Balance charging the LiPo battery using the iMAX B6AC LiPo balance charger:
- Plug the charger to mains to power it up
- Check that the jacks of the charging cable are correctly connected to the charger (black to negative and red to positive).
- Connect the XT60 connector of the battery to the charging cable.
- Insert the JST-XH balance connector of the battery to the designated slot in the balance charger (In our case 3 cells).
- Use arrows to go to the Balance Charge setting.
- Select LiPo battery type.
- Confirm settings. For the 5000mAh 11.1V 50C LiPo battery: Lipo, 3.8A charging current (below 1C) and 11.1V (3S) configuration.
- Hold the Start button to start. Press it again to confirm.
- During charging: in the screen with 6 voltages it is normal to see the lower three indications static at 0.00. This is because the charger is capable of charging batteries with up to 6 cells, but our battery actually has only three.
- The charger alarm will beep when charge is complete
Red switch on the side from O to I
SSH into the robot and source ROS2 workspace:
(PC T1)$ ssh mhered@manubot
[email protected]'s password:
(manubot T1)$ cd ~/dev_ws/
(manubot T1)$ source install/setup.bash
(manubot T1)$ ros2 launch manolobot_uno
Source ROS2 workspace in PC:
(PC T2)$ cd ~/dev_ws/
(PC T2)$ source install/setup.bash
Note we use predefined config file but it is not necessary
(PC T2)$ rviz2 -d ~/dev_ws/src/manolobot_uno/config/bot_with_sensors.rviz
Launch keyboard teleop controller in PC:
(PC T3)$ ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/diff_cont/cmd_vel_unstamped
Note remapping of topic /cmd_vel
to /diff_cont/cmd_vel_unstamped
Now you can move the robot from computer with the keyboard and see it in RVIZ!
More details in ./BOM/
Connect the gamepad in Ubuntu:
- ensure it is charged (or charge with microUSB)
- to pair press HOME + SHARE (small button labelled 'S' on the left above the cross) until light flashes white (note if you press HOME + 'O' button on the right the white light blinks, not flashes)
- In Bluetooth settings select Wireless Controller to Connect. Light stops flashing and turns blue
- You may want to test it works with
$ evtest
Launch gamepad controller:
$ ros2 launch manolobot_uno
Note: the controls are defined in a parameter file which implements:
- Dead man switches: L button (left shoulder) for normal speed, R button (right shoulder) for turbo
- Control on left stick: vertical axis for forward/backward motion and horizontal axis for rotation.
SSH to the robot from another Terminal and launch the camera controller:
(manubot T2)$ cd ~/dev_ws/
(manubot T2)$ source install/setup.bash
(manubot T2)$ ros2 launch manolobot_uno
In RVIZ Add Camera and select topic /image_raw/compressed
It does not show the camera feed in RVIZ as it should... BUT it works with RQT:
(PC T4)$ cd ~/dev_ws/
(PC T4)$ source install/setup.bash
(PC T4)$ ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
It works!
Launch the LIDAR controller:
(manubot T3)$ cd ~/dev_ws/
(manubot T3)$ source install/setup.bash
(manubot T3)$ ros2 launch ldlidar_stl_ros2
It works!
Safe reset and shutdown: the blue button.
- Shortly pressing the Blue button is ignored (considered noise)
- ~1 sec press resets the RPi (not sure if there is a use case for this)
- 4 sec press shuts down safely the RPi
After Lidar powers off (means RPi powered off) switch off mains red button
See implementation in file
- add photos / video of battery charging
- fix issue with camera in RVIZ
- make power down more usable (remove short press for reset and provide feedback for shutdown)
- wheels skid, big time
- motors have a lot of hysteresis