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2450 lines (1876 loc) · 84.3 KB

File metadata and controls

2450 lines (1876 loc) · 84.3 KB

See also: compojure-api 1.1.x changelog


  • bump spec-tools to 0.10.6
    • notable changes: swagger :name defaults to "body" instead of "" (diff)
  • Add compatibility for 1.x coercions
    • implies Schema backend
    • fn from request->field->schema->coercer
    • mostly often just (constantly nil) or (constantly {:body matcher})
  • BREAKING: removed api-defaults vars
    • add -v2 suffix to vars
  • exclude frankiesardo/linked #476

2.0.0-alpha33 (2024-04-30)

  • Throw an error on malformed :{body,query,headers}, in particular if anything other than 2 elements was provided
    • Disable check with -Dcompojure.api.meta.allow-bad-{body,query,headers}=true
  • 50% reduction in the number of times :{return,body,query,responses,headers,coercion,{body,form,header,query,path}-params} schemas/arguments are evaluated/expanded
    • saves 1 evaluation per schema for static contexts
    • saves 1 evaluation per schema, per request, for dynamic contexts
  • Fix: Merge :{form,multipart}-params :info :public :parameters :formData field at runtime
  • Add :outer-lets field to restructure-param result which wraps entire resulting form
  • Remove static-context macro and replace with equivalent expansion without relying on compojure internals.
  • Upgrade to ring-swagger 1.0.0 to fix memory leaks

2.0.0-alpha32 (2024-04-20)

  • Fix empty spec response coercion. #413
  • Add back defapi (and deprecate it)
  • Remove potemkin #445
  • Add back compojure.api.routes/create
  • Add back middleware (and deprecate it)
  • Make context :dynamic by default
  • Add :static true option to context
  • Add static context optimization coach
    • -Dcompojure.api.meta.static-context-coach=print to print hints
    • -Dcompojure.api.meta.static-context-coach=assert to assert hints
  • port unit tests from midje to clojure.test

2.0.0-alpha31 (2019-12-20)

  • Update dependencies.

2.0.0-alpha30 (2019-04-01)

  • Correct names for :json & :string coercion type transformers
  • Update dependencies:
[metosin/spec-tools "0.9.1"] is available but we use "0.9.0"
[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.4"] is available but we use "0.6.3"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.26.2"] is available but we use "0.26.1"

2.0.0-alpha29 (2019-02-26)

[prismatic/schema "1.1.10"] is available but we use "1.1.9"
[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.3"] is available but we use "0.6.1"
[com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype/jackson-datatype-joda "2.9.8"] is available but we use "2.9.7"
[metosin/spec-tools "0.9.0"] is available but we use "0.8.2"

2.0.0-alpha28 (2018-11-19)

  • Expose full clojure.spec problems for exception handlers, to use pretty-printers like expound:
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[ring.util.http-response :refer :all])
(require '[compojure.api.exception :as ex])
(require '[expound.alpha :as expound])

(def printer
    {:theme :figwheel-theme, :print-specs? false}))

(def app
    {:coercion :spec
       (fn [e data request]
         (printer (:problems data))
         (ex/request-validation-handler e data request))
       (fn [e data request]
         (printer (:problems data))
         (ex/response-validation-handler e data request))}}}

    (GET "/math" []
      :query-params [x :- int?, y :- int?]
      :return {:total pos-int?}
      (ok {:total (+ x y)}))))
  • updated deps:
[ring/ring-core "1.7.1"] is available but we use "1.7.0"
[metosin/spec-tools "0.8.2"] is available but we use "0.8.0"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.9.1"] is available but we use "0.9.0"

2.0.0-alpha27 (2018-10-22)

  • BREAKING: dropped support for Clojure 1.8.0

  • Latest features from spec-tools

    • Swagger enchancements
    • Better spec coercion via st/coerce using spec walking & inference: many simple specs (core predicates, spec-tools.core/spec, s/and, s/or, s/coll-of, s/keys, s/map-of, s/nillable and s/every) can be transformed without needing spec to be wrapped. Fallbacks to old conformed based approach.
  • new deps:

[metosin/spec-tools "0.8.0"]

2.0.0-alpha26 (2018-09-22)

  • update deps:
[com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype/jackson-datatype-joda "2.9.7"] is available but we use "2.9.6"
[ring/ring-core "1.7.0"] is available but we use "1.6.3"
[metosin/jsonista "0.2.2"] is available but we use "0.2.1"

2.0.0-alpha25 (2018-09-03)

  • update deps:
[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.0"] is available but we use "0.6.0-alpha4"

2.0.0-alpha24 (2018-09-01)

  • update deps:
[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.0-alpha4"] is available but we use "0.6.0-alpha3"

2.0.0-alpha23 (2018-08-16)

  • BREAKING: Don't encode response :body if Content-Type header is set.

  • update deps:

[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.0-alpha3"] is available but we use "0.6.0-alpha1"

2.0.0-alpha21 (2018-06-26)

  • BREAKING: Use Muuntaja 0.6.0-alpha1
    • See all changes in the Muuntaja CHANGELOG
    • Highlights:
      • Change default JSON Serializer from Cheshire to Jsonista
      • Both Joda Time and java.time are supported out-of-the-box
      • up to 6x faster encoding
      • different configuration params, guarded by migration assertion
      • BREAKING: by default Jackson tries to encode everything,
        • e.g. can be serialized, via reflection
      • BREAKING: decoding doesn't try to keep the field order for small maps
    • muuntaja.core/install helper to add new formats:
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[ring.util.http-response :refer :all])

(require '[muuntaja.core :as m])
(require '[muuntaja.format.msgpack]) ;; [metosin/muuntaja-msgpack]
(require '[muuntaja.format.yaml])    ;; [metosin/muuntaja-yaml]

(def formats 
    (-> m/default-options
        (m/install muuntaja.format.msgpack/format)
        (m/install muuntaja.format.yaml/format)
        ;; return byte[] for NIO servers
        (assoc :return :bytes))))

  {:formats formats}
  (POST "/ping" []
    (ok {:ping "pong"})))
  • add compojure.api.middleware/wrap-format to support multiple apis (or api + external static routes)in a project, fixes #374
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[ring.util.http-response :refer [ok]])
(require '[compojurea.api.middeware :as middleware])

(-> (routes
        (POST "/echo1" []
          :body [body s/Any]
          (ok body)))

        (POST "/echo2" []
          :body [body s/Any]
          (ok body))))
  • update deps:
[ikitommi/linked "1.3.1-alpha1"] ;; waiting for original to update
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.26.1"] is available but we use "0.26.0"
[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.0-alpha1"] is available but we use "0.5.0"
[com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype/jackson-datatype-joda "2.9.6"] is available but we use 2.9.5"

2.0.0-alpha20 (2018-05-15)

[potemkin "0.4.5"] is available but we use "0.4.4"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.9"] is available but we use "1.1.7"
[frankiesardo/linked "1.3.0"] is available but we use "1.2.9"
[compojure "1.6.1"] is available but we use "1.6.0"
[metosin/spec-tools "0.7.0"] is available but we use "0.6.1"
[metosin/jsonista "0.2.0"] is available but we use "0.1.1"

2.0.0-alpha19 (2018-03-13)

  • Deal with coercion exceptions in async handlers, fixes #371, by Benjamin Teuber
  • updated deps:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.26.0"] is available but we use "0.25.0"
[metosin/spec-tools "0.6.1"] is available but we use "0.5.1"

1.1.12 (2018-02-27)

Maintenance 1.1 release, adding several patches from 2.0 branch.

  • Backport: Fix context child resolution with compojure-bindings #370
  • Backport: merge-vector #311
  • Backport: Fix metadata position on defmacro to activate CIDER indent style #261

2.0.0-alpha18 (2018-01-18)

  • updated deps:
[metosin/muuntaja "0.5.0"] is available but we use "0.4.1"

2.0.0-alpha17 (2018-01-10)

  • BREAKING: drop defapi. def + api should be used instead.
  • Cleanup conflicting transitive dependencies
  • Supports both old (2.) and new (3.) swagger-uis.
[metosin/muuntaja "0.4.2"] is available but we use "0.4.1"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.25.0"] is available but we use "0.24.3"


[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.10"] is available but we use "3.0.17"


  • updated deps:
[metosin/muuntaja "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.4.0"


  • Fixes Muuntaja-bug of randomly failing on :body parameters with some server setups.

  • updated deps:

[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.5"] is available but we use "0.5.4"
[metosin/muuntaja "0.4.0"] is available but we use "0.3.3"
[ring/ring-core "1.6.3"] is available but we use "1.6.2"
[metosin/spec-tools "0.5.1"] is available but we use "0.5.0"

2.0.0-alpha13 (2017-11-18)

  • Better error messages for bad letk syntax by Erik Assum, fixes #354

  • :coercion applies for context parameters too (not just childs)

  • updated deps:

[metosin/muuntaja "0.3.3"] is available but we use "0.3.2"

2.0.0-alpha12 (2017-10-26)

  • route sequences also produce swagger docs.

2.0.0-alpha11 (2017-10-25)

  • dynamic-context is removed in favor of :dynamic true meta-data for contexts:
(require '[ :as help])

(help/help :meta :dynamic)
; :dynamic
; If set to to `true`, makes a `context` dynamic,
; e.g. body is evaluated on each request. NOTE:
; Vanilla Compojure has this enabled by default
; while compojure-api default to `false`, being
; much faster. For details, see:
; (context "/static" []
;   (if (= 0 (random-int 2))
;      ;; mounting decided once
;      (GET "/ping" [] (ok "pong")))
; (context "/dynamic" []
;   :dynamic true
;   (if (= 0 (random-int 2))
;      ;; mounted for 50% of requests
;      (GET "/ping" [] (ok "pong")))
  • You can now include sequences of routes in routes and context:
(context "/api" []
  (for [path ["/ping" "/pong"]]
    (GET path [] (ok {:path path}))))
  • updated deps:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.24.3"] is available but we use "0.24.2"

2.0.0-alpha10 (21.10.2017)

  • ANY produces swagger-docs for all methods, thanks to Anthony

  • Updated deps:

[metosin/spec-tools "0.5.0"] is available but we use "0.4.0"

2.0.0-alpha9 (18.10.2017)

  • Stringify :pred under Spec :problems, fixes #345
  • Better error message if :spec coercion is tried without required dependencies
  • Don't memoize keyword-specs for now - allow easier redefining

2.0.0-alpha8 (11.10.2017)

  • Aligned with the latest spec-tools: [metosin/spec-tools "0.4.0"]

  • To use Clojure 1.9 & Spec with Swagger, these need to be imported:

[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-beta2"]
[metosin/spec-tools "0.4.0"]
  • Support ring.middleware.http-response exception handling directly:
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[ring.util.http-response :as http])

  {:exceptions {:handlers {::http/response handle-thrown-http-exceptions-here}}
  (GET "/throws" []
    (http/bad-request! {:message "thrown response"})))
  • Use Muuntaja for all JSON transformations, drop direct dependency to Cheshire.
  • Muuntaja api instance (if not undefined, e.g. nil) is injected into :compojure.api.request/muuntaja for endpoints to use.
    • path-for and path-for* now use this to encode path-parameters.
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[compojure.api.request :as request])
(require '[muuntaja.core :as m])

  (GET "/ping" {:keys [::request/muuntaja]}
    (ok {:json-string (slurp (m/encode muuntaja "application/json" [:this "is" 'JSON]))})))
  • FIXED: separate Muuntaja-instance optins are merged correctly.
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[ring.util.http-response :refer [ok]])
(require '[metosin.transit.dates :as transit-dates])
(require '[muuntaja.core :as m])

(def muuntaja
    (-> muuntaja/default-options
          [:formats "application/transit+json"]
          {:decoder-opts {:handlers transit-dates/readers}
           :encoder-opts {:handlers transit-dates/writers}}))))

  {:formats muuntaja}
  (GET "/pizza" []
    (ok {:now (org.joda.time.DateTime/now)})))
  • dropped dependencies:
[cheshire "5.7.1"]
[org.tobereplaced/lettercase "1.0.0"]
  • updated dependencies:
[potemkin "0.4.4"] is available but we use "0.4.3"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.24.2"] is available but we use "0.24.1"
[metosin/spec-tools "0.4.0"] is available but we use "0.3.2"

2.0.0-alpha7 (31.7.2017)

  • drop direct support for application/yaml & application/msgpack. If you want to add them back, you need to manually add the dependencies below and configure Muuntaja to handle those:
(require '[muuntaja.core :as muuntaja])
(require '[muuntaja.format.yaml :as yaml-format])
(require '[muuntaja.format.msgpack :as msgpack-format])

  {:formats (-> muuntaja/default-options
  • dropped dependencies:
[circleci/clj-yaml "0.5.6"]
[clojure-msgpack "1.2.0"]

2.0.0-alpha6 (26.7.2017)

  • spec coericon also calls s/unform after s/conform, e.g. specs like (s/or :int spec/int? :keyword spec/keyword?) work now too.

  • updated dependencies:

[circleci/clj-yaml "0.5.6"] is available but we use "0.5.5"
[metosin/muuntaja "0.3.2"] is available but we use "0.3.1"
[ring/ring-core "1.6.2"] is available but we use "1.6.1"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.24.1"] is available but we use "0.24.0"

1.1.11 (25.7.2017)

  • updated deps for the 1.*

  • BREAKING: in compojure.api.swagger, the swagger-ui and swagger-docs now take options map with path key instead of separate optional path & vararg opts.

    • normally you would use swagger api-options or swagger-routes and thus be unaffected of this.
  • updated dependencies:

[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.4"] is available but we use "0.5.3"
[compojure "1.6.0"] is available but we use "1.5.2"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.6"] is available but we use "1.1.3"
[ring-middleware-format "0.7.2"] is available but we use "0.7.0"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.9.0"] is available but we use "0.8.1"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.24.1"] is available but we use "0.22.14"

2.0.0-alpha5 (2.7.2017)

  • Spec coercion endpoints produce now Swagger2 data

  • To use Clojure 1.9 & Spec with Swagger, these need to be imported:

[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha17"]
[metosin/spec-tools "0.3.0"]
  • To use Clojure 1.8 & Spec with Swagger, these need to be imported:
[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[metosin/spec-tools "0.3.0" :exclusions [org.clojure/spec.alpha]]
[clojure-future-spec "1.9.0-alpha17"]
  • If the dependencies are found, the following entry should appear on log:
INFO :spec swagger generation enabled in compojure.api
  • updated deps:
[metosin/spec-tools "0.3.0"] is available but we use "0.2.2"
  • Schema coercion errors have the :schema as pr-str value.
  • resource body-params are associated over existing instead of merged. e.g. extra params are really stripped off.

2.0.0-alpha4 (19.6.2017)

  • Update to latest Muuntaja.

    • by default, allow empty input body for all formats
    • see changelog
  • updated deps:

[metosin/muuntaja "0.3.1"] is available but we use "0.2.2"

2.0.0-alpha3 (13.6.2017)

  • move compojure.api.request back to src.

2.0.0-alpha2 (13.6.2017)

  • BREAKING: Simplified pluggable coercion.
    • guide in wiki:
    • injected in request under :compojure.api.request/coercion
    • new namespace compojure.api.coercion, replacing compojure.api.coerce.
    • :coercion can be set to api, context, endpoint macros or a resource. It can be either:
      • something satisfying compojure.api.coercion.core/Coercion
      • a Keyword for looking up a predefined Coercion via compojure.api.coercion.core/named-coercion multimethod.
    • coercion is stored in Route :info
    • signature of Coercion:
(defprotocol Coercion
  (get-name [this])
  (get-apidocs [this spec data])
  (encode-error [this error])
  (coerce-request [this model value type format request])
  (coerce-response [this model value type format request]))

Predefined coercions

  • :schema (default) resolves to compojure.api.coercion.schema/SchemaCoercion
  • :spec resolves to compojure.api.coercion.spec/SpecCoercion
  • nil removes the coercion (was: nil or (constantly nil)).

Spec with resources

(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[spec-tools.spec :as spec])

(s/def ::id spec/int?)
(s/def ::name spec/string?)
(s/def ::description spec/string?)
(s/def ::type spec/keyword?)
(s/def ::new-pizza (s/keys :req-un [::name ::type] :opt-un [::description]))
(s/def ::pizza (s/keys :req-un [::id ::name ::type] :opt-un [::description]))

  {:coercion :spec
   :summary "a spec resource, no swagger yet"
   :post {:parameters {:body-params ::new-pizza}
          :responses {200 {:schema ::pizza}}
          :handler (fn [{new-pizza :body-params}]
                     (ok (assoc new-pizza :id 1)))}})

Spec with endpoints

(require '[ :as ds])

(s/def ::id spec/int?)

(context "/spec" []
  :coercion :spec

  (POST "/pizza" []
    :summary "a spec endpoint"
    :return ::pizza
    :body [new-pizza ::new-pizza]
    (ok (assoc new-pizza :id 1)))

  (POST "/math/:x" []
    :summary "a spec endpoint"
    :return {:total int?}
    :path-params [x :- spec/int?]
    :query-params [y :- spec/int?,
                   {z :- spec/int? 0}]
    (ok {:total (+ x y z)})))
  • To use Clojure 1.9 & Spec, these need to be imported:
[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha17"]
[metosin/spec-tools "0.2.2"]
  • To use Clojure 1.8 & Spec, these need to be imported:
[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[metosin/spec-tools "0.2.2" :exclusions [org.clojure/spec.alpha]]
[clojure-future-spec "1.9.0-alpha17"]
  • BREAKING: Clojure 1.7.0 is no longer supported (no back-port for clojure.spec).

  • use ClassLoader -scoped Schema memoization instead of api-scoped - same for anonymous map specs

  • :body-params is available for exception handlers, fixes #306 & #313

  • BREAKING: Restructuring internal key changes in compojure.api.meta:

    • :swagger is removed in favor of :info.
    • swagger-data is pushed to [:info :public] instead of [:swagger]
    • top-level :info can contain:
      • :static-context? -> true if the context is internally optimized as static
      • :name, route name
      • :coercion, the defined coercion

2.0.0-alpha1 (30.5.2017)

  • More descriptive error messages, fixes #304 and #306:
    • when request or response validation fails, more info is provided both to exception hanlders and via default implementations to external clients:
(let [app (GET "/" []
              :return {:x String}
              (ok {:kikka 2}))]
    (app {:request-method :get, :uri "/"})
    (catch Exception e
      (ex-data e))))
; {:type :compojure.api.exception/response-validation,
;  :validation :schema,
;  :in [:response :body],
;  :schema {:x java.lang.String},
;  :errors {:x missing-required-key,
;           :kikka disallowed-key},
;  :response {:status 200,
;             :headers {},
;             :body {:kikka 2}}}
(let [app (GET "/" []
            :query-params [x :- String]
    (app {:request-method :get, :uri "/" :query-params {:x 1}})
    (catch Exception e
      (ex-data e))))
; {:type :compojure.api.exception/request-validation,
;  :validation :schema,
;  :value {:x 1},
;  :in [:request :query-params],
;  :schema {Keyword Any, :x java.lang.String},
;  :errors {:x (not (instance? java.lang.String 1))},
;  :request {:request-method :get,
;            :uri "/",
;            :query-params {:x 1},
;            :route-params {},
;            :params {},
;            :compojure/route [:get "/"]}}
  • Introduce dynamic-context that works like context before the fast context optimization (#253).

    • If you build routes dynamically inside context, they will not work as intended. If you need this, replace context with dynamic-context.
    • See issue #300.

    For example:

;; compojure-api 1.1
(context "/static" []
  (if (its-noon?)
    (GET "/noon-route" [] (ok "it's noon")))

;; compojure-api 1.2:
(dynamic-context "/static" []
  (if (its-noon?)
    (GET "/noon-route" [] (ok "it's noon")))
  • Remove restructuring migration helpers for 1.0.0 (for :parameters and :middlewares)

1.2.0-alpha8 (18.5.2017)

  • BREAKING: resource function is always 1-arity, options and info are merged.

  • resource can have :middleware on both top-level & method-level.

    • top-level mw are applied first if the resource can handle the request
    • method-level mw are applied second if the method matches
(def mw [handler value]
  (fn [request]
    (println value)
    (handler request)))

  {:middleware [[mw :top1] [mw :top2]]
   :get {:middleware [[mw :get1] [mw :get2]]}
   :post {:middleware [[mw :post1] [mw :post2]]}
   :handler (constantly (ok))})
  • updated deps:
[prismatic/schema "1.1.6"] is available but we use "1.1.5"

1.2.0-alpha7 (15.5.2017)

  • BREAKING: resource separates 1-arity :handler and 3-arity :async-handler. Rules:
    • if resource is called with 1-arity, :handler is used, sent via compojure.response/render
    • if resource is called with 3-arity, :async-handler is used, with fallback to :handler.
      • sent via compojure.response/send so manifold Deferred and core.async ManyToManyChannel can be returned.
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(require '[manifold.deferred :as d])

  {:summary "async resource"
   :get {:summary "normal ring async"
         :async-handler (fn [request respond raise]
                            (Thread/sleep 100)
                            (respond (ok {:hello "world"})))
   :put {:summary "core.async"
         :handler (fn [request]
                      (a/<! (a/timeout 100))
                      (ok {:hello "world"})))}
   :post {:summary "manifold"
          :handler (fn [request]
                       (Thread/sleep 100)
                       (ok {:hello "world"})))}})
  • updated deps:
[ring/ring-core "1.6.1"] is available but we use "1.6.0"

1.2.0-alpha6 (12.5.2017)

  • depend directly on [ring/ring-core "1.6.0"]
  • compojure.api.core depends on compojure.api.async
  • resource now supports async (3-arity) handlers as well.
  {:parameters {:query-params {:x Long}}
   :handler (fn [request respond raise]
                (res (ok {:total (-> request :query-params :x)})))
  • updated deps:
[ring/ring-core "1.6.0"]
[cheshire "5.7.1"] is available but we use "5.7.0"
[compojure "1.6.0"] is available but we use "1.5.2"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.5"] is available but we use "1.1.4"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.4"] is available but we use "0.5.3"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.9.0"] is available but we use "0.8.2"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.24.0"] is available but we use "0.23.0"
[compojure "1.6.0"] is available but we use "1.6.0-beta3"

1.2.0-alpha5 (31.3.2017)

  • Use the latest Muuntaja.
  • Test with [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha15"] (requires Midje 1.9.0-alpha6)
[metosin/muuntaja "0.2.1"] is available but we use "0.2.0-20170323.064148-15"

1.2.0-alpha4 (23.3.2017)

  • Initial support for Async Ring, using CPS, manifold or core.async

  • compojure.api.core/ring-handler to turn a compojure-api route into a 1-arity function

    • can be passed into servers requiring handlers to be Fn
  • :params are populated correctly from :body-params

  • Allow nil paths in routing, allows easy (static) conditional routing like:

(defn app [dev-mode?]
    (GET "ping" [] (ok "pong"))
    (if dev-mode?
      (GET "/drop-the-db" [] (ok "dropped")))))
  • Support as response type, mapping to file downloads
    • no response coercion
    • fixes #259
(GET "/file" []
  :summary "a file download"
  :produces #{"image/png"}
  (-> (io/resource "screenshot.png")
      (header "Content-Type" "image/png"))))
  • Fix help-for for some restructure methods #275 by Nicolás Berger

  • BREAKING: in compojure.api.swagger, the swagger-ui and swagger-docs now take options map with path key instead of separate optional path & vararg opts.

    • normally you would use swagger api-options or swagger-routes and thus be unaffected of this.
  • BREAKING: middleware is removed because it dangerously applied the middleware even to requests that didn't match the contained routes. New route-middleware only applies middlewares when the request is matched against contained routes.

    • route-middleware is not exposed in sweet namespace but is available at compojure.api.core
  • Updated deps:

[metosin/muuntaja "0.2.0-20170323.064148-15"] is available but we use "0.2.0-20170122.164054-8"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.4"] is available but we use "1.1.3"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.10"] is available but we use "2.2.8"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.23.0"] is available but we use "0.22.14"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.2"] is available but we use "0.8.1"

1.2.0-alpha3 (31.1.2017)

  • Class-based exception handling made easier, the [:exceptions :handlers] options also allows exception classes as keys.
    • First do a :type-lookup, then by Exception class and it's superclasses.
    • Fixes #266
     {::ex/default handle-defaults
      java.sql.SQLException handle-all-sql-exceptions}}}
  • Lovely inline-help,
(require '[ :refer [help]])

; ------------------------------------------------------------
; Usage:
; (help)
; (help topic)
; (help topic subject)
; Topics:
; :meta
; Topics & subjects:
; :meta :body
; :meta :body-params
; :meta :coercion
; :meta :components
; :meta :consumes
; :meta :description
; :meta :form-params
; :meta :header-params
; :meta :middleware
; :meta :multipart-params
; :meta :name
; :meta :no-doc
; :meta :operationId
; :meta :path-params
; :meta :produces
; :meta :responses
; :meta :return
; :meta :summary
; :meta :swagger
; :meta :tags

(help/help :meta :middleware)
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; :middleware
; Applies the given vector of middleware to the route.
; Middleware is presented as data in a Duct-style form:
; 1) ring mw-function (handler->request->response)
; 2) mw-function and it's arguments separately - mw is
;    created by applying function with handler and args
; (defn require-role [handler role]
;   (fn [request]
;     (if (has-role? request role)
;       (handler request)
;       (unauthorized))))
; (def require-admin (partial require-role :admin))
; (GET "/admin" []
;   :middleware [require-admin]
;   (ok))
; (GET "/admin" []
;   :middleware [[require-role :admin]]
;   (ok))
; (GET "/admin" []
;   :middleware [#(require-admin % :admin)]
;   (ok))
  • help can be of anything. contributing to help:
(defmethod help/help-for [:restructuring :query-params] [_ _]
    "Restructures query-params with plumbing letk notation.\n"
    "Example: read x and optionally y (defaulting to 1)"
    "from query parameters. Body of the endpoint sees the"
    "coerced values.\n"
      "(GET \"/ping\""
      "  :query-params [x :- Long, {y :- Long 1}]"
      "  (ok (+ x y)))")))
  • Updated deps:
[metosin/muuntaja "0.2.0-20170130.142747-9"] is available but we use "0.2.0-20170122.164054-8"

1.2.0-alpha2 (22.1.2017)

this is an alpha release, feedback welcome

  • BREAKING: Requires Java 1.8 (as Muuntaja requires it)
  • Fix Cider indentation for route macros, by Joe Littlejohn
  • Restructuring :body does not keywordize all keys,
    • e.g. EDN & Transit keys are not transformed, JSON keys based on the JSON decoder settings (defaulting to true).
  • resource under context requires exact routing match, fixes #269
  • Endpoints can return compojure.api.routes/Routes, returned routes don't commit to swagger-docs - as they can be generated at runtime
  • BREAKING: Better request & response coercion
    • in compojure.api.middleware, the default-coercion-matchers is removed in favour of create-coercion & default-coercion-options
    • uses negotiated format information provided by Muuntaja, fixes #266
    • old custom coercion should work as before, as the contract has not changed
    • Old defaults: coerce everything (request & response body) with json-coercion-matcher
    • New defaults: see the table below:
Format Request Response
application/edn validate validate
application/transit+json validate validate
application/transit+msgpack validate validate
application/json json-coercion-matcher validate
application/msgpack json-coercion-matcher validate
application/x-yaml json-coercion-matcher validate

defaults as code:

(def default-coercion-options
  {:body {:default (constantly nil)
          :formats {"application/json" json-coercion-matcher
                    "application/msgpack" json-coercion-matcher
                    "application/x-yaml" json-coercion-matcher}}
   :string string-coercion-matcher
   :response {:default (constantly nil)
              :formats {}}})

to create a valid coercion (for api or to routes):

;; create (with defaults)
(mw/create-coercion mw/default-coercion-options)

;; no response coercion
(mw/create-coercion (dissoc mw/default-coercion-options :response)

;; disable all coercion
(mw/create-coercion nil)
  • Route-records printing is cleaned up
(context "/api" []
  (GET "/ping" [] (ok))
  (POST "/echo" []
    :body [data {:name s/Str}]
    :return {:name s/Str}
    (ok data))
  (context "/resource" []
      {:get {:handler (constantly (ok))}})))
; #Route {:path "/api",
;         :childs [#Route {:path "/ping"
;                          :method :get}
;                  #Route {:path "/echo",
;                          :method :post,
;                          :info {:parameters {:body {:name Str}},
;                                 :responses {200 {:schema {:name Str}
;                                                  :description ""}}}}
;                  #Route {:path "/resource"
;                          :childs [#Route{:childs [#Route{:path "/"
;                                                          :method :get}]}]}]}
  • Updated deps:
[cheshire "5.7.0"] is available but we use "5.6.3"
[metosin/muuntaja "0.2.0-20170122.164054-8"] is available but we use "0.2.0-20161031.085120-3"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.1"] is available but we use "0.8.0"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.14"] is available but we use "0.22.12"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.8"] is available but we use "2.2.5-0"


  • BREAKING: use Muuntaja instead of ring-middleware-format, #255 for format negotiation, encoding and decoding.
    • 4x more throughput on 1k JSON request-response echo
    • api key :format has been deprecated (fails at api creation time), use :formats instead. It consumes either a Muuntaja instance, Muuntaja options map or nil (unmounts it). See how to configure Muuntaja how to use.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: fast contexts, #253 - use static routes if a context doesn't do any lexical bindings
    • up to 4x faster context routing.
  • Support delayed child route resolution.
  • Removed pre 0.23.0 api option format assertions.
  • :middleware for api & api-middleware, run last just before the actual routes. Uses same syntax as with the routing macros.
  {:middleware [no-cache [wrap-require-role :user]]}
  • Updated deps:
[metosin/muuntaja "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.12"] is available but we use "0.22.11"
  • Removed deps:
[ring-middleware-format "0.7.0"]

1.1.10 (11.1.2017)

[compojure "1.5.2"] is available but we use "1.5.1"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.1"] is available but we use "0.8.0"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.14"] is available but we use "0.22.11"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.8"] is available but we use "2.2.5-0"

1.1.9 (23.10.2016)

  • Fix :header-params with resources, #254
  • updated dependencies:
[frankiesardo/linked "1.2.9"] is available but we use "1.2.7"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.11"] is available but we use "0.22.10"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.5-0"] is available but we use "2.2.2-0"

1.1.8 (29.8.2016)

  • Lot's of new swagger-bindings from Ring-swagger:

    • schema.core.defrecord
    • org.joda.time.LocalTime
    • primitive arrays, fixes #177
    • s/Any in body generates empty object instead of nil
  • Bundled with latest swagger-ui 2.2.2-0

  • Updated deps:

[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.10"] is available but we use "0.22.9"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.2-0"] is available but we use "2.2.1-0"

1.1.7 (24.8.2016)

  • Bundled with the latest Swagger-ui (2.2.1-0)

  • Updated deps:

[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.1-0"] is available but we use "2.1.4-0"

1.1.6 (1.8.2016)

  • :content-type of user-defined formats are pushed into Swagger :produces and :consumes, thanks to Waldemar.
(def custom-json-format
  (ring.middleware.format-response/make-encoder cheshire.core/generate-string "application/vnd.vendor.v1+json"))

  {:format {:formats [custom-json-format :json :edn]}}

1.1.5 (27.7.2016)

  • New api-options [:api :disable-api-middleware?] to disable the api-middleware completely. With this set, api only produces the (reverse) route-tree + set's swagger stuff and sets schema coercions for the api.
  {:api {:disable-api-middleware? true}
   ;; Still available
   :swagger {:ui "/api-docs"
             :spec "/swagger.json"
             :data {:info {:title "api"}}}}
  • :data in swagger-routes can be overridden even if run outside of api:
(def app
      {:ui "/api-docs"
       :spec "/swagger.json"
       :data {:info {:title "Kikka"}
              :paths {"/ping" {:get {:summary "ping get"}}}}})
    (GET "/ping" [] "pong"))))
  • unsetting :format option in api-middleware causes all format-middlewares not to mount
  • unsetting :exceptions option in api-middleware causes the exception handling to be disabled
  • unsetting :coercion translates to same as setting it to (constantly nil)
  {:exceptions nil ;; disable exception handling
   :format nil     ;; disable ring-middleware-format
   :coercion nil}  ;; disable all schema-coercion
  ;; this will be really thrown
  (GET "/throw" []
    (throw (new RuntimeException))))
  • updated dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "1.1.3"] is available but we use "1.1.2"
[frankiesardo/linked "1.2.7"] is available but we use "1.2.6"

1.1.4 (9.7.2016)

  • fix reflection warning with logging, thanks to Matt K.

  • Empty contexts (/) don't accumulate to the path, see weavejester/compojure#125

  • NOTE: update of ring-http-response had a breaking change:

    • first argument for created is url, not body. Has 2-arity version which takes both url & body in align to the spec & ring
    • fixes #12.
  • updated dependencies:

[compojure "1.5.1"] is available but we use "1.5.0"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.0"] is available but we use "0.7.0"
[cheshire "5.6.3"] is available but we use "5.6.1"

1.1.3 (14.6.2016)

  • updated dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "1.1.2"] is available but we use "1.1.1"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.7.0"] is available but we use "0.6.5"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.9"] is available but we use "0.22.8"
[reloaded.repl "0.2.2"] is available but we use "0.2.1"
[peridot "0.4.4"] is available but we use "0.4.3"
[reloaded.repl "0.2.2"] is available but we use "0.2.1"

1.1.2 (21.5.2016)

  • Response headers are mapped correctly, fixes #232

  • updated dependencies:

[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.8"] is available but we use "0.22.7"

1.1.1 (18.5.2016)

  • Allow usage of run-time parameters with :swagger.
(let [runtime-data {:x-name :boolean
                    :operationId "echoBoolean"
                    :description "Ehcoes a boolean"
                    :parameters {:query {:q s/Bool}}}]
    (GET "/route" []
      :swagger runtime-data
      (ok {:it "works"}))))
  • Copy & coerce compojure :route-params into :path-params with resources
  {:parameters {:path-params {:id s/Int}}
   :responses {200 {:schema s/Int}}
   :handler (fnk [[:path-params id]]
              (ok (inc id)))})
  • updated dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "1.1.1"] is available but we use "1.1.0"

1.1.0 (25.4.2016)

  • BREAKING: Move compojure.api.swgger/validate to compojure.api.validator/validate.
  • BREAKING: If a resource doesn't define a handler for a given request-method or for top-level, nil is returned (instead of throwing exeption)
  • BREAKING Resource-routing is done by context. Trying to return a compojure.api.routing/Route from an endpoint like ANY will throw descriptive (runtime-)exception.
(context "/hello" []
    {:description "hello-resource"
     :responses {200 {:schema {:message s/Str}}}
     :post {:summary "post-hello"
            :parameters {:body-params {:name s/Str}}
            :handler (fnk [[:body-params name]]
                       (ok {:message (format "hello, %s!" name)}))}
     :get {:summary "get-hello"
           :parameters {:query-params {:name s/Str}}
           :handler (fnk [[:query-params name]]
                      (ok {:message (format "hello, %s!" name)}))}}))
  • api-level swagger-options default to {:ui nil, :spec nil}. Setting up just the spec or ui, doesn't automatically setup the other (like previously)
  • Strip nils from :middleware, fixes #228
  • describe works with anonymous body-schemas (via ring-swagger 0.22.7), Fixes #168
  • Support compojure-api apps in Google App Engine by allowing scjsv to be excluded (uses json-schema-validator, which uses rogue threads):
[metosin/compojure-api "1.1.0" :exclusions [[metosin/scjsv]]]
  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.7"] is available but we use "0.22.6"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.3"] is available but we use "0.5.2"
[cheshire "5.6.1"] is available but we use "5.5.0"

1.0.2 (27.3.2016)

  • Parameter order is unreversed for fnk-style destructurings for small number of paramerers, fixes #224
  • Moved internal coercion helpers from compojure.api.meta to compojure.api.coerce.
  • New compojure.api.resource/resource (also in compojure.api.sweet) for building resource-oriented services
(defn resource
  "Creates a nested compojure-api Route from enchanced ring-swagger operations map and options.
  By default, applies both request- and response-coercion based on those definitions.


  - **:coercion**       A function from request->type->coercion-matcher, used
                        in resource coercion for :body, :string and :response.
                        Setting value to `(constantly nil)` disables both request- &
                        response coercion. See tests and wiki for details.

  Enchancements to ring-swagger operations map:

  1) :parameters use ring request keys (query-params, path-params, ...) instead of
  swagger-params (query, path, ...). This keeps things simple as ring keys are used in
  the handler when destructuring the request.

  2) at resource root, one can add any ring-swagger operation definitions, which will be
  available for all operations, using the following rules:

    2.1) :parameters are deep-merged into operation :parameters
    2.2) :responses are merged into operation :responses (operation can fully override them)
    2.3) all others (:produces, :consumes, :summary,...) are deep-merged by compojure-api

  3) special key `:handler` either under operations or at top-level. Value should be a
  ring-handler function, responsible for the actual request processing. Handler lookup
  order is the following: operations-level, top-level, exception.

  4) request-coercion is applied once, using deep-merged parameters for a given
  operation or resource-level if only resource-level handler is defined.

  5) response-coercion is applied once, using merged responses for a given
  operation or resource-level if only resource-level handler is defined.

  Note: Swagger operations are generated only from declared operations (:get, :post, ..),
  despite the top-level handler could process more operations.


    {:parameters {:query-params {:x Long}}
     :responses {500 {:schema {:reason s/Str}}}
     :get {:parameters {:query-params {:y Long}}
           :responses {200 {:schema {:total Long}}}
           :handler (fn [request]
                      (ok {:total (+ (-> request :query-params :x)
                                     (-> request :query-params :y))}))}
     :post {}
     :handler (constantly
                (internal-server-error {:reason \"not implemented\"}))})"
   (resource info {}))
  ([info options]
   (let [info (merge-parameters-and-responses info)
         root-info (swaggerize (root-info info))
         childs (create-childs info)
         handler (create-handler info options)]
     (routes/create nil nil root-info childs handler))))
  • updated dependencies:
[compojure "1.5.0"] is available but we use "1.4.0"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.0"] is available but we use "1.0.5"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.6"] is available but we use "0.22.4"

1.0.1 (28.2.2016)

  • For response coercion, the original response is available in ex-data under :response. This can be used in logging, "what did the route try to return". Thanks to Tim Gilbert.
  • Response coercion uses the :default code if available and response code doesn't match
(GET "/" []
  :responses {200 {:schema {:ping s/Str}}
              :default {:schema {:error s/int}}}

1.0.0 (17.2.2016)


compare to RC2

  • updated dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "1.0.5"] is available but we use "1.0.4"

1.0.0-RC2 (11.2.2016)

compare to RC1

  • Swagger-routes mounted via api-options are mounted before other routes, fixes #218
  • Routes are now resolved also from from Vars, fixes #219
  • Better handling of :basePath with swagger-routes, thanks to Hoxu.
  • Updated dependencies:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.4"] is available but we use "0.22.3"

1.0.0-RC1 (2.2.2016)


  • Move from compile-time to runtime route resolution.
    • Most of the internal macro magic has been vaporized
    • Uses internally (invokable) Records & Protocols, allowing easier integration to 3rd party libs like Liberator
      • even for large apps (100+ routes), route compilation takes now millis, instead of seconds
    • sub-routes can be created with normal functions (or values), making it easier to:
      • pass in app-level dependencies from libs like Component
      • reuse shared request-handling time parameters like path-parameters and authorization info
(defn more-routes [db version]
    (GET "/version" []
      (ok {:version version}))
    (POST "/thingie" []
      (ok (thingie/create db)))))

(defn app [db]
    (context "/api/:version" []
      :path-params [version :- s/Str]
      (more-routes db version)
      (GET "/kikka" []
        (ok "kukka")))))

Breaking changes

  • BREAKING Vanilla Compojure routes will not produce any swagger-docs (as they do not satisfy the Routing protocol. They can still be used for handling request, just without docs.

    • a new api-level option [:api :invalid-routes-fn] to declare how to handle routes not satisfying the Routing protocol. Default implementation logs invalid routes as WARNINGs.
  • BREAKING compojure.core imports are removed from compojure.api.sweet:

    • let-request, routing, wrap-routes
  • BREAKING Asterix (*) is removed from route macro & function names, as there is no reason to mix compojure-api & compojure route macros.

    • GET* => GET
    • ANY* => ANY
    • HEAD* => HEAD
    • PATCH* => PATCH
    • POST* => PUT
    • context* => context
    • defroutes* => defroutes
  • BREAKING swagger-docs and swagger-ui are no longer in compojure.api.sweet

    • Syntax was hairy and when configuring the spec-url it needed to be set to both in order to work
    • In future, there are multiple ways of setting the swagger stuff:
      • via api-options :swagger (has no defaults)
      • via swagger-routes function, mounting both the swagger-ui and swagger-docs and wiring them together
        • by default, mounts the swagger-ui to / and the swagger-spec to /swagger.json
      • via the old swagger-ui & swagger-docs (need to be separately imported from compojure.api.swagger).
      • see for details
(defapi app
  (GET "/ping" []
    (ok {:message "pong"})))

(defapi app
  {:swagger {:ui "/", :spec "/swagger.json"}}
  (GET "/ping" []
    (ok {:message "pong"})))
  • BREAKING: api-level coercion option is now a function of request => type => matcher as it is documented. Previously required a type => matcher map. Options are checked against type => matcher coercion input, and a descriptive error is thrown when api is created with the old options format.

  • BREAKING: Renamed middlewares to middleware and :middlewares key (restructuring) to :middleware

    • will break at macro-expansion time with helpful exception
  • BREAKING: Middleware must be defined as data: both middleware macro and :middleware restructuring take a vector of middleware containing either

    • a) fully configured middleware (function), or
    • b) a middleware templates in form of [function args]
    • You can also use anonymous or lambda functions to create middleware with correct parameters, these are all identical:
      • [[wrap-foo {:opts :bar}]]
      • [#(wrap-foo % {:opts :bar})]
      • [(fn [handler] (wrap-foo handler {:opts :bar}))]
    • Similar to duct
  • BREAKING: (Custom restructuring handlers only) :parameters key used by restructure-param has been renamed to :swagger.

    • will break at macro-expansion time with helpful exception
  • BREAKING public-resource-routes & public-resources are removed from compojure.api.middleware.

  • BREAKING: compojure.api.legacy namespace has been removed.

Migration guide

Other stuff

  • Additional route functions/macros in compojure.api.core:

    • routes & letroutes, just like in the Compojure, but supporting Routing
    • undocumented - works just like routes but without any route definitions. Can be used to wrap legacy routes which setting the api option to fail on missing docs.
  • top-level api is now just function, not a macro. It takes an optional options maps and a top-level route function.

  • Coercer cache is now at api-level with 10000 entries.

  • Code generated from restructured route macros is much cleaner now

  • Coercion is on by default for standalone (apiless) endpoints.

(fact "coercion is on for apiless routes"
  (let [route (GET "/x" []
                :query-params [x :- Long]
    (route {:request-method :get :uri "/x" :query-params {}}) => throws))
  • Removed deps:
[backtick "0.3.3"]

0.24.5 (17.1.2016)


[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.3"] is available

0.24.4 (13.1.2016)


  • Updated deps:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.2"] is available
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.4-0"] is available
[potemkin "0.4.3"] is available

0.24.3 (14.12.2015)


  • coercer-cache is now per Route instead beeing global and based on a FIFO size 100 cache. Avoids potential memory leaks when using anonymous coercion matchers (which never hit the cache).

  • Updated deps:

[prismatic/schema "1.0.4"] is available but we use "1.0.3"

0.24.2 (8.12.2015)


  • Memoize coercers (for schema & matcher -input) for better performance.
    • Tests show 0-40% lower latency, depending on input & output schema complexity.
    • Tested by sending json-strings to api and reading json-string out.
    • Measured a 80% lower latency with a real world large Schema.
  • Updated deps:
[potemkin "0.4.2"] is available but we use "0.4.1"

0.24.1 (29.11.2015)


  • uses [Ring-Swagger "0.22.1"]
  • is used with default uncaugt exception handling if it's found on the classpath. Fixes #172.
  • Both api and defapi produce identical swagger-docs. Fixes #159
  • allow any swagger data to be overriden at runtime either via swagger-docs or via middlewares. Fixes #170.
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.1"] is available but we use "0.22.0"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.3-4"] is available but we use "2.1.3-2"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.2] is available but we use "0.5.1"

0.24.0 (8.11.2015)


  • BREAKING: Dropped support for Clojure 1.6
  • BREAKING: Supports and depends on Schema 1.0.
  • BREAKING: ring-middleware-format accepts transit options in a new format:
;; pre 0.24.0:

  {:format {:response-opts {:transit-json {:handlers transit/writers}}
            :params-opts   {:transit-json {:options {:handlers transit/readers}}}}}

;; 0.24.0 +

  {:format {:response-opts {:transit-json {:handlers transit/writers}}
            :params-opts   {:transit-json {:handlers transit/readers}}}}
  • Updated deps:
[prismatic/schema "1.0.3"] is available but we use "0.4.4"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.1] is available but we use "0.4.4"
[metosin/schema-tools "0.7.0"] is available but we use "0.5.2"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.0"] is available but we use "0.21.0"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.3-2"] is available but we use "2.1.2"

0.23.1 (3.9.2015)


  • Routes are kept in order for swagger docs, Fixes #138.

0.23.0 (1.9.2015)


  • Ring-swagger 0.21.0
    • BREAKING: new signature for dispatching custom JSON Schema transformations, old signature will break (nicely at compile-time), see Readme for details.
    • Support for collections in query parameters. E.g. :query-params [x :- [Long]] & url ?x=1&x=2&x=3 should result in x being [1 2 3].
  • BREAKING: :validation-errors :error-handler, :validation-errors :catch-core-errors? and :exceptions :exception-handler options have been removed.
    • These have been replaced with general :exceptions :handlers options.
    • Fails nicely at compile-time
    • BREAKING: New handler use different arity than old handler functions.
      • new arguments: Exception, ex-info and request.
  • Move context from compojure.api.sweet to compojure.api.legacy. Use context* instead.
  • Updated deps:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.21.0-SNAPSHOT"] is available but we use "0.20.4"
[compojure "1.4.0"] is available but we use "1.3.4"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.4"] is available but we use "0.4.3"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.5"] is available but we use "0.6.3"
[metosin/schema-tools "0.5.2"] is available but we use "0.5.1"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.2"] is available but we use "2.1.5-M2"
[peridot "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.4.0"

0.22.2 (12.8.2015)


0.22.1 (12.7.2015)


  • fixes 137 & 134, thanks to @thomaswhitcomb!
  • updated deps:
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.3"] is available but we use "0.6.2"
[midje "1.7.0"] is available but we use "1.7.0-SNAPSHOT"

0.22.0 (30.6.2015)


  • Optional integration with Component. Use either :components-option of api-middleware or wrap-components-middleware to associate the components with your API. Then you can use :components-restructuring to destructure your components using letk syntax.

  • fix for #123

  • support for pluggable coercion, at both api-level & endpoint-level with option :coercion. See thethe tests.

    • coercion is a function of type - ring-request->coercion-type->coercion-matcher allowing protocol-based coercion in the future ** BREAKING**: if you have created custom restructurings using src-coerce, they will break (nicely at compile-time)
  • new restucturing :swagger just for swagger-docs. Does not do any coercion.

(GET* "/documented" []
  :swagger {:responses {200 {:schema User}
                        404 {:schema Error
                             :description "Not Found"} }
            :paramerers {:query {:q s/Str}
                         :body NewUser}}}
[cheshire "5.5.0"] is available but we use "5.4.0"
[backtick "0.3.3"] is available but we use "0.3.2"
[lein-ring "0.9.6"] is available but we use "0.9.4"

0.21.0 (25.5.2015)

  • :multipart-params now sets :consumes ["multipart/form-data"] and :form-params sets :consumes ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]
  • experimental: File upload support using compojure.api.upload namespace.
(POST* "/upload" []
  :multipart-params [file :- TempFileUpload]
  :middlewares [wrap-multipart-params]
  (ok (dissoc file :tempfile))))
  • breaking: use plain Ring-Swagger 2.0 models with :responses. A helpful IllegalArgumentException will be thrown at compile-time with old models.
  • new way:
:responses {400 {:schema ErrorSchema}}
:responses {400 {:schema ErrorSchema, :description "Eror"}}
  • allow configuring of Ring-Swagger via api-middleware options with key :ring-swagger:
(defapi app
  {:ring-swagger {:ignore-missing-mappings? true}})
  • Bidirectinal routing, inspired by bidi - named routes & path-for:
(fact "bidirectional routing"
  (let [app (api
              (GET* "/api/pong" []
                :name :pong
                (ok {:pong "pong"}))
              (GET* "/api/ping" []
                (moved-permanently (path-for :pong))))]
    (fact "path-for resolution"
      (let [[status body] (get* app "/api/ping" {})]
        status => 200
        body => {:pong "pong"}))))
  • a validator for the api
(require '[compojure.api.sweet :refer :all])
(require '[compojure.api.swagger :refer [validate])

(defrecord NonSwaggerRecord [data])

(def app
      (GET* "/ping" []
        :return NonSwaggerRecord
        (ok (->NonSwaggerRecord "ping"))))))

; clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
; don't know how to create json-type of: class compojure.api.integration_test.NonSwaggerRecord
  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.20.4"] is available but we use "0.20.3"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.2"] is available but we use "0.6.1"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.5-M2"]
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.4"] is available but we use "0.4.3"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.3"] is available but we use "0.4.2"

0.20.4 (20.5.2015)

  • response descriptions can be given also with run-time meta-data (with-meta), fixes #96
    • in next MINOR version, we'll switch to (Ring-)Swagger 2.0 format.
(context* "/responses" []
  :tags ["responses"]
  (GET* "/" []
    :query-params [return :- (s/enum :200 :403 :404)]
    :responses    {403 ^{:message "spiders?"} {:code s/Str} ; old
                   404 (with-meta {:reason s/Str} {:message "lost?"})} ; new
    :return       Total
    :summary      "multiple returns models"
    (case return
      :200 (ok {:total 42})
      :403 (forbidden {:code "forest"})
      :404 (not-found {:reason "lost"}))))

0.20.3 (17.5.2015)

  • welcome compojure.api.core/api, the work-horse behind compojure.api.core/defapi.
  • lexically bound route-trees, generated by api, pushed to request via ring-swagger middlewares.
    • no more +compojure-api-routes+ littering the handler namespaces.
  • fixes #101
  • fixes #102
  • update dependencies:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.20.3"] is available but we use "0.20.2"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.3"] is available but we use "0.4.2"
[peridot "0.4.0"] is available but we use "0.3.1"
[compojure "1.3.4"] is available but we use "1.3.3"
[lein-ring "0.9.4"] is available but we use "0.9.3"

0.20.1 (2.5.2015)

  • use ring-swagger middleware swagger-data injection instead of own custom mechanism.
  • fixed #98: 2.0 UI works when running with context on (Servlet-based) app-servers.
  • Preserve response-schema names, fixes #93.
  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.20.2"] is available but we use "0.20.0"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.2"] is available but we use "0.4.1"

0.20.0 (24.4.2015)

  • New restructuring for :no-doc (a boolean) - endpoints with this don't get api documentation.

  • Fixed #42 - defroutes* now does namespace resolution for the source used for route peeling and source linking (the macro magic)

  • Fixed #91 - defroutes* are now automatically accessed over a Var for better development flow.

  • Fixed #89.

  • Fixed #82.

  • Fixed #71, ring-swagger-ui is now a dependency.

  • breaking ring.swagger.json-schema/describe is now imported into compojure.api.sweet for easy use. If your code refers to it directly, you need remove the direct reference.

Swagger 2.0 -support

  • Routes are collected always from the root (defapi or compojure.api.routes/api-root within that)
  • compojure.api.routes/with-routes is now compojure.api.routes/api-root
  • breaking requires the latest swagger-ui to work
    • [metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.1-M2"] to get things pre-configured
    • or package 2.1.1-M2 yourself from the source.
  • breaking: api ordering is not implemented.
  • breaking: restructuring :nickname is now :operationId
  • breaking: restructuring :notes is now :description
  • swagger-docs now takes any valid Swagger Spec data in. Using old format gives a warning is to STDOUT.
  {:info {:version "1.0.0"
          :title "Sausages"
          :description "Sausage description"
          :termsOfService ""
          :contact {:name "My API Team"
                    :email "[email protected]"
                    :url ""}
          :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
                    :url ""}}
   :tags [{:name "kikka", :description "kukka"}]})
  • Swagger-documentation default uri is changed from /api/api-docs to /swagger.json.
  • compojure.api.swagger/swaggered is deprecated - not relevant with 2.0. Works, but prints out a warning to STDOUT ** in 2.0, apis are categorized by Tags, one can set them either to endpoints or to paths:
(GET* "/api/pets/" []
  :tags ["pet"]
  (ok ...))
(context* "/api/pets" []
  :tags ["pet"]
  (GET* "/" []
    :summary "get all pets"
    (ok ...)))
  • updated deps:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.20.0"] is available but we use "0.19.4"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.4.0"

0.19.3 (9.4.2015)

[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.2"] is available but we use "0.4.1"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.4.0"
[potemkin "0.3.13"] is available but we use "0.3.12"
[compojure "1.3.3"] is available but we use "1.3.2"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.19.4"] is available but we use "0.19.3"

0.19.2 (31.3.2015)

  • Compatibility with swagger-ui 2.1.0-M2 - [metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.0-M2-2]
  • updated deps:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.19.3"] is available but we use "0.19.2"

0.19.1 (31.3.2015)

  • avoid reflection fixes by Michael Blume
  • one can now wrap body & response-models in predicates and get the swagger docs out:
  :return (s/maybe User)
  :responses {200 (s/maybe User)
              400 (s/either Cat Dog)}
  • updated deps:
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.19.2"] is available but we use "0.19.1"

0.19.0 (28.3.2015)

(context* "/api/:kikka" []
  :summary "summary inherited from context"
  :path-params [kikka :- s/Str] ; enforced here at runtime
  :query-params [kukka :- s/Str] ; enforced here at runtime
  (GET* "/:kakka" []
    :path-params [kakka :- s/Str] ; enforced here at runtime
    (ok {:kikka kikka
         :kukka kukka
         :kakka kakka})))
  • updated deps:
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.3.7"
[potemkin "0.3.12"] is available but we use "0.3.11"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.0"] is available but we use "0.3.7"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.1"] is available but we use "0.6.0"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.19.0"] is available but we use "0.18.1"
[lein-ring "0.9.3"] is available but we use "0.9.2"

0.18.0 (2.3.2015)

  • Support passing options to specific format middlewares (merged into defaults):
(defapi app
  {:format {:formats [:json-kw :yaml-kw :edn :transit-json :transit-msgpack]
            :params-opts {}
            :response-opts {}}
   :validation-errors {:error-handler nil
                       :catch-core-errors? nil}
   :exceptions {:exception-handler default-exception-handler}}
  • import compojure.core/wrap-routes into compojure.api.sweet
  • BREAKING: in compojure.api.middleware, ex-info-support is now parameterizable wrap-exception
  • Update dependencies
[prismatic/plumbing "0.3.7"] is available but we use "0.3.5"
[compojure "1.3.2"] is available but we use "1.3.1"
[prismatic/schema "0.3.7"] is available but we use "0.3.3"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.18.0"] is available but we use "0.15.0"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.0"] is available but we use "0.5.2"
[metosin/ring-middleware-format "0.6.0"] is available but we use "0.5.0"

0.17.0 (10.1.2015)

  • Depend on forked version of ring-middleware-format
    • Transit support should now work
    • If you are depending on ring-middleware-format directly, you'll want to either update your dependency or exclude one from Compojure-api
  • Update dependencies:
[cheshire "5.4.0"] is available but we use "5.3.1"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.0.24"] is available but we use "2.0.17"
[lein-ring "0.9.0"] is available but we use "0.8.13"

0.16.6 (8.12.2014)

  • fix #53
  • update deps:
[compojure "1.3.1"] is available but we use "1.2.1"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.15.0"] is available but we use "0.14.1"
[peridot "0.3.1"] is available but we use "0.3.0"

0.16.5 (21.11.2014)

  • fix anonymous Body & Return model naming issue 56 by Michael Blume
  • update deps:
[prismatic/schema "0.3.3"] is available but we use "0.3.2"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.5.2"] is available but we use "0.5.1"

0.16.4 (10.11.2014)

[metosin/ring-swagger "0.14.1"] is available but we use "0.14.0"

0.16.3 (9.11.2014)

[prismatic/plumbing "0.3.5"] is available but we use "0.3.3"
[potemkin "0.3.11"] is available but we use "0.3.8"
[compojure "1.2.1"] is available but we use "1.1.9"
[prismatic/schema "0.3.2"] is available but we use "0.2.6"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.5.1"] is available but we use "0.5.0"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.14.0"] is available but we use "0.13.0"
[lein-ring "0.8.13"] is available but we use "0.8.11"

0.16.2 (11.9.2014)

  • Fixed #47: :middlewares broke route parameters

0.16.1 (11.9.2014)

  • Compiled without AOT
  • Removed :yaml-in-html and :clojure from default response formats

0.16.0 (10.9.2014)

  • Some cleaning
    • Requires now Clojure 1.6.0 for clojure.walk
  • Support other formats in addition to JSON
  • Fixes #43: Middlewares added to route with :middlewares shouldn't leak to other routes in same context anymore

0.15.2 (4.9.2014)

  • Update to latest ring-swagger

0.15.1 (19.8.2014)

  • Update to latest ring-swagger
    • Fixes #16: If Schema has many properties, they are now shown in correct order on Swagger-UI
      • hash-map loses the order if it has enough properties
      • Use when Schema has many properties and you want to keep the order intact
      • (s/defschema Thingie (ordered-map :a String ...))

0.15.0 (10.8.2014)

  • Use latest ring-swagger
  • :body and others no langer take description as third param, instead use :body [body (describe Schema "The description")]
    • describe works also for Java classes :query-params [x :- (describe Long "first-param")]
    • And inside defschema (s/defschema Schema {:sub (describe [{:x Long :y String}] "Array of stuff")})

0.14.0 (9.7.2014)

  • return model coercion returns 500 instead of 400, thanks to @phadej!
  • added support for returning primitives, thanks to @phadej!
(GET* "/plus" []
  :return       Long
  :query-params [x :- Long {y :- Long 1}]
  :summary      "x+y with query-parameters. y defaults to 1."
  (ok (+ x y)))
  • :responses restructuring to (error) return codes and models, thanks to @phadej!
(POST* "/number" []
  :return       Total
  :query-params [x :- Long y :- Long]
  :responses    {403 ^{:message "Underflow"} ErrorEnvelope}
  :summary      "x-y with body-parameters."
  (let [total (- x y)]
    (if (>= total 0)
      (ok {:total (- x y)})
      (forbidden {:message "difference is negative"}))))

0.13.3 (28.6.2014)

  • support for s/Uuid via latest ring-swagger.
  • fail-fast (with client-typos): remove default implementation from compojure.api.meta/restructure-param

0.13.2 (28.6.2014)

  • restructure :header-params (fixes #31)
  • remove vanilla compojure-examples, internal cleanup

0.13.1 (22.6.2014)

  • allow primitives as return types (with help of [metosin/ring-swagger 0.10.2])
    • all primitives are supported when wrapped into sequences and sets
    • directly, only String is supported as Ring doesn't support others
      • in future, there could be a special return value coercer forcing all other primitives as Strings

0.13.0 (21.6.2014)

  • first take on removing the global route state => instead of global swagger atom, there is one defined +routes+ var per namespace
    • requires a compojure.api.core/with-routes on api root to generate and hold the +routes+ (automatically bundled with defapi)
  • update ring-swagger to 0.10.1 to get support for s/Keyword as a nested schema key.

0.12.0 (17.6.2014)

  • possibly breaking change: middlewares macro and :middlewares restructuring now use thread-first to apply middlewares
  • update ring-swagger to 0.9.1 with support for vanilla schema.core/defschema schemas
    • big internal cleanup, removing model var-resolutions, lot's of internal fns removed
  • added defroutes to compojure.api.legacy
  • removed defns from compojure.api.common: ->Long, fn->, fn->>
  • cleaner output from compojure.api.meta/restructure (doesn't generate empty lets & letks)

0.11.6 (5.6.2014)

  • added compojure.api.legacy ns to have the old Compojure HTTP-method macros (GET, POST,...)

0.11.5 (1.6.2014)

  • Update dependencies:
[prismatic/plumbing "0.3.1"] is available but we use "0.2.2"
[compojure "1.1.8"] is available but we use "1.1.7"
[prismatic/schema "0.2.3"] is available but we use "0.2.2"
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.8.8"] is available but we use "0.8.7"
[peridot "0.3.0"] is available but we use "0.2.2"

0.11.4 (19.5.2014)

  • Really updated ring-swagger dependency as I forgot that last with previous release

0.11.3 (12.5.2014)

  • remove non-first trailing spaces from Compojure-routes for swagger-docs.
  • updated dependencies:
    • [metosin/ring-swagger "0.8.7"]
    • [metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.6.16-2"]
  • Moved swagger-ui handler to ring-swagger

0.11.2 (7.5.2014)

  • updated dependencies:

    • [compojure "1.1.7"]
    • [prismatic/schema "0.2.2"]
    • [metosin/ring-swagger "0.8.5"]
  • consumes and produces are now feed to ring-swagger based on the installed middlewares.

0.11.1 (4.5.2014)

0.11.0 (29.4.2014)

  • change signature of restructure-param to receive key, value and the accumulator. Remove the key from accumulator parameters by default. No more alpha.
  • separate restructuring into own namespace meta
  • new: :middlewares restructuring to support adding middlewares to routes:
 (DELETE* "/user/:id" []
   :middlewares [audit-support (for-roles :admin)]
   (ok {:name "Pertti"})))
  • breaking change: with-middleware is renamed to middlewares & it applies middlewares in reverse order
  • more docs on creating own metadata DSLs
  • use clojure.walk16 internally

0.10.4 (16.4.2014)

  • fixed #12
  • added http-kit example

0.10.3 (15.4.2014)

  • renamed clojure.walk to clojure.walk16
  • writing routes to swagger atom happens now at runtime, not compile-time. Works with AOT.

0.10.2 (14.4.2014)

  • All compojure.api.core restructuring are now using restructure-param multimethod to allow external extensions. ALPHA.

0.10.1 (13.4.2014)

  • FIXED #9
    • swaggered resources are now collected in order

0.10.0 (10.4.2014)

  • fixed bug with missing +compojure-api-request+ when having both Compojure destructuring & Compojure-api destructuring in place
  • added support for :body-params (with strict schema):
(POST* "/minus" []
  :body-params [x :- Long y :- Long]
  :summary      "x-y with body-parameters"
  (ok {:total (- x y)}))

0.9.1 (9.4.2014)

  • update ring-swagger to 0.8.4 to get better basepath-resolution (with reverse-proxies)

0.9.0 (6.4.2014)

  • support for Schema-aware :path-parameters and query-parameters:
(GET* "/sum" []
  :query-params [x :- Long y :- Long]
  :summary      "sums x & y query-parameters"
  (ok {:total (+ x y)}))

(GET* "/times/:x/:y" []
  :path-params [x :- Long y :- Long]
  :summary      "multiplies x & y path-parameters"
  (ok {:total (* x y)}))

0.8.7 (30.3.2014)

  • swagger-ui index-redirect work also under a context when running in an legacy app-server. Thanks to Juha Syrjälä for the PR.

0.8.6 (29.3.2014)

  • use instanceof? to match records instead of = with class. Apps can now be uberwarred with lein ring uberwar.

0.8.5 (25.3.2014)

  • update ring-swagger to 0.8.3, generate path-parameters on client side

0.8.4 (25.3.2014)

  • update ring-swagger to 0.8.1, all JSON-schema generation now done there.

0.8.3 (15.3.2014)

  • coerce return values with smart destructuring, thanks to Arttu Kaipiainen.
  • update ring-http-response to 0.4.0
  • handle json-parse-errors by returning JSON
  • rewrite compojure.api.core-integration-test using peridot.core

0.8.2 (10.3.2014)

(context "/api" []
  (GET* ["/item/:name" :name #"[a-z/]+"] [name] identity))
  • Sets really work now with smart destructuring of GET* and POST*. Addeds tests to verify.

0.8.1 (6.3.2104)

  • update ring-swagger to 0.7.3
  • initial support for smart query parameter destructuring (arrays and nested params don't get swagger-ui love yet - but work otherwise ok)
  (GET* "/echo" []
    :return Thingie
    :query  [thingie Thingie]
    (ok thingie)) ;; here be coerced thingie

0.8.0 (5.3.2014)

  • Breaking change: compojure.api.routes/defroutes is now compojure.api.core/defroutes* to avoid namespace clashes & promote it's different.
  • FIXED #4
    • reverted "Compojures args-vector is now optional with compojure.api.core web methods"

0.7.3 (4.3.2014)

  • removed the Compojure Var pimp. Extended meta-data syntax no longer works with vanilla Compojure but requires the extended macros from compojure.api.core.
  • update to Ring-Swagger to 0.7.2

0.7.2 (3.3.2014)

  • date-format can be overridden in the json-response-support, thanks to Dmitry Balakhonskiy
  • Update Ring-Swagger to 0.7.1 giving support for nested Maps:
  (defmodel Customer {:id String
                      :address {:street String
                                :zip Long
                                :country {:code Long
                                          :name String}}})
  • schema-aware body destructuring with compojure.api.core web methods does now automatic coercion for the body
  • Compojures args-vector is now optional with compojure.api.core web methods
  (POST* "/customer"
    :return   Customer
    :body     [customer Customer]
    (ok customer))) ;; we have a coerced customer here

0.7.1 (1.3.2014)

  • update ring-swagger to 0.7.0
    • support for schema/maybe and schema/both
    • consume Date & DateTime both with and without milliseconds: "2014-02-18T18:25:37.456Z" & "2014-02-18T18:25:37Z"
  • name-parameter of swaggered is stripped out of spaces.

0.7.0 (19.2.2014)

  • update ring-swagger to 0.6.0
  • updated example to cover all the dates.
  • swaggered doesn't have to contain container-element (context etc.) within, endpoints are ok:
  (swaggered "ping"
    :description "Ping api"
    (GET* "/ping" [] (ok {:ping "pong"})))
  • body parameter in POST* and PUT* now allows model sequences:
  (POST* "/pizzas" []
    :body [pizzas [NewPizza] {:description "new pizzas"}]
    (ok (add! pizzas)))

0.6.0 (18.2.2014)

0.5.0 (17.2.2014)

  • swaggered can now follow symbols pointing to a compojure.api.routes/defroutes route definition to allow better route composition.
  • compojure.api.sweet now uses compojure.api.routes/defroutes instead of compojure.core/defroutes

0.4.1 (16.2.2014)

  • Fixed JSON Array -> Clojure Set coercing with Strings

0.4.0 (13.2.2014)

  • Initial public version