+ {exp.l(
+ 'For more information, check the {doc_doc|documentation}.',
+ {doc_doc: {href: '/doc/Event', target: '_blank'}},
+ )}
+ {state.showIsrcBubble ? (
+ {exp.l(`You are about to add an ISRC to this recording.
+ The ISRC must be entered in standard
+ -
+ {l(`"CC" is the appropriate for the registrant
+ two-character country code.`)}
+ -
+ {l(`"XXX" is a three character alphanumeric registrant code,
+ uniquely identifying the organisation
+ which registered the code.`)}
+ -
+ {l(`"YY" is the last two digits
+ of the year of registration.`)}
+ -
+ {l(`"NNNNN" is a unique 5-digit number identifying
+ the particular sound recording.`)}
+ ) : null}