Git (of course)
Python 2.7
Maya 2014 ~ 2018 (*)
A C++ compiler: (*)
- gcc on linux
- clang on OSX
- Visual Studio on windows (**)
(*) Only when building the plugins
(**) The version should match the one used by the target Maya version
- Clone the repository and initialize it
$ git clone
$ git submodule update --init
- Checkout the desired branch or tag
- develop : latest developments
- master : latest official release
- RB-x.x : latest version in x.x series (i.e. 2.2.5 in RB-2.2)
$ git checkout develop
$ git submodule update
- Compile
The available targets are:
- mgear_core : Only mgear python module.
- mgear_solvers : Solvers maya plugin.
- cvwrap : cvwrap maya plugin.
- mgear : everything (default)
$ scons with-maya=2017
(let it cook)
To show all available build options:
$ scons -h