This project contains command-line tools to perform the following actions:
- Download XML-encoded caDSR 11179-based common data elements (CDEs) from NCI's caDSR FTP servers.
- Download XML-encoded caDSR contexts, classification schemes, and classification scheme items from NCI's caDSR FTP servers.
- Transform CDEs to CEDAR CDE fields.
- Transform caDSR contexts, classification schemes, and classification scheme items to CEDAR categories.
- Upload CEDAR CDE fields to the CEDAR system.
- Upload CEDAR categories to the CEDAR system.
- Attach CEDAR CDE fields to CEDAR caDSR categories.
caDSR Forms:
- Translate XML-encoded caDSR forms into CEDAR templates.
The format of the caDSR CDEs is described by an XML Schema document. The JAXB library uses this document to generate Java classes to read the XML-encoded instances of caDSR CDEs.
Similarly, the jsonchema2pojo library uses a JSON Schema-encoded CEDAR CDE template to automatically generate Java classes that can serialize JSON instances conforming to this template.
The core translation routines extract information from the JAXB-generated Java objects and insert the information into the jsonschema2pojo-generated Java objects. These latter objects are then serialized into CEDAR-conformant JSON instances.
Note that the caDSR CDE XML Schema was produced semi-automatically from the caDSR-supplied DTD-encoded schema. JAXB bindings were required to rename some generated classes and these bindings do not seem to work with DTD-based documents.
The NCI provided us with an XML file containing caDSR contexts, classification schemes, and classification items. The format of this file is specified by an XML Schema document.
To build this library you must have the following items installed:
- Java 17 (or later)
- A tool for checking out a Git repository.
- Apache's Maven.
Get a copy of the latest code:
git clone
Go to the cedar-cadsr-tools directory:
cd cedar-cadsr-tools
Then build it with Maven:
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java@cedar-cadsr-updater -Dexec.args="[options]"
-c,--update-cdes Update CEDAR CDEs and attach them to
the corresponding CEDAR categories.
-d,--delete-categories Delete existing CEDAR caDSR categories
(excluding its root).
-e,--ftp-cdes-folder <arg> caDSR FTP CDEs working directory.
-E,--cdes-file <arg> caDSR XML CDEs .zip file path.
-f,--folder <arg> [REQUIRED] Identifier of the CEDAR
folder where the CDEs will be stored.
-g,--ftp-categories-folder <arg> caDSR FTP categories working directory.
-G,--categories-file <arg> caDSR XML Categories .zip file path.
-h,--ftp-host <arg> caDSR FTP host.
-k,--apikey <arg> [REQUIRED] API key of CEDAR's caDSR
Admin user.
-o,--ontology-folder <arg> Path to the folder the CADSR-VS
ontology will be saved in.
-p,--ftp-password <arg> caDSR FTP password.
-s,--server <arg> [REQUIRED] Target CEDAR server.
Possible values: local, staging,
-t,--update-categories Update CEDAR categories.
-u,--ftp-user <arg> caDSR FTP user name.
-x,--cadsr-exec-folder <arg> Path to a local folder with temporal
files used during execution. The
folder will be removed after execution.
Example of usage with CEDAR environment variables. In this case, the user wants to retrieve both classifications and CDEs from NCI's FTP servers and upload them to CEDAR.
mvn exec:java@cedar-cadsr-updater -Dexec.args="--update-categories --update-cdes --server local --folder ${CEDAR_CDE_FOLDER_ID} --apikey ${CEDAR_CADSR_ADMIN_USER_API_KEY} --ftp-host ${CEDAR_NCI_CADSR_FTP_HOST} --ftp-user ${CEDAR_NCI_CADSR_FTP_USER} --ftp-password ${CEDAR_NCI_CADSR_FTP_PASSWORD} --ftp-categories-folder ${CEDAR_NCI_CADSR_FTP_CLASSIFICATIONS_DIRECTORY} --ftp-cdes-folder ${CEDAR_NCI_CADSR_FTP_CDES_DIRECTORY} --ontology-folder ${CEDAR_CADSR_ONTOLOGIES_FOLDER}"
Example of usage with local classifications and CDE files. Note that the identifiers, paths, and API key used are just examples.
mvn exec:java@cedar-cadsr-updater -Dexec.args="--update-categories --update-cdes --server local --folder 03f2d7f0-a54c-4a37-a0a8-c53159ec4aab --apikey 8d1fdf56f8147054388432716b06e4dac940aa86b326d13e7bfceb17a9ec4b9c --categories-file /var/tmp/ --cdes-file /var/tmp/ --ontology-folder /var/tmp/ontology"
mvn exec:java@cedar-cadsr-form-translate -Dexec.args="[options]"
-f,--form <arg> [REQUIRED] Path of the .xml file with the caDSR Form to
be imported into CEDAR.
Example of usage.
mvn exec:java@cedar-cadsr-form-translate -Dexec.args="--f /var/tmp/caDSRforms/form2.xml"