protection
-Let's start by considering simple protection methods that can be applied to make life more difficult
-for an attacker who wants to gain unauthorized access to a device using the JTAG interface.
-## Board-Level
-The simplest, most obvious, but probably least effective method of protection is to restrict access to
-the JTAG connector at the board level. This restriction is achieved by physically removing the JTAG
-connector from the board at the end of production as shown on this picture where you can see that JTAG
-connector was removed:
-Another protection option is suitable when there is no JTAG connector on the board at all, and the
-JTAG pins are scattered across the board as test points. For example on next picture you can see that board contain JTAG
-pins as separate pads.
-However, as you well understand, these methods provide only the most basic protection, as soldering a
-JTAG connector is not a significant effort, nor is finding the necessary JTAG pins on the microcontroller,
-especially when its part number is written on the package, as shown in the photo. But even if the
-microcontroller is unknown, there are ways to scan the pins of the microcontroller to discover the necessary
-JTAG pins (I will discuss these methods in more detail later).
-## Chip-Level
-Debug interfaces are convenient during device development and debugging, but
-it is good practice to disable them in the release version of the device/firmware.
-There are configurable bits in the microcontroller's non-volatile memory to disable
-certain debug interface functions. The flexibility of configuring protection
-features depends on the specific core and microcontroller model.
-For instance, access to flash memory can be disabled. Some microcontroller models
-support completely disabling the debug interface. The exact configuration of possible
-protection features can be found in the microcontroller's [documentation](https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/an5156-introduction-to-security-for-stm32-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf). An example is the Flash Readout Protection (RDP) technology in STM32 microcontrollers.
-This technology allows protecting the contents of the microcontroller's embedded
-flash memory from being read through the debug interface.
-RDP has three levels of protection (0, 1, and 2):
- - **Level 0** (default RDP level)
-The flash memory is fully open, and all memory operations are possible in all boot
-configurations (debug features, boot from RAM, boot from system memory bootloader,
-boot from flash memory). There is no protection in this configuration mode that is
-appropriate only for development and debug.
-- **Level 1**
-Flash memory accesses (read, erase, program), or SRAM2 accesses via debug features
-(such as serial-wire or JTAG) are forbidden, even while booting from SRAM or system
-memory bootloader. In these cases, any read request to the protected region generates
-a bus error. However, when booting from flash memory, accesses to both flash memory
-and to SRAM2 (from user code) are allowed.
-- **Level 2**
-All protections provided in Level 1 are active, and the MCU is fully protected. The
-RDP option byte and all other option bytes are frozen, and can no longer be modified.
-The JTAG, SWV (single-wire viewer), ETM, and boundary scan are all disabled.
-RDP can always be leveled up. The level uping is nesseccory in next cases:
-- **Intellectual property protection**: Increasing the RDP level prevents reading the contents
- of the flash memory, which protects the firmware and other important data from being copied
- or analyzed by third parties.
-- **Prevention of unauthorized firmware modification**: At higher protection levels (e.g., Level 2),
- it becomes impossible not only to read but also to write to flash memory without completely resetting
- the microcontroller. This helps prevent the introduction of malicious modifications to the software.
-- **Debugging protection**: When the RDP level is raised, the microcontroller disables debugging interfaces
- (e.g., JTAG or SWD), preventing attackers from using them to debug and analyze the program's operation.
-- **Compliance with safety standards**: In some applications (e.g., automotive or medical technology),
- compliance with certain safety standards is required, which necessitates hardware-level data protection.
-A level regression is possible with the following consequences:
-- Regression from RDP level 1 to RDP level 0 leads to a flash memory mass erase, and
-the erase of SRAM2 and backup registers. This step could be used in case if you need to
-update to software that is already in flash memory or when you need repaire a production device that has been returned.
-- In RDP level 2, no regression is possible.
-In consumer products, RDP should always be set to at least level 1. This prevents
-basic attacks through the debug port or bootloader. RDP level 2 is mandatory for
-implementing applications with a higher level of security.
-The RDP technology for STM32 is considered as an example; similar protection technologies
-exist for other microcontrollers.
-# Attack
-Naturally, if there are defense mechanisms against the use of debugging interfaces,
-there are also well-known vulnerabilities in these defense mechanisms. Let's
-consider the main and most well-known of them.
-In general, all attacks can be divided into the following types:
-- Software attacks are carried out in particular by exploiting bugs, weaknesses
- in protocols or untrusted code fragments. Attacks on communication channels
- (interception or usurpation) fall into this category. Software attacks account
- for the vast majority of cases. Their cost can be very low. They can be widespread
- and repeatable with tremendous damage. It is not necessary to have physical access
- to the device. The attack can be performed remotely.
-- Hardware attacks require physical access to the device. The most obvious one uses
- the debug port if it is not secured. In general, however, hardware attacks are
- complex and can be very expensive. They are carried out with specialized materials
- and require electronics skills. A distinction is made between non-invasive attacks
- (carried out at the board or chip level without destroying the device) and invasive
- attacks (carried out at the device and silicon level with destruction of the package).
-Attacks on the JTAG interface belong to the hardware none-invasive attack type.
-## Detecting JTAG pins
-If there is absolutely no documentation for a given chip, the first thing an attacker would do
-is to detect the actual JTAG pins. There are some features of the JTAG protocol
-and special tools that use these features to automate the process.
-### IDCODE Scan
-Feature one: very often the `IR` register is connected to the `IDCODE` register,
-which means that the intended pinout can be tested by a method called
-**IDCODE Scan**. This method is simple because there is no need to scan `IR`
-and the `IDCODE` register has a fixed length of 32 bits. The algorithm of the
-method is as follows:
-1. At the first step we select the pins we want to scan and put these pins in
- correspondence with JTAG lines (`TMS`, `TCK`, etc.), by luck, as you want.
- But, if there are too many pins to be tested, you can potentially reduce their
- number by doing some work with measuring the electrical parameters
- (resistance, voltage) of the tested pins and using these measurements to draw
- conclusions about the pin belonging to one or another JTAG signal, at least to
- determine GND and VCC and not to include these pins in further scanning. This
- procedure is shown very well in this video [clip](https://youtu.be/_FSM_10JXsM?t=753).
-2. Generate the sequence `0b0100` on the selected `TMS` pin to move to the `Shift-DR` state.
-3. Hold `TMS` in logic zero and generate 32 clock pulses on the `TCK` pin.
-4. Read the bits to be advanced on `TDO`.
-5. If more than one zero or one is read from `TDO`, this is a pretty good indication
- that the electrical JTAG connection is working properly. You can try googling the
- read `IDCODE` and with some luck you will be able to determine not only the JTAG
- pins, but also the type of microcontroller. If the `TDO` pin reads only ones or
- zeros, it means that you have incorrectly assigned the pins in step 1 and you need
- to reassign the pins and repeat the whole procedure again.
-However, this method has a number of disadvantages:
-- This method does not find the `TDI` pin.
-- If the JTAG circuit contains more than one TAP, it may take more than 32
- iterations to find `IDCODE`, which means that if after e.g. 64 iterations
- you do not get a `TDO` pattern similar to `IDCODE` on the `TDO` pin, it
- does not mean that you have selected the wrong pins, it is possible that
- the JTAG circuit contains many TAPs.
-### BYPASS Scan
-This method uses the `BYPASS` register to scan the JTAG circuit. The `BYPASS`
-register allows you to skip a logic element in the circuit and directly
-transfer data from input to output, minimizing latency.
-1. The first step is similar to the first step in the previous method.
-2. Send the sequence `0b01100` on the selected `TMS` pin to move thus to the
- `Shift-IR` state.
-3. Now it is necessary to send the `BYPASS` command, but since the size of the
- `IR` register is not known, but it is necessary to send a large number of
- units (as many as 1024, for example).
-4. Send the sequence `0b11000` to the selected `TMS` pin, thus moving to the
- `Shift-DR` state.
-5. Using the `TDI` output - send some bit pattern that can be easily recognized.
-6. Read the bits from the `TDO` pin and if a bit pattern is detected, it means
- that you have selected the pins correctly.
-This algorithm is slower than the previous one, but it can detect all JTAG pins.
->If you have a lot of candidate output, it is recommended to first reduce the number
-of candidates using `IDCODE Scan` and then refine `BYPASS Scan`.
-Of course every time to do all these steps manually is quite boring and tedious so
-smart people have long ago automated this process. Quite popular tools are:
-[JTAGenum](https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum/tree/master) and
->If the highest level of RDP 2 protection has been applied to the microcontroller,
-JTAGulator and similar tools will not help.
-Examples of such attacks are described in more detail in the following sources:
-- [JTAG Scanning](https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum/wiki/Embedded-Analysis#jtag-scanning)
-- [Hardware Debugging for Reverse Engineers Part 2: JTAG, SSDs and Firmware Extraction](https://wrongbaud.github.io/posts/jtag-hdd/)
-- [JTAGulator: Introduction and Demonstration](https://youtu.be/uVIsbXzQOIU)
-- [03 - How To Find The JTAG Interface - Hardware Hacking Tutorial](https://youtu.be/_FSM_10JXsM)
-## Attack on JTAG
-The next thing an attacker will determine is the number of devices in the JTAG chain, because even
-if we have only one microcontroller connected to JTAG - the number of TAPs in the
-chain may be more than one. Next we need to determine the lengths of the `IR` and
-`DR` registers, as well as the number of `DR` registers theoretically available.
-### Determining the number of TAPs in a JTAG chain
-The following algorithm can be used to determine the number of TAPs in a JTAG chain:
-- Send the sequence `0b01100` on the `TMS` pin, thus switching to the `Shift-IR` state.
-- Push a bunch of ones (as many as you can spare, e.g. 1000) through `TDI` to all `IR`
- registers in the chain. After this all TAPs are in `BYPASS`.
-- Send the sequence `0b11000` to the selected `TMS` pin, thus switching to the `Shift-DR`
- state.
-- Push a bunch of zeros (as many as you can spare, e.g. 1000) through `TDI` into all `DR`
- pins in the chain to reset them to zero
-- Start pushing ones through `TDI` into `DR`. As soon as you get a one from `TDO`, stop.
- The number of TAPs in the chain is equal to the number of ones pushed in.
-### Determining the size of `IR` and `DR`
-The next step is to determine the length of the `IR` and `DR` registers:
-- Send on the `TMS` pin the sequence `0b01100` thus moving to the `Shift-IR` state.
-- Push a bunch of ones through `TDI` using a large number of ones and then send 0.
-- After that, keep pushhing ones to `TDI`, counting the number of cycles it takes
- before 0 appears on `TDO`. The number of cycles (plus one) will equal the length
- of the `IR` register.
-- To find the length of `DR`, the same mechanism must be performed, but in the
- `Shift-DR` state
-### Defining undocumented JTAG instructions
-Defining undocumented instructions is useful to an attacker because in many cases
-these instructions actually hide test and debug functions, such as BIT modes for
-memory and I/O; scan modes; or debug modes and functions.
-In the last section we determined the length of the `IR` register, and thus we found
-out the theoretical number of available JTAG commands (`DR` registers). However, the
-number of actually implemented commands can be much smaller than the theoretical
-number, but to determine the implemented commands it is necessary to scan and check
-the whole range, fortunately the `IR` register is very often relatively small and
-unrealized commands usually behave like `BYPASS` or generate some fixed value on the
-`TDO` pin. However, even with these facts, identifying undocumented commands is a very
-difficult task, because the implementation of commands other than standard commands is
-not specified in JTAG and each manufacturer is free to do what it wants, so there is no
-universal algorithm, so it is almost always solved by searching all available commands
-and trying to determine how the behavior of the microcontroller has changed to understand
-what a particular command does.
-You can find more details [here](https://deadhacker.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/blackbox-jtag-reverse-engineering-tmbinc.pdf)
-## Debug Port (RDP) Attack
-As we discussed in the chapter on RDP protection any device released must have protection
-enabled. In such cases, in order to copy the firmware for example, an attacker has to
-use to techniques such as chip decapping or glitching the hardware logic by manipulating
-inputs such as power or clock sources and use the resulting behavior to successfully
-bypass these protections. However, sometimes an attacker does not have to use to such
-hardcore methods to achieve their goal, especially if the level of protection enabled
-is not the highest. In this section I will give some examples of attack techniques,
-however I will describe these techniques in a superficial enough manner to just describe
-the basic idea, more details about each technique can be found in the original article
-I will link to.
-### Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC
-The first example describes a technique that allows you to read firmware from the
-nRF51822 device even though memory read protection is enabled. However, the protection
-level leaves access to the Debug Port and allows reading and writing processor registers
-and even executing debug commands such as step, and it is this fact that allows the
-firmware to be read.
-Debugger access allows us to write values to the `PC` (program counter) register to jump
-to any instruction, and allows us to perform step-by-step execution of instructions. We
-can also read and write the contents of the processor's general purpose registers. To read
-from protected memory, we need to find a `load word` instruction with an operand register,
-set the target address in the operand register, and execute this single instruction. Since
-we can't read flash memory, we don't know where the instructions are located, so it may seem
-difficult to find the read word instruction. However, all we need is an instruction that
-reads memory from an address in some register to a register, which is a fairly common operation.
-This method is described in detail in the article [Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC](https://blog.includesecurity.com/2015/11/firmware-dumping-technique-for-an-arm-cortex-m0-soc/) I highly recommend reading it.
-### nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass)
-Here the situation is more complicated and the security level prohibits access
-to Debug Port. I.e. the previous method will not work.
-This is where **voltage glitching** comes in. Voltage glitching (also known as
-fault injection or power glitching) is a technique used in hacker attacks on
-microcontrollers and other embedded systems to disrupt their normal operation
-and gain access to protected information or functions. This technique is based
-on temporarily changing (glitching) the power supply voltage of a device, causing
-it to malfunction. While the microcontroller is running, short bursts (glitches)
-of low or high voltage are applied at certain points in time that disrupt the normal
-operation of the device. These glitches can cause errors in the execution of
-processor instructions, such as skipping or incorrect execution of individual
-instructions. This can cause the microcontroller to miss important safety checks.
-If a glitch is successfully synchronized, it can disable security mechanisms or
-access protected memory, allowing an attacker to retrieve sensitive data or gain
-control of the system.
-The main goal for this method is to find the exact time interval to apply this glitch.
-The author of the article determines the exact time when the AHB-AP has to initialize
-itself according to the value of the APPROTECT, which is stored in UICR (a dedicated
-Flash memory partition) and applies the glitch at that exact time, which allows him
-to bypass the protection and gain access to the DebugPort.
-Again see the original article [nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass) Part 1](https://limitedresults.com/2020/06/nrf52-debug-resurrection-approtect-bypass/)
-for more details.
-# Conclusion
-This article has only scratched the surface of embedded devices security
-in general and JTAG security in particular. If you have experience
-in cyber security and/or JTAG attacks, I would love to hear what you have
-learned and what topics I missed! :)
-That's why I suggest you to read the sources mentioned below because there are still a
-lot of interesting things there. Well, this article concludes my dive into the topic
-of JTAG protocol. Thanks to all who read it.
-> **Note**: This article was originally published by Aliaksandr on his blog. You
-> can find the original article
-> [here](https://medium.com/@aliaksandr.kavalchuk/diving-into-jtag-part-6-security-d40f1e84e6ba).
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-# Links
-- [JTAG Hacking with a Raspberry Pi - Introducing the PiFex](https://voidstarsec.com/blog/jtag-pifex)
-- [Hardware Debugging for Reverse Engineers Part 2: JTAG, SSDs and Firmware Extraction](https://wrongbaud.github.io/posts/jtag-hdd/)
-- [nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass)](https://limitedresults.com/2020/06/nrf52-debug-resurrection-approtect-bypass/)
-- [nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass) Part 2](https://limitedresults.com/2020/06/nrf52-debug-resurrection-approtect-bypass-part-2/)
-- [Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC](https://blog.includesecurity.com/2015/11/firmware-dumping-technique-for-an-arm-cortex-m0-soc/)
-- [Bypassing CRP on Microcontrollers by Andrew Tierney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTuzuaiQL_Q)
-- https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrplan/attachments/1435_JTAG.pdf
-- [Glitching and Fault Injection: Re-enabling JTAG on the STM32](https://youtu.be/2cwJO3jyJfc)
-- [Glitching and Fault Injection: Finding the Right Voltage](https://youtu.be/16UcoPLdXD4)
-- [Glitching. A Fault Injection Primer](https://advancedsecurity.training/posts/glitching-primer)
-- [Hardware Power Glitch Attack (Fault Injection) - rhme2 Fiesta (FI 100)](https://youtu.be/6Pf3pY3GxBM)
-- [Laser fault attacks | Enter the Donjon](https://youtu.be/s3f1zNpzINY)
-- [Power glitch attacks | Enter the Donjon](https://youtu.be/6boKvdoTu2w)
-- [Breaking secure hardware with software attacks | Enter the Donjon](https://youtu.be/bIj-V2mow7c)
-- [ECED4406 - 0x501 Power Analysis Attacks](https://youtu.be/2iDLfuEBcs8)
-- [Side Channel Analysis & Cryptography](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyAXNQGte3qPMk5XvACx4lQslwXcqUJrh)
-- [Securing the JTAG Interface](https://www.asset-intertech.com/resources/blog/2019/07/securing-the-jtag-interface/)
-- [No Code Hardware Hacking - Introducing Glitchy](https://youtu.be/TrEsTD9i0LU)
-- [SECGlitcher (Part 1) - Reproducible Voltage Glitching on STM32 Microcontrollers](https://sec-consult.com/blog/detail/secglitcher-part-1-reproducible-voltage-glitching-on-stm32-microcontrollers/)
-- [Backdoor Silicon FUD](https://deadhacker.com/2012/06/08/backdoor-silicon-fud/)
-- [DEFCON 17: An Open JTAG Debugger](https://youtu.be/k3ac5iBcfnQ)
-- [Voltage (VCC) Glitching Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ with ChipWhisperer-Lite](https://youtu.be/dVkCNiM0PL8)
-- [Shedding too much Light on a Microcontroller's Firmware Protection](https://www.aisec.fraunhofer.de/en/FirmwareProtection.html)
-- [Breakthrough silicon scanning discovers backdoor in military chip](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~sps32/Silicon_scan_draft.pdf)
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+title: Diving into JTAG — Security (Part 6)
+description: "Overview of security and hacking of JTAG"
+author: zamuhrishka
+tags: [arm, cortex-m, mcu, debugging, debugger]
+The JTAG interface is an important tool for debugging and testing embedded
+systems, providing low-level access to the internal workings of microcontrollers
+and other integrated circuits. However, this powerful interface also presents
+significant security threats. In the sixth and final part of this Diving into
+JTAG article series, we will focus on security issues related to JTAG and the
+Debug Port.
+{% include newsletter.html %}
+{% include toc.html %}
+> **Disclaimer 1**: I am not a cyber-security expert and not deeply immersed in
+> this topic, so this article does not aim to uncover any secrets or provide an
+> in-depth exploration. It is a brief discussion from a standard firmware
+> engineering perspective.
+> **Disclaimer 2**: This article is for informational purposes only and does not
+> encourage hacking.
+## Protection
+Let's start by considering simple protection methods that can be applied to make
+life more difficult for an attacker who wants to gain unauthorized access to a
+device using the JTAG interface.
+### Board-Level
+The simplest, most obvious, but probably least effective method of protection is
+to restrict access to the JTAG connector at the board level. This restriction is
+achieved by physically removing the JTAG connector from the board at the end of
+production, as shown in this picture, where you can see that the JTAG connector
+was removed:
+Another protection option is suitable when there is no JTAG connector on the
+board at all and the JTAG pins are scattered across the board as test points.
+For example, in the next picture, you can see that the board contains JTAG pins
+as separate pads.
+However, as you well understand, these methods provide only the most basic
+protection, as soldering a JTAG connector is not a significant effort, nor is
+finding the necessary JTAG pins on the microcontroller, especially when its part
+number is written on the package, as shown in the photo. But even if the
+microcontroller is unknown, there are ways to scan the pins of the
+microcontroller to discover the necessary JTAG pins (I will discuss these
+methods in more detail later).
+### Chip-Level
+Debug interfaces are convenient during device development and debugging, but it
+is good practice to disable them in the release version of the device/firmware.
+There are configurable bits in the microcontroller's non-volatile memory to
+disable certain debug interface functions. The flexibility of configuring
+protection features depends on the specific core and microcontroller model.
+For instance, access to flash memory can be disabled. Some microcontroller
+models support completely disabling the debug interface. The exact configuration
+of possible protection features can be found in the microcontroller's
+documentation. An example is the
+[Flash Readout Protection (RDP) technology in STM32 microcontrollers](https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/an5156-introduction-to-security-for-stm32-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf).
+This technology allows for the protection of the contents of the
+microcontroller's embedded flash memory from being read through the debug
+RDP has three levels of protection (0, 1, and 2):
+- **Level 0** (default RDP level) The flash memory is fully open, and all memory
+ operations are possible in all boot configurations (debug features, boot from
+ RAM, boot from system memory bootloader, boot from flash memory). There is no
+ protection in this configuration mode that is appropriate only for development
+ and debug.
+- **Level 1** Flash memory accesses (read, erase, program), or SRAM2 accesses
+ via debug features (such as serial-wire or JTAG) are forbidden, even while
+ booting from SRAM or system memory bootloader. In these cases, any read
+ request to the protected region generates a bus error. However, when booting
+ from flash memory, accesses to both flash memory and to SRAM2 (from user code)
+ are allowed.
+- **Level 2** All protections provided in Level 1 are active, and the MCU is
+ fully protected. The RDP option byte and all other option bytes are frozen and
+ can no longer be modified. The JTAG, SWV (single-wire viewer), ETM, and
+ boundary scan are all disabled.
+RDP can always be leveled up. Increasing the level is necessary in the following
+- **Intellectual property protection**: Increasing the RDP level prevents
+ reading the contents of the flash memory, which protects the firmware and
+ other important data from being copied or analyzed by third parties.
+- **Prevention of unauthorized firmware modification**: At higher protection
+ levels (e.g., Level 2), it becomes impossible not only to read but also to
+ write to flash memory without completely resetting the microcontroller. This
+ helps prevent the introduction of malicious modifications to the software.
+- **Debugging protection**: When the RDP level is raised, the microcontroller
+ disables debugging interfaces (e.g., JTAG or SWD), preventing attackers from
+ using them to debug and analyze the program's operation.
+- **Compliance with safety standards**: In some applications (e.g., automotive
+ or medical technology), compliance with certain safety standards is required,
+ which necessitates hardware-level data protection.
+A level regression is possible with the following consequences:
+- Regression from RDP level 1 to RDP level 0 leads to a flash memory mass erase
+ and the erase of SRAM2 and backup registers. You may need to perform a level
+ regression to update software already in flash memory or when you need to
+ repair a production device that has been returned.
+- In RDP level 2, no regression is possible.
+In consumer products, RDP should always be set to at least level 1. This setting
+prevents basic attacks through the debug port or bootloader. RDP level 2 is
+mandatory for implementing applications with a higher level of security.
+The RDP technology for STM32 is an example; similar protection technologies
+exist for other microcontrollers.
+## Attack
+Naturally, if there are defense mechanisms against the use of debugging
+interfaces, there are also well-known vulnerabilities in these defense
+mechanisms. Let's consider the main and most well-known of them.
+In general, all attacks can be divided into the following types:
+- Software attacks are carried out in particular by exploiting bugs, weaknesses
+ in protocols or untrusted code fragments. Attacks on communication channels
+ (interception or usurpation) fall into this category. Software attacks account
+ for the vast majority of cases. Their cost can be very low. They can be
+ widespread and repeatable with tremendous damage. It is not necessary to have
+ physical access to the device. The attack can be performed remotely.
+- Hardware attacks require physical access to the device. The most obvious one
+ uses the debug port if it is not secured. In general, however, hardware
+ attacks are complex and expensive. They are carried out with specialized
+ materials and require electronics skills. There is a distinction between
+ non-invasive attacks (carried out at the board or chip level without
+ destroying the device) and invasive attacks (carried out at the device and
+ silicon level with the destruction of the package).
+Attacks on the JTAG interface belong to the hardware non-invasive attack type.
+### Detecting JTAG pins
+If there is absolutely no documentation for a given chip, the first thing an
+attacker would do is detect the actual JTAG pins. Special tools leverage some
+features of the JTAG protocol to automate the detection process. Let's dive into
+#### IDCODE Scan
+Feature one: very often the `IR` register is connected to the `IDCODE` register,
+which means that the intended pinout can be tested by a method called **IDCODE
+Scan**. This method is simple because there is no need to scan `IR` and the
+`IDCODE` register has a fixed length of 32 bits. The algorithm of the method is
+as follows:
+1. First we select the pins we want to scan and put these pins in correspondence
+ with JTAG lines (`TMS`, `TCK`, etc.), by luck, as you want. But, if there are
+ too many pins to be tested, you can potentially reduce their number by doing
+ some work with measuring the electrical parameters (resistance, voltage) of
+ the tested pins and using these measurements to draw conclusions about the
+ pin belonging to one or another JTAG signal, at least to determine GND and
+ VCC and not to include these pins in further scanning. This procedure is
+ shown very well in this video [clip](https://youtu.be/_FSM_10JXsM?t=753).
+2. Generate the sequence `0b0100` on the selected `TMS` pin to move to the
+ `Shift-DR` state.
+3. Hold `TMS` in logic zero and generate 32 clock pulses on the `TCK` pin.
+4. Read the bits to be advanced on `TDO`.
+5. If more than one zero or one is read from `TDO`, this is a pretty good
+ indication that the electrical JTAG connection is working properly. You can
+ try googling the read `IDCODE` and with some luck, you will be able to
+ determine not only the JTAG pins, but also the type of microcontroller. If
+ the `TDO` pin reads only ones or zeros, you have incorrectly assigned the
+ pins in step 1, and you need to reassign the pins and repeat the whole
+ procedure.
+However, this method has a number of disadvantages:
+- This method does not find the `TDI` pin.
+- If the JTAG circuit contains more than one TAP, it may take more than 32
+ iterations to find `IDCODE`, which means that if after e.g. 64 iterations you
+ do not get a `TDO` pattern similar to `IDCODE` on the `TDO` pin, it does not
+ mean that you have selected the wrong pins; it is possible that the JTAG
+ circuit contains many TAPs.
+#### BYPASS Scan
+This method uses the `BYPASS` register to scan the JTAG circuit. The `BYPASS`
+register allows you to skip a logic element in the circuit and directly transfer
+data from input to output, minimizing latency.
+1. The first step is the same as the first step in the `IDCODE` scan method.
+2. Send the sequence `0b01100` on the selected `TMS` pin to move it to the
+ `Shift-IR` state.
+3. Send the `BYPASS` command. Since the size of the `IR` register is not known,
+ you have to send a large number of ones (as many as 1024, for example).
+4. Send the sequence `0b11000` to the selected `TMS` pin, thus moving to the
+ `Shift-DR` state.
+5. Using the `TDI` output - send some bit pattern that can be easily recognized.
+6. Read the bits from the `TDO` pin. If a bit pattern is detected, it means that
+ you have selected the pins correctly.
+This algorithm is slower than the previous one, but it can detect all JTAG pins.
+> If you have a lot of candidate output, it is recommended to first reduce the
+> number of candidates using `IDCODE Scan` and then refine `BYPASS Scan`.
+Of course, every time to do all these steps manually is quite boring and tedious
+so smart people have long ago automated this process. Quite popular tools are:
+[JTAGenum](https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum/tree/master) and
+> If the highest level of RDP 2 protection has been applied to the
+> microcontroller, JTAGulator and similar tools will not help.
+Examples of such attacks are described in more detail in the following sources:
+- [JTAG Scanning](https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum/wiki/Embedded-Analysis#jtag-scanning)
+- [Hardware Debugging for Reverse Engineers Part 2: JTAG, SSDs and Firmware Extraction](https://wrongbaud.github.io/posts/jtag-hdd/)
+- [JTAGulator: Introduction and Demonstration](https://youtu.be/uVIsbXzQOIU)
+- [03 - How To Find The JTAG Interface - Hardware Hacking Tutorial](https://youtu.be/_FSM_10JXsM)
+### Attack on JTAG
+The next thing an attacker will determine is the number of devices in the JTAG
+chain, because even if we have only one microcontroller connected to JTAG - the
+number of TAPs in the chain may be more than one. Next, we need to determine the
+lengths of the `IR` and `DR` registers, as well as the number of `DR` registers
+theoretically available.
+#### Determining the number of TAPs in a JTAG chain
+The following algorithm can be used to determine the number of TAPs in a JTAG
+- Send the sequence `0b01100` on the `TMS` pin, thus switching to the `Shift-IR`
+ state.
+- Push a bunch of ones (as many as you can spare, e.g., 1000) through `TDI` to
+ all `IR` registers in the chain. After this, all TAPs will be in `BYPASS`.
+- Send the sequence `0b11000` to the selected `TMS` pin, thus switching to the
+ `Shift-DR` state.
+- Push a bunch of zeros (as many as you can spare, e.g., 1000) through `TDI`
+ into all `DR` pins in the chain to reset them to zero
+- Start pushing ones through `TDI` into `DR`. As soon as you get a one from
+ `TDO`, stop. The number of TAPs in the chain is equal to the number of ones
+ pushed in.
+#### Determining the size of `IR` and `DR`
+The next step is to determine the length of the `IR` and `DR` registers:
+- Send on the `TMS` pin the sequence `0b01100` thus moving to the `Shift-IR`
+ state.
+- Push many ones through `TDI` and then send 0.
+- After that, keep pushing ones to `TDI`, counting the number of cycles before 0
+ appears on `TDO`. The number of cycles (plus one) will equal the length of the
+ `IR` register.
+- To find the length of `DR`, perform the same steps, but in the `Shift-DR`
+ state
+#### Defining undocumented JTAG instructions
+Defining undocumented instructions is useful to an attacker because in many
+cases, these instructions hide test and debug functions, such as BIT modes for
+memory and I/O; scan modes; or debug modes and functions.
+In the last section, we determined the length of the `IR` register, and thus we
+found out the theoretical number of available JTAG commands (`DR` registers).
+However, the number of actually implemented commands can be much smaller than
+the theoretical number. To determine the implemented commands, an attacker must
+scan and check the whole range. Fortunately, the `IR` register is very often
+relatively small and unrealized commands usually behave like `BYPASS` or
+generate some fixed value on the `TDO` pin. However, even with these facts,
+identifying undocumented commands is a very difficult task, because the
+implementation of commands other than standard commands is not specified in JTAG
+and each manufacturer is free to do what it wants, so there is no universal
+algorithm, so it is almost always solved by searching all available commands and
+trying to determine how the behavior of the microcontroller has changed to
+understand what a particular command does.
+You can find more details
+### Debug Port (RDP) Attack
+As we discussed when introducing RDP protection, any device released must have
+protection enabled. In such cases, to copy the firmware, for example, an
+attacker has to use techniques such as chip decapping or glitching the hardware
+logic by manipulating inputs such as power or clock sources and using the
+resulting behavior to successfully bypass these protections. However, sometimes
+, an attacker does not have to use such hardcore methods to achieve their goal,
+especially if the level of protection enabled is not the highest. In this
+section, I will give a high-level description of a few attack techniques. For a
+deeper dive, see the full articles linked with each.
+#### Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC
+The first example describes a technique that allows you to read firmware from
+the nRF51822 device even though memory read protection is enabled. However, the
+protection level leaves access to the Debug Port and allows the reading and
+writing of processor registers and even executing debug commands such as step.
+Through this exposure, an attacker can read the firmware.
+Debugger access allows us to write values to the `PC` (program counter) register
+to jump to any instruction and enables us to perform step-by-step execution of
+instructions. We can also read and write the contents of the processor's
+general-purpose registers. To read from protected memory, we need to find a
+`load word` instruction with an operand register, set the target address in the
+operand register, and execute this single instruction. Since we can't read flash
+memory, we don't know where the instructions are located. Therefore, it may
+sound difficult to find the read word instruction. However, all we need is an
+instruction that reads memory from an address in some register to a register,
+which is a fairly common operation.
+This method is described in detail in the article
+[Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC](https://blog.includesecurity.com/2015/11/firmware-dumping-technique-for-an-arm-cortex-m0-soc/).
+I highly recommend reading it.
+#### nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass)
+Here, the situation is more complicated, and the security level prohibits access
+to Debug Port. Therefore, the previous method will not work.
+This is where **voltage glitching** comes in. Voltage glitching (also known as
+fault injection or power glitching) is a technique used in hacker attacks on
+microcontrollers and other embedded systems to disrupt their normal operation
+and gain access to protected information or functions. This technique is based
+on temporarily changing (glitching) the power supply voltage of a device,
+causing it to malfunction. While the microcontroller is running, short bursts
+(glitches) of low or high voltage are applied at certain points in time that
+disrupt the normal operation of the device. These glitches can cause errors in
+the execution of processor instructions, such as skipping or incorrect execution
+of individual instructions. This can cause the microcontroller to miss important
+safety checks. If a glitch is successfully synchronized, it can disable security
+mechanisms or access protected memory, allowing an attacker to retrieve
+sensitive data or gain control of the system.
+The main goal of this method is to find the exact time interval to apply this
+The author of
+[nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass) Part 1](https://limitedresults.com/2020/06/nrf52-debug-resurrection-approtect-bypass/)
+leverages this method by determining the exact time when the AHB-AP has to
+initialize itself according to the value of the APPROTECT, which is stored in
+UICR (a dedicated Flash memory partition) and applies the glitch at that exact
+time, which allows him to bypass the protection and gain access to the
+DebugPort. I highly suggest reading the original article for a deeper dive on
+this method.
+## Conclusion
+This article has only scratched the surface of embedded device security in
+general and JTAG security in particular. If you have experience in cyber
+security or JTAG attacks, I would love to hear what you have learned and what
+topics I missed! :) I suggest you read the sources mentioned below -- there are
+so many interesting security discussions there. Well, this article concludes my
+dive into the topic of JTAG protocol. Thanks to all who read it.
+> **Note**: This article was originally published by Aliaksandr on his blog. You
+> can find the original article
+> [here](https://medium.com/@aliaksandr.kavalchuk/diving-into-jtag-part-6-security-d40f1e84e6ba).
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+## Links
+- [JTAG Hacking with a Raspberry Pi - Introducing the PiFex](https://voidstarsec.com/blog/jtag-pifex)
+- [Hardware Debugging for Reverse Engineers Part 2: JTAG, SSDs and Firmware Extraction](https://wrongbaud.github.io/posts/jtag-hdd/)
+- [nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass) Part 1](https://limitedresults.com/2020/06/nrf52-debug-resurrection-approtect-bypass/)
+- [nRF52 Debug Resurrection (APPROTECT Bypass) Part 2](https://limitedresults.com/2020/06/nrf52-debug-resurrection-approtect-bypass-part-2/)
+- [Firmware dumping technique for an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC](https://blog.includesecurity.com/2015/11/firmware-dumping-technique-for-an-arm-cortex-m0-soc/)
+- [Bypassing CRP on Microcontrollers by Andrew Tierney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTuzuaiQL_Q)
+- [Blackbox JTAG Reverse Engineering](https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrplan/attachments/1435_JTAG.pdf)
+- [Glitching and Fault Injection: Re-enabling JTAG on the STM32](https://youtu.be/2cwJO3jyJfc)
+- [Glitching and Fault Injection: Finding the Right Voltage](https://youtu.be/16UcoPLdXD4)
+- [Glitching. A Fault Injection Primer](https://advancedsecurity.training/posts/glitching-primer)
+- [Hardware Power Glitch Attack (Fault Injection) - rhme2 Fiesta (FI 100)](https://youtu.be/6Pf3pY3GxBM)
+- [Laser fault attacks \| Enter the Donjon](https://youtu.be/s3f1zNpzINY)
+- [Power glitch attacks \| Enter the Donjon](https://youtu.be/6boKvdoTu2w)
+- [Breaking secure hardware with software attacks \| Enter the Donjon](https://youtu.be/bIj-V2mow7c)
+- [ECED4406 - 0x501 Power Analysis Attacks](https://youtu.be/2iDLfuEBcs8)
+- [Side Channel Analysis & Cryptography](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyAXNQGte3qPMk5XvACx4lQslwXcqUJrh)
+- [Securing the JTAG Interface](https://www.asset-intertech.com/resources/blog/2019/07/securing-the-jtag-interface/)
+- [No Code Hardware Hacking - Introducing Glitchy](https://youtu.be/TrEsTD9i0LU)
+- [SECGlitcher (Part 1) - Reproducible Voltage Glitching on STM32 Microcontrollers](https://sec-consult.com/blog/detail/secglitcher-part-1-reproducible-voltage-glitching-on-stm32-microcontrollers/)
+- [Backdoor Silicon FUD](https://deadhacker.com/2012/06/08/backdoor-silicon-fud/)
+- [DEFCON 17: An Open JTAG Debugger](https://youtu.be/k3ac5iBcfnQ)
+- [Voltage (VCC) Glitching Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with ChipWhisperer-Lite](https://youtu.be/dVkCNiM0PL8)
+- [Shedding too much Light on a Microcontroller's Firmware Protection](https://www.aisec.fraunhofer.de/en/FirmwareProtection.html)
+- [Breakthrough silicon scanning discovers backdoor in military chip](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~sps32/Silicon_scan_draft.pdf)