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Configure DC/OS Vagrant

The number of machines and their resources is configurable, depending on your needs and hardware constraints.

Several example VagrantConfig.yaml files are provided, but they can also be individually customized to change the number of nodes and the resources they are provisioned with.

Deploying multiple VMs takes a lot of memory and Mesos reserves more for overhead on each node. So don't expect to be able to install every DC/OS service or use production-grade configurations. Most services will require reduced configurations in order to fit within the allocated memory. Some services (e.g. Cassandra) may require more nodes/resources than others.

For more information about how the DC/OS installation works and how to debug deployment/installation failure, see DC/OS Install Process.

Node Types

Each machine in VagrantConfig.yaml must specify one of the following node types that governs how that machine will be provisioned:

  • master - Master node that runs the DC/OS core components (e.g. m1)
  • agent-private - Agent node that runs the Mesos agent with the * role (e.g. a1)
  • agent-public - Agent node that runs the Mesos agent with the slave_public role (e.g. p1)
  • boot - Bootstrap node that runs the installer (e.g. boot)

Cluster Constraints

Which exact machines are created and provisioned can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. Deploy all machines specified in the VagrantConfig.yaml file with vagrant up
  2. Specify the machines by name when deploying (e.g. vagrant up m1 a1 p1 boot)

Generally option 1 is recommended for simplicity, but option 2 is equally valid.

When selecting which machines to deploy, the following constraints must be observed:

  • An odd number of master nodes is required (usually 1, 3, or 5)
  • Any number of public and/or private agent nodes is allowed
  • Exactly one bootstrap node is required
  • The bootstrap node must be provisioned last

Resource Constraints

DC/OS services will be installed on Mesos agent nodes. Mesos will auto-detect the amount of resources available on these machines, with the following constraint:

  • Mesos reserves half or 1 GB of each machine's memory for overhead (whichever is least)

For example, a1 has 6144 MB memory by default. Some of that memory will be taken by OS and DC/OS component processes (~ MB). 1 GB will be reserved by Mesos as overhead (unless memory-reserved is specified). The rest will be offered to Mesos frameworks for launching tasks (~ MB).

IMPORTANT: Make sure your local machine has enough memory to launch all your desired VMs, otherwise your machine may lock up as all the memory is consumed.

Environment Options

There are several configurable options when deploying a cluster and installing DC/OS on it. Most of them are configurable via environment variables:

  • VAGRANT_LOG - Vagrant log level (values: debug, info, warn, error; default: info)
  • DCOS_BOX - VirtualBox box image name (default: mesosphere/dcos-centos-virtualbox)
  • DCOS_BOX_URL - VirtualBox box image url or vagrant-cloud style image repo (default:
  • DCOS_BOX_VERSION - VirtualBox box image version (default: ~> 0.5.0)
  • DCOS_MACHINE_CONFIG_PATH - Path to virtual machine configuration manifest (default: VagrantConfig.yaml)
    • Must contain at least one boot type machine, one master type machine, and one agent or agent-public type machine.
  • DCOS_CONFIG_PATH - Path to DC/OS configuration template (default: unset)
    • master_list, agent_list, exhibitor_zk_hosts, and bootstrap_url will be overridden.
  • DCOS_VERSION - Version of DC/OS to download and install, unless DCOS_GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH is specified. (default: 1.9.0)
  • DCOS_GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH - Path to DC/OS configuration generation script (default: unset)
  • DCOS_INSTALL_METHOD - One of the following installation methods (default: ssh_pull):
    • ssh_pull - Use the "manual" DC/OS installation method ( with a pool of thread workers performing remote SHH installation.
    • ssh_push - Use the "automated" DC/OS installation method ( --deploy). WARNING: Does not (yet) support agent-public nodes!
    • web - Use the GUI DC/OS installation method ( --web). WARNING: Does not (yet) support agent-public nodes!
  • DCOS_JAVA_ENABLED - Boolean to install java on each agent (default: false). If you set this to true, ensure that there is a JRE install file in your provision folder whose name matches jre-*-linux-x64.*
  • DCOS_PRIVATE_REGISTRY - Boolean to install an insecure private Docker registry on the boot machine and configure the agents to allow it (default: false)
  • DCOS_VAGRANT_MOUNT_METHOD - One of the following methods (default: virtualbox):
  • CURL_CA_BUNDLE - Path to an alternative CA certificate bundle to verify the installer download.
  • DCOS_LICENSE_KEY_CONTENTS - License key for 1.11+ enterprise

Additional advanced configuration may be possible by modifying the Vagrantfile directly, but is not encouraged because the internal APIs may change at any time.

Specify DC/OS Version

Any of the known DC/OS versions in dcos-versions.yaml can be specified before deployment by setting DCOS_VERSION.

For example:

export DCOS_VERSION=1.8.5
vagrant up

New versions will be added as they become available. git checkout master && git pull to update your local version list.

Specify DC/OS Installer

To install DC/OS from an installer that is not in dcos-versions.yaml:

  1. Download the DC/OS installer.

    For example:

    curl -o

    See DC/OS Releases for download links.

    Mesosphere Enterprise DC/OS installers are also supported. Contact your sales representative or [email protected] to obtain the right DC/OS installer.

  2. Move the installer into the dcos-vagrant directory. This allows it to be executed during boot machine provisioning.

  3. Export DCOS_GENERATE_CONFIG_PATH as the path to the installer, relative to the dcos-vagrant directory.

    For example:

  4. Export DCOS_CONFIG_PATH as the path to the DC/OS config yaml, relative to the dcos-vagrant directory.

    For example (select one):

    • DC/OS 1.8: export DCOS_CONFIG_PATH=etc/config-1.8.yaml
    • DC/OS 1.7: export DCOS_CONFIG_PATH=etc/config-1.7.yaml

Configure DC/OS

While the VagrantConfig.yaml configuration is specific to DC/OS Vagrant, the config.yaml content is generic for DC/OS.

Configure a Proxy

In DC/OS 1.8.5 proxies are allowed to be configured in config.yaml.

Make sure that no_proxy includes all DC/OS Vagrant VM IPs and any local network addresses you want accessible to the cluster.

Also make sure to update the user, password, and proxy address below.

If the proxy intercepts SSL connections, set the environment variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE to the path of the proxy CA certificate to verify the installer download. This does not change the CA certificates used inside the cluster to verify secure connections.


use_proxy: true
http_proxy: "http://test:[email protected]:3128"
https_proxy: "http://test:[email protected]:3128"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""

Remember, config.yaml cannot be changed after your cluster is deployed!