Bev Pooling plays a vital role in BEV-based mono/stereo 3D detection methods like BEVDet/BEVDetph, which directly project 3d obejcts from image view to birds-eye-view according computed indexs. However we note that Bev Pooling suffers from precesion loss when converting float-indexs to quanted ones, therefore two points being assigned to the same voxel may have longer distance than that of points being assigned to different voxels.
This project provide a better solution called bev align, that assigning a point to its 4 nearest voxels, and weight its assigned value in every channel according to its distances to the voxels, the whole process is achived in a inverse-bilinear-interpolation way, see the above figure.
Experiment show about 2% mAP boost in our inner val dataset(contains 20515 samples).
Directly compute quanted bev indexs, and assign image features to that bev voxel
Please see readme.pdf to learn more experiment records.
Please move this project to BEVDet, replace the old one
rm -rf ${THIS_PROJECT} ${BEVDet_Path}/mmdet3d/ops/bev_pool
mv ${THIS_PROJECT} ${BEVDet_Path}/mmdet3d/ops/bev_pool
Add import item in ${BEVDet_Path}/mmdet3d/ops/
from .bev_pool.voxel_align import voxel_pool,voxel_align,voxel_align_fast
Add source file in ${BEVDet_Path}/
cuda extend item , replace the old one with :
Then recompiling the bevdet source code
cd ${THIS_PROJECT} ${BEVDet_Path}
pip install -v -e .
[2023-02-21] support voxel_align_fast
, which achieves the same result while 12 times faster than the voxel_align
, it also minimize the gpu memory by a large margin, see the below example .
from mmdet3d.ops import voxel_pool, voxel_align, voxel_align_fast
import torch
bev_h = 64
bev_w = 128
img_output_h=16 # img feature map height
img_output_w=44 # img feature map width
img_output_c=64 # img feature map feature channels
img_output_d=59 # img feature map depth channels
batch_size = 1 # batch size
sensor_num = 1 # how many sensors
depth = torch.randn([batch_size, sensor_num, img_output_d, img_output_h, img_output_w]).float()
img_feat = torch.randn([batch_size, sensor_num, img_output_c, img_output_h, img_output_w]).float()
volume = depth.unsqueeze(2) * img_feat.unsqueeze(3)
volume = volume.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2)
geom_feats = torch.randn([batch_size, sensor_num,img_output_d, img_output_h, img_output_w,3]) * 30
# please strictly follow the above data shape format and data dtype
output_pool = voxel_pool(volume.cuda(), geom_feats.cuda(), bev_h,bev_w)
output_align = voxel_align(volume.cuda(), geom_feats.cuda(), bev_h,bev_w)
output_align_fast = voxel_align_fast(depth.cuda(), img_feat.cuda(), geom_feats.cuda(), bev_h,bev_w)
diff = torch.sum(torch.abs(output_align-output_align_fast))
print(f"diffence between `voxel_align` and `voxel_align_fast` is {diff}!")