Update dependencies #55
1 error
Check for DCO
You have 2 commits incorrectly signed off. To fix, first ensure you have a local copy of your branch by [checking out the pull request locally via command line](https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/checking-out-pull-requests-locally). Next, head to your local branch and run:
git rebase HEAD~2 --signoff
Now your commits will have your sign off. Next run
git push --force-with-lease origin update-dependencies
Commit sha: [d5e00e4](https://github.com/mercedes-benz/disclosure-cli/pull/51/commits/d5e00e47ffc42776f5196b1627736c51f7931e78), Author: Moedinger, Marcus (415), Committer: Moedinger, Marcus (415); The sign-off is missing.
Commit sha: [3906b69](https://github.com/mercedes-benz/disclosure-cli/pull/51/commits/3906b6910372c3eb4f0c50eeb00bf2ce32c467b5), Author: Moedinger, Marcus (415), Committer: Moedinger, Marcus (415); The sign-off is missing.