Parsing the file:
filename = get(ARGS, 1, "sample_input")
input = open(f -> read(f, String), filename) |> chomp
Trying to find first time there’s 4 different characters
l4 = fill("", 4)
for (i, v) in input |> i -> split(i, "") |> enumerate
push!(l4, v); popfirst!(l4)
if (l4 |> l -> filter(!isempty, l) |> unique |> length) == 4
println("Part 1: ", i); break
Part 1: 7
Trying to find first time there’s 14 different characters
l14 = fill("", 14)
for (i, v) in input |> i -> split(i, "") |> enumerate
push!(l14, v); popfirst!(l14)
if (l14 |> l -> filter(!isempty, l) |> unique |> length) == 14
println("Part 2: ", i); break
Part 2: 19