- Slashing the Disaggregation Tax in Heterogeneous Data Centers with FractOS (EuroSys 2022) [Personal Notes] [Paper]
- ICL & Technion & Barkhausen Institut & TU Dresden
- A GPU adaptor offers several RPCs: GPU context initialization, memory de/allocation, kernel loading, kernel invocation, and cleanup.
- DGSF: Disaggregated GPUs for Serverless Functions (IPDPS 2022) [Personal Notes] [Paper]
- UT-Austin & Katana Graph
- Serverless functions; intercept CUDA APIs.
- rCUDA: Reducing the Number of GPU-Based Accelerators in High Performance Clusters (HPCS 2010) [Paper] [Homepage]
- Universidad Politécnica de Valencia & Universidad Jaume I
- Remote GPU acceleration; HPC clusters.
- RPC: Remote Procedure Call