The Core module consists of YAML 1.2 specification, the parser and the YEAST tokenizer. It is, in fact, a Kotlin implementation of a Haskell based YAML parser called YamlReference. More detailed information about the original Haskell package can be found here and here.
The specification is directly copied from YAML 1.2 specification with minor changes to follow Kotlin language syntax. Following is a snippet of the specification (Spec.kt):
* [36] ns-hex-digit ::= ns-dec-digit
* | [#x41-#x46] /* A-F */ | [#x61-#x66] /* a-f */
val `ns-hex-digit` = `ns-dec-digit` or 0x41..0x46 or 0x61..0x66
* [37] ns-ascii-letter ::= [#x41-#x5A] /* A-Z */ | [#x61-#x7A] /* a-z */
val `ns-ascii-letter` = 0x41..0x5A or 0x61..0x7A
* [38] ns-word-char ::= ns-dec-digit | ns-ascii-letter | “-”
val `ns-word-char` = `ns-dec-digit` or `ns-ascii-letter` or '-'
* [39] ns-uri-char ::= “%” ns-hex-digit ns-hex-digit | ns-word-char | “#”
* | “;” | “/” | “?” | “:” | “@” | “&” | “=” | “+” | “$” | “,”
* | “_” | “.” | “!” | “~” | “*” | “'” | “(” | “)” | “[” | “]”
val `ns-uri-char` = "escape" cho
('%' cmt "escape" and `ns-hex-digit` and `ns-hex-digit` or `ns-word-char` or '#' or
';' or '/' or '?' or ':' or '@' or '&' or '=' or '+' or '$' or ',' or
'_' or '.' or '!' or '~' or '*' or '\'' or '(' or ')' or '[' or ']')
The parsing result is a sequence of YEAST tokens. These tokens can later be used by other modules, or third-party tools, to generate useful data. For example Loader module takes these tokens to convert them to Kotlin objects (Map, List or String).
Following code is a sample way to explore the tokenizer:
// the yaml text
val text = "foo: bar"
// tokenize the text and print the generated tokens
yaml().tokenize("a name", text.toByteArray(), true).forEach { token -> println(token) }
The output of above execution would be following tokens: (Each token has the information about the byte offset in the file, character offset in the file, line number and character offset in the line.)
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 3, C: 3, L: 1, c: 3
# B: 3, C: 3, L: 1, c: 3
# B: 3, C: 3, L: 1, c: 3
# B: 4, C: 4, L: 1, c: 4
# B: 5, C: 5, L: 1, c: 5
# B: 5, C: 5, L: 1, c: 5
# B: 5, C: 5, L: 1, c: 5
# B: 8, C: 8, L: 1, c: 8
# B: 8, C: 8, L: 1, c: 8
# B: 8, C: 8, L: 1, c: 8
# B: 8, C: 8, L: 1, c: 8
# B: 8, C: 8, L: 1, c: 8
# B: 8, C: 8, L: 1, c: 8
Individual productions in the specification can also be used to generate tokens.
// the yaml comment text
val text = "# a comment"
// tokenize the comment text and print the generated tokens
PatternTokenizer(`s-b-comment`).tokenize("a comment", text.toByteArray(), true).forEach { token -> println(token) }
The output of above execution would be following tokens:
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 0, C: 0, L: 1, c: 0
# B: 1, C: 1, L: 1, c: 1
t a comment
# B: 11, C: 11, L: 1, c: 11
To see more examples of tokenizer, check out the available tests in the source code.
Name | Code | Description |
Bom | U | BOM, contains TF8, TF16LE, TF32BE, etc. |
Text | T | Content text characters. |
Meta | t | Non-content (meta) text characters. |
Break | b | Separation line break. |
LineFeed | L | Line break normalized to content line feed. |
LineFold | l | Line break folded to content space. |
Indicator | I | Character indicating structure. |
White | w | Separation white space. |
Indent | i | Indentation spaces. |
DirectivesEnd | K | Document start marker. |
DocumentEnd | k | Document end marker. |
BeginEscape | E | Begins escape sequence. |
EndEscape | e | Ends escape sequence. |
BeginComment | C | Begins comment. |
EndComment | c | Ends comment. |
BeginDirective | D | Begins directive. |
EndDirective | d | Ends directive |
BeginTag | G | Begins tag |
EndTag | g | Ends tag |
BeginHandle | H | Begins tag handle |
EndHandle | h | Ends tag handle |
BeginAnchor | A | Begins anchor |
EndAnchor | a | Ends anchor |
BeginProperties | P | Begins node properties |
EndProperties | p | Ends node properties |
BeginAlias | R | Begins alias |
EndAlias | r | Ends alias |
BeginScalar | S | Begins scalar content |
EndScalar | s | Ends scalar content |
BeginSequence | Q | Begins sequence content |
EndSequence | q | Ends sequence content |
BeginMapping | M | Begins mapping content |
EndMapping | m | Ends mapping content |
BeginPair | X | Begins mapping key:value pair |
EndPair | x | Ends mapping key:value pair |
BeginNode | N | Begins complete node |
EndNode | n | Ends complete node |
BeginDocument | O | Begins document |
EndDocument | o | Ends document |
BeginStream | Begins YAML stream | |
EndStream | Ends YAML stream | |
Error | ! | Parsing error at this point |
Unparsed | - | Unparsed due to errors (or at end of test) |
Detected | $ | Detected parameter (for testing) |