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Releases: mickem/nscp

06 Dec 06:33
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 * Fixed path issues in the installer

 * Fixed shortcuts in the installer
 * Fixed so clients can understand no prefixed arguments ie.
     ... -c nrpe_query -a command=check_ok host=


06 Dec 06:02
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Yaaay, just a quick heads up 0.3.9 is now released.
Major focus has been on CheckDrive/CheckFile as well as Crash deection/handling Some of the major changes include

  • Improvments to the where filtering:
    ** case-insensetive
    ** regexp matching
    ** substring matching
    ** not like
    ** str(...)
  • Fixed NSCA issues
  • New commands
    ** CheckFiles (replaces CheckFile/CheckFile2)
    ** check_updates.vbs script
    ** CheckTaskSched (using filters)
    ** check_nscp
    ** Negate - Timeout
  • A lot of aliases
  • CheckDisk/Drive
    ** check_mk "magic" modifier
    ** Proper volume support
    ** ignore-unreadable
  • "hung process" detection in CheckProcState
  • Added crash handling/reporting
  • Removed:
    ** CheckFile was removed (replacedby CheckFiles)
    ** CheckFile2 is now deprecated
  • Fixed many issues with performance data
  • And many other things as well I still need to update various section on the wiki to describe all these new changes/additions.

Full change log:

2011-06-28 MickeM - 0.3.9 rc5
 * CheckDisk: Fixed time comparissons for files
 * where filters: Fixed le beeing interpreted as lt

2011-06-27 MickeM - 0.3.9 rc4
 * Fixed issue where parsers and () which was broken
 * Made most keywords in the where parser case insensitive so NOT and not as well as AND and AnD should now all work
 * Changed so unredable processes are debug messages (as modern windows usualy always has a few)

2011-06-14 MickeM - 0.3.9 rc2
 * Fixed issue with performance data in memory check

2011-06-13 MickeM - 0.3.9 rc2
 * Fixed some issues with CheckFiles
 * Added regexp matching to all string filters
   like so: "filter=message regexp '.*MICKEM-LAPTOP.*'" 
   CheckEventLog file=application file=system MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "filter=generated gt -2d AND message regexp '.*MICKEM-LAPTOP.*'" truncate=800 unique descriptions "syntax=%severity%: %source%: %message% (%count%)"
 * Fixed issue with errant "dot" in the performance data (I really hate performance data)

2011-05-20 MickeM
 * Added new option to CheckprocState (ignore-state) to ignore any state checks (usefull for checking MaxCount when 0 is an option)
 * Fixed performance data for process checks.
 * Fixed error message for the op5 sales people

2011-04-01 MickeM
 * Fixed (finally!!) the NSCA issue with multiple commands and missing "data"

2011-03-24 MickeM
 * Added check_updates.vbs script
 * Added a lot of useful(?) aliases

2011-03-22 MickeM
 * Added magic modifier (shamelessly stolen from check_mk) to CheckDriveSize

2011-03-17 MickeM
 * Added proper volume support to CheckDriveSize

2011-03-15 MickeM
 * Added suport for delayed start to service check (default ignored)
 * Added new option to CheckDriveSize ignore-unreadable which will ignore checking any unreadable disk drive.

2011-02-16 MickeM
 * Added new module CheckTaskSched2 which is the same as CheckTaskSched but designed for Vista and beyond.
   So if you want to check "new tasks" on modern Windows use this module instead of the CheckTaskSched mosule.
   They are exactly the same excep using different APIs (and somewhat different options)
   The CheckTaskSched2 is somewhat limited as the only supported keys are: title, exit_code, status, most_recent_run_time

2011-02-10 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with where filters and & operator
 * Added exact bounds to CheckTaskSched
 * Added conversion of status from string
 * Fixed time handling in CheckTaskSched to be "UTC" (hence the %most_recent_run_time% syntax string is also UTC)

2011-02-01 MickeM
 * Removed deprecated command CheckFile
 * Deprecated command CheckFile2
 * Added new command CheckFiles which replaces CheckFile2 and CheckFile
   Command has the new where filter syntax like so:
   CheckFiles path=D:\tmp pattern=*.exe "filter=version != 1.0" "syntax=%filename%: %version%" MaxWarn=1
 * Replaced undocumented CheckTaskSched with a new where filter based command.
   CheckTaskSched debug "filter=exit_code != 0" "syntax=%title%: %exit_code%"

2010-12-26 MickeM
 * Improved crash reporter to support BOTH archive and send.
 * Improved crash reporter to archive under APPDATA (Local Settings/NSClient++/crash dumps)
 * Started on the new CheckNSCP (internal health plugin)
 * Added a "text description" file to crash dump folder to see which version crashed and what not.
 * General improvments to the crash helper.
 * Added check_nscp which is a basic command to check the internal health of NSClient++
 * Added check_files (script) submitted by 

2010-12-25 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with performance coutners and erroneouse pointers in some rare cases.
   (Thank you google breakpad)
 * Added date to crash reports (to make it simpler to find correct symbols)

2010-12-14 MickeM
 * CheckEventLog: Fixed so type can be compared to various string keys: error, warning, info, auditSuccess, auditFailure
 * CheckEventLog: Fixed so invalid parses are reported better (check the "rest" buffer)
    CheckEventLog file=Application "filter=generated gt -600m AND message LIKE 'Click2Run'" ...
    WARNING:Parsing failed: AND message LIKE 'Click2Run'
 * CheckEventLog: Added support for "not like" operator.
    CheckEventLog file=Application "filter=generated gt -600m AND message not like 'Click2Run'" ...
 * CrashHandler: Added several options to the crash handler (so it can be configurable)
    Everything reside under the [crash] sectiuon and the avalible keys are:
     * restart=1 # if we shall restart the service when a crash is detected.
     * service_name=<name of service to restart>
     * submit=0 # if we shall submit crash reports to
     * url=
     * archive=1 # Archive crashdumps
     * folder=<appfolder>/dumps

2010-12-13 MickeM
 + Added not responding detection to CheckProcState
   All "hung" processes will be considerd "hung" (and not started/stopped)
   When process is "not hung" (badapp.exe)
    CheckProcState quake.exe=stopped badapp.exe=started notepad++.exe=started
     OK:OK: All processes are running.
    CheckProcState quake.exe=stopped badapp.exe=hung notepad++.exe=started
     CRITICAL:CRITICAL: BadApp.exe: started (critical)
   Where as when it is hung:
    CheckProcState quake.exe=stopped badapp.exe=started notepad++.exe=started
     CRITICAL:CRITICAL: BadApp.exe: hung (critical)
    CheckProcState quake.exe=stopped badapp.exe=hung notepad++.exe=started
     OK:OK: All processes are running.

2010-12-12 MickeM
 + Added initial support for google breakpad
   This means if nsclient++ crash two things will happen now.
   1. Crash reports will be sent to (this will be optionalin the near future)
   2. service will restart
   You can try this out in /test mode using the "assert" command.

2010-11-14 MickeM
 * Added the "extended NRPE payload packet patch"
   Should have done this years ago but alas I have not.
   This allows you to (with a patched NRPE) send and recieve more then 1024 chars (in a backwards compatible way)
   To enable this you set the following. The value is the number of packets we allow.
   NOTICE for this to make sence you need to extend the "main payload buffer" which will most likely run out.
   This value "should" be NRPE:packet_count*NRPE:string_length(1024)

2010-10-17 MickeM
 * Added new command timeout which runs a command in a thread and timeouts after a given time.
   *NOTICE* this is not a good command to use since it will leak memory/resources when it "kills threads"
 * Added new command: negate which can alter the result of other commands

2010-09-29 MickeM
 * Reverted a merge miss in CheckDisk
 * Added so IN (...) accepts strings without qoutes in the SQL Query syntax of CheckEventlog
 * Added new "parsing structure" str(...) to create strings in the SQL query without using ticks (') to allow "nasty meta char thingy")
 * Extended error parsing (eventlog messages) to allow up to 24 arguments (up from 11)

2010-08-04 MickeM
 * Added performance data display when missing bounds

2010-07-28 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with NSCA server and closing sockets (no flushes the datat before)
 * Fixed issue with performance data units beeing incorrect:
    before: B, K, M, G, ... noew: B, KB, MB, GB, ...
 * Fixed syntax errors in performance data extra ';' dropped and spaces added propperly
   Result now looks like so: ... |'C:\ %'=42%;10;5 'C:\'=229.66GB;39.06;19.53;0;390.62 'D:\ %'=99%;10;5 'D:\'=3.39GB;20.55;10.27;0;205.54
 * Fixed issues with caluclating netmask (also added support for spaces and tabs in the hostlist string.

2010-06-02 MickeM
 * Fixed a few issues with listCounterInstances


05 Dec 22:44
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Hello google bot! (and some happy weeks even the yahoo bot). I have just
released 0.3.8 version. It has a lot of new features and, I am
especially, proud of the new event log filters. I will try to see if I
can propagate it out to sourceforge and nagios forge during the weekend
unfortunately I did not have time this morning... For those who has not
seen the eventlog filter I recommend reading up on the quick guide i
wrote on the [wiki:CheckEventLog/CheckEventLog] page. It has a fairly
good getting started guide I hope. But a quick note is that the new
default filter is:

 generated > -2d AND severity NOT IN ('success', 'informational') 

Which I believe is a lot more readable the before. Other news are many
minor changes and fixes in the file7disk related checks as well as index
in CheckCounter to allow handling multiple languages and locales. The
changelog grouped by module can be found here:

  • New commands
    ** CheckSingleFile
    to check spects of a single file use like so: CheckSingleFile file=d:nrpe_512.pem warn=>100 check=line-count warn=>100 crit=>170 check=size
    ** CheckSingleRegEntry
    CheckSingleRegEntry path=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetserviceseventlogApplicationMaxSize "syntax=%path%: %int%" warn==20971520 crit==20971520 check=int ShowAll=long Scripts
  • Cleaned up scripts folder
  • Added new "NagiosPlugin library" from op5
  • Added check_no_rdp.vbs (Checks that no RDP connection is online)
  • Added check_battery.vbs which checks batterys via WMI
  • Added check_printer.vbs to check printers via WMI CheckExternalScript
  • Added new "script templating" thing to simplify adding scripts: [Wrapped Scripts] test=check_test.ps1 ; (will use correct template for running ps1 commands)
  • Fixed erroneous error message "Failed to peek buffer" NSCA
  • Added obfuscated_password to NSCA section
  • Added so "global" ([Settings] password=...) passwords are read from the NSCA module CheckEventLog
  • Brand new filter syntax based on SQL where clauses Avalible operators are: =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le, OR, AND, like, IN, NOT IN CheckCounter
  • Added new index option to CheckCounter to allow looking up index and thus you can use the same checks on multiple locales and also use characters not present in "NRPE charset) CheckCounter index "Counter=1450(_Total)1458" ShowAll MaxWarn=500 MaxCrit=1000 nsclient++ -noboot CheckSystem pdhlookup Utskrifter
  • Optional new "safe" PDH subsystem (slower, but possibly safer) pdh_subsystem=thread-safe
  • Added checks for missing counters to CheckCounter CheckDriveSize
  • Added volume support for CheckDriveSize (CHeckAll) like so: CheckDriveSize MinWarn=50% MinCrit=25% CheckAll=volumes FilterType=FIXED FilterType=REMOTE
  • Changed "missing" disks are now a critical error and not unknown
  • Improved CheckDriveSize bad FilterType error message
    ** Added option to return error messages to the client [CheckDisk] show_errors=1 (defauilt is off 0) CheckFile2
    ** Dates are signed (means you can use neagitve dates to check the future) CheckFile2 debug path=D:tmpdates filter+creation=< -30m MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename%: %creation%" CRITICAL:future.txt: C: Thursday, December 31, 2009 12:47:11, found files: 1 > critical|'found files'=1;1;1;
    ** Added checks for missing path and missing filter on CheckFile2 thus
    ** Fixed so files locked for reading can be checked (basic checks)
    ** Improved speed of file chyecking (does not check file data twice)
  • Changed so missing files and such generate an error
  • Fixed major issue with date matching in CheckFile* which was not working at all.
  • Exe file version checks: CheckFile2 path=D:tmp pattern=*.exe filter+version=!=6.0.2900.5512 "syntax=%filename%: %version%" MaxWarn=1
  • Line count check: CheckFile2 path=D:tmp pattern=*.txt filter+line -count=ne:3 "syntax=%filename%: %line -count%" MaxWarn=1
  • Added ignore-errors to "ignore" any filesystem related errors (NOTICE this is probably not what you want)
  • Added master-syntax to CheckFile2 to change the overall message like so: %list%, %files%, %matches% CheckFile2 MinWarn=10 MinCrit=10 path=D:WINDOWSsystem32 filter+size=gt:0 truncate=10 ignore-errors "master-syntax=%matches%/%files%"
  • Added %user% to syntax to print user who generated message CheckEventLog file=application file=system filter=new filter=out MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 filter-generated=>2w filter-severity==success filter-severity==informational truncate=1023 unique descriptions "syntax=%user% (%count%)" CRITICAL: (1), (2), NT INSTANSSYSTEM (3), NT INSTANSSYSTEM (3), NT INSTANSSYSTEM (3), missing (3), missing (5), (4), missing (2), missing (2), missing (2), missing (2), (1), eventlog: 33 > critical|'eventlog'=33;1;1; Generic:
  • Added != to all string comparisons
  • Changes syntax of performance counters: Alias is ' %' and it also has the "full" non % data as '' CheckDriveSize CheckAll MaxWarnUsed=80% MaxCritUsed=90% CRITICAL:CRITICAL: C:: Total: 146G
  • Added warning message ewhen numerical filters evaluate to zero (and are not 0)
  • added a new "option" in conjunction with -c you can now do -m to specify the module to load. nsclient++ -m CheckDisk.dll -c CheckDriveSize MaxWarn=100 CheckAll


05 Dec 22:36
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New version out mainly a fix for the problems of 0.3.6 version. Major

  • Added argument support to NRPE Client * Some additions and fixes CheckWMI
  • Improved installer (works on w2k8 etc) * NSCA feature and stability improvments
  • New command line switchs to easily use NSClient++ from external scripts
  • Added "firewall exception" to installer * Fixed an issue with the socket data buffer
  • Fixed issue with CheckExternalScripts and script_dir
  • Fixed issue with CheckDisk and paths
  • Documentation!

I think the major thing is the documentation apart from some bug fixes
and installer improvements such. Regardless it is a recommended update.
'''NOTE''' It is late so I shall update sourceforge and what not

2009-10-11 MickeM
 + Added argument support to NRPE Client
   This is temporarily enabled by the same options under the NRPE section. BUT this will change int he future so be ware when using them.

2009-09-20 MickeM
 * Fixed alias in CheckWMI (now works)
 + Added columnSyntax to CheckWMI to allow formating of returned data (default is %column%=%value%)
 + Added columnSeparator to CheckWMI to allow formating of returned data (default is ", ")

2009-09-13 MickeM
 * Fixed some more issues with the installer should not "work" on Windows 2008 as well as slightly simpler to configure.

2009-09-06 MickeM
 + Added new option to [NSCA Agent] string_length=<size> of the NSCA_MAX_PLUGINOUTPUT_LENGTH option on the NSCA server.
 * Readded all the "installer configuration" crap which I accidentaly removed when I fixed the installer... *sigh*

2009-08-30 MickeM
 + Added -c and -d command line options like so:
   NSClient++ -c CheckFile2 path=c:\test pattern=*.txt MaxCrit=1 filter+written=gt:2h
   NSClient++ -c <command> <argument 1> <argument 2> ...
   -d Is the same thing but with debug enabled.
 + Added uninstall of old client (sort of broken but works)

2009-08-29 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with CheckFile (directory)
 * Rewrote the CA:s in the installer to work "better" (hopefully) in general it should be have more like a propper installer.

2009-07-18 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with no loggers available and "memory leak"
 * Added "firewall exception" to installer
 * Fixed an issue with the socket data buffer
 * Added new option to NSC.ini [NSCA] socket_timeout=30 (timeout in seconds when reading from NSCA sockets)
 * Fixed issue with NSCA socket.

2009-07-05 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with CheckExternalScripts and script_dir: not adding the commands properly.
 * Fixed issue with CheckExternalScripts and script_dir: not using relative paths (#310).

2009-06-20 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with CheckDisk and paths not working out properly


05 Dec 22:24
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Finally after and long overdue is the new version here. This is a major
update and a recommended one as there are memory leaks in the previous
version. The highlight in addition to all the fixes and minor things are
the experimental new installer which allows you to configure some
options while installing NSClient++. The installer should I hope work
better and provide easier error handling and such. The only issue thus
far are some reports on windows 2007 where it requires administrative
privileges to install. I do not have windows 2007 so I cannot confirm
this (if someone has windows a spare 2007 or want to sponsor this
platform get in touch with me). A few of the highlights:

  • Improved installer
  • A lot of bugfixes and improvements
  • Serious memory leak fixed
  • Added a few new options to NSCA module
  • New service name and description
  • Improved CHeckFile2 (new option max-dir-depth, path, pattern)
  • Added support for changing name and description of service from the /install command line
  • Added more filter operators to all numeric filters so they accept eq:, ne:, gt:, lt: in addition to =, >, <, <>, !, !=, in: (#269)
  • Added better support for numerical hit matching in the eventlog module. You can now use exact and detailed matching.
  • Cleaned up the checkProcState code and it is not a lot better. * Added new option 16bit to checkProcState.
    When set checkProcState will enumerate all 16 bit processes found running under NTVDM.
  • Added new command line options pdhlookup and pdhmatch (to CheckSystem) to lookup index and names.
  • Added new module A_DebugLogMetrics.dll which can be used to generate debug info.
  • Brand new build environment based upon boost build!!!
  • Modified /about so it now shows a lot of useful(?) info.

For all changes refer to the changelog. On a side not I will during the
night switch over to a new host so hopefully the site will be more
stable as well!

// Michael Medin


05 Dec 22:20
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Just a quick note that I released a new version 0.3.5 which is mainly a bugfix in 0.3.4 fixing an issue with CheckServiceState and CheckAll.

// Michael Medin


06 Dec 06:09
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Title: 0.3.4 Released!
Author: mickem
Status: published

Just a quick shout to everyone as I have just released the 0.3.4 version of NSClient++.
The major new things are:

  1. The new system tray that works on Vista and beyond
  2. Many fixes and improved error handling.

A slightly more detailed list:

  • Minor tweaks to CheckServiceState ("missing services" are now handled better)
  • Added some "reasonable checks under [External Alias] for the CheckExternalScripts.dll module.
  • CheckEventLog now supports "long eventlog names" (you can now use the alias used in the event viewer)
  • '''BREAKING CHANGE''' filter=new is now the default so unless you use the new filtering you need to specify filter=old instead!
  • Brand new (but highly unstable) System tray support for windows Vista and beyond
  • SVN tree now has a sample net plugin (with C++ wrapper)
  • Installer now "uninstalls" as it "should"
  • Improved error handling for the WMI checks as well as some additions.
  • Fixed issue with & and : on some commands via check_nt.
  • Added sample powershell script as well as a workaround for making them run.
  • Added DebugOutput to service handling features so if you experience trouble try using sysinternals DebugView to see logging before the agent startes.
  • Removed all (I think) asserts replacing them with exceptions (should I hope reduce crashes and instead leave some form of errors)

Full change log for this release is here:

2008-09-18 MickeM - 0.3.4
 * Changed so "missing services" are treated as stopped.
    CheckServiceState missing=stopped ShowAll
    OK: missing: not found
 * Fixed issue with : in service name.
 + Added some "reasonable default cheks" under [External Alias] for the CheckExternalScripts.dll module. 

2008-09-17 MickeM - 0.3.4 RC-6
 * Added option [EventLog] lookup_names=0 to disable the evetlog name lookup (default is on)

2008-09-17 MickeM
 * Fixed issue on all filters so == takes the "usual" 2 equalsigns (old still works).
 * Added so tray icon can get "propper" name from core for "description".
 * Added lookup of "long" eventlog names (you can now use the alias used in the event viewer)

2008-09-16 MickeM - 0.3.4 RC-5
 * Fixed an issue with the session launcher

2008-09-15 MickeM
 * Fixed so NSCLient++ can load with "broken plugins" (before it printed an error and exited)
 + Added a very basic simple .net plugin (and a wrapper)

2008-09-14 MickeM - 0.3.4 RC-4
 * Fixed an issue with the session launcher
 * Fixed an issue with the uninstaller (should not "fail" when problems uninstalling)

2008-09-14 MickeM - 0.3.4 RC-4
 * Fixed issue with OS detection (again)
 * Fixed issue with plugin unloading (again)
 * Fixed issue with SSL socket not unloading properly
 * Fixed issue with "login" and "no session" (should work now I hope) (#222)
 * Changed so all projects build under "tmp" instead of under respecitve directory. (simpler to remove all "tmp" files now)

2008-09-12 MickeM
 * Thanks to everyone who listened in on my session at NETWAYS Nagios Konferenz 2008!

2008-09-09 MickeM - 0.3.4 RC-3
 * Improved error handling for the WMI checks.
 + CheckWMI: Added support for extracting numbers from strings 
 * Fixed performance data for "large float values" to be rendered without scientific notation. (#151)
 * Fixed issue with & and some commands via check_nt.
 * Fixed a crash on exit (which I added in Rc1).
 * Added 10 "bytes" the CPU buffer: (#174)
 + Added new option to [EventLog] section buffer_size to change the size of the buffer used when scanning the evenlotg (defaults to 64k).
 * Fixed error handling in CHeckEventLog so errors are repoorted properly (#184)

2008-09-08 MickeM - 0.3.4 RC-2
 * Fixed issue in windows 2008 with system tray (shared_session).
 * Fixed installer issue (should run (i hope) service installer on install now on 64 bit os)
 * Fixed issue with unloading plugins and log (causing "timeouts" when exiting some times)

2008-09-07 MickeM
 + Added sample powershell script as well as a workaround for making them run.
 * Fixed an issue making powershell scripts (and possibly others) not timeout properly.
 + Added upgrade support to the installer (still need to add support for keeping .ini file so be ware)

2008-09-06 MickeM
 * Improved error reporting in the eventlogchecker
 * *BREAKING CHANGE* filter=new is now the default so unless you use the new filtering you need to specify filter=old instead!
   I Recomend everyone to stop using the "old" filtering.

2008-09-04 MickeM
 * Fixed issues with new service stuff on NT4 and W2K (should work fine now)
 + Added some DebugOutput to service handling features so if you experience tropubel try using sysinternals DebugView too se logging before the agent startes.
 * Fixed a memory leak in the error formating code

2008-08-24 MickeM
 * Changed NSCA "general problem" error message to be more descriptive.
 * Fixed issue with CheckCPU not returning a valid performance unit (%) see issue #219 for details.

2008-08-16 MickeM
 * *WARNING* A lot of new untested code here so dont run in production enviornments :)
 + Added shared session so system tray can communicate with master
 + Added new system tray handlig (via TS so FUS should work with it)
 + Added new option [System] / shared_session=0 (or 1) to enable / disable the new shared memory framework (it is for now disabled by default)
   If you want to try this remember to change that option but also beware! it is dagerous and not finnished and and also there is as of now no security at all.

2008-08-09 MickeM
 + Added ChangeWindowMessageFilter so systray should maybe work on vista and beyond!

2008-07-28 MickeM
 * Improved the error handling for the check proc state.
 * Removed all (I think) asserts replacing them with exceptions (should I hope reduce crashes and instead leave some form of errors)

2008-07-25 MickeM
 + Built a garage at the summer house
 * cut down all the reeds and shrubbs at the summer house.

2008-07-03 MickeM
 * Fixed (again) issue with performance data and CheckDriveSize (when using "Min" bounds)
 + Added some more error messages for when counters are not found.
 * Fixed an issue with the new namespace option

// Michael Medin


06 Dec 06:11
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New build just out (not on sourceforge yet, lets see if there are any other minor fixes first).
The updated version has a few minor quick bug-fixes. A few new things but mainly a bug fix:

  • Fixed a crash when parsing external commands.
  • Installer (i hope) will be better (in so far as w32 and x64 are "different").
  • Namespace support for WMI.
  • Some issues with CheckDriveSize has been fixed.
  • New checks to CheckHelpers (mainly for NSCA)

Full changelog:

2008-07-02 MickeM
 ! 0.3.3 Released (take 2)
 + Added new option alias to controll the name for performance counters when using checkfile use like so:
    checkfile alias=foo file=C:\boot.ini filter-written=>1000d syntax=gurka MaxCrit=1
 * Fixed issue with performance data and CheckDriveSize (when using "Min" bounds)
 ! 0.3.3 Released (take 1)
 * Fixed some issues (?) with the installer the w32 and x64 are now different components (GUIDs).

2008-07-02 MickeM
 + Fixed some issues (?) with the installer the w32 and x64 are now different components (GUIDs).

2008-07-01 MickeM
 + Added new option (namespace) to CheckWMI and CheckWMIValue use like so:
   CheckWMI namespace=root\\cimv2 MaxCrit=3 MinWarn=1 "Query:load=Select * from win32_Processor"

2008-06-30 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with CheckFile and performance data ( #156 )
 + Added option (InvalidStatus) to CheckCounter to allow other then UNKNOWN return state when counters are missing ( #167 ).
   *NOTICE* this is all reasons (so if the counter is missing or some such the same will happen not just when the instance is missing)
   Message will reflect reason.
 * Fixed issue in the arraybuffer (one of the plit functions had a problem with multiple chars of the same) ( #190 )

2008-06-25 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with CheckDriveSize and CheckAllOthers (#188)

2008-06-24 MickeM
 + Added new check (to CheckHelpers): CheckOK: Just return OK (anything passed along will be used as a message).
 + Added new check (to CheckHelpers): CheckWARNING: Just return WARN (anything passed along will be used as a message).
 + Added new check (to CheckHelpers): CheckCRITICAL: Just return CRIT (anything passed along will be used as a message).
 + Added new check (to CheckHelpers): CheckVersion: Just return the nagios version (along with OK status).
 * Better error messages in the check service thingy.

2008-06-18 MickeM
 * Fixed an issue in regards to reading the return packet in the in the NRPEClient (now it works).
   Before only the first 1024 bytes were used.

2008-06-15 MickeM
 * Applied patches from Jeff Goldschrafe <goldschr AT>
   + CheckDriveSize now uses "all drives" when no drive is specified.
   * Fixed misspellt Container

2008-06-14 MickeM
 * Fixed error message from external commands (better reporting now)

2008-05-14 MickeM
 * Fixed memoryleak in the service checker.
     I am really sorry I usualy write better code then this.


05 Dec 21:18
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New version (0.3.2) with a quite serious bugfix.
I recommend everyone to update, the fix relates to the CheckService command which leaked a lot of memory each time you used that check.


05 Dec 21:11
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Well, only a week or so late :)

A lot of new features and fixes, a lot more then intended in fact, in this maintenance release. I will try to
update the wiki to reflect this new version during the coming week or so but writing documentation is pretty boring so might take a while :)

The IA64 version will take a while as well, since I need to port the code to
VS-2008 before I can build. Main highlights in this new version are:

  • Logfile in Unicode (now logging in a galaxy far far away will also work :)
  • Improved Eventlog (can now properly render messages, return only unique errors and a lot of other enhancements)
  • New interactive Installer (very simple as of now, but still)
  • Variable packet size for NRPE module (needs recompile of check_nrpe)
  • New NRPE Client (to check "other" services via NRPE)
  • New CheckExternalScripts module (simpler then the "old" NRPE version)
  • New NSCA module with proper Encryption
  • New LUA module (write your own checks with LUA scripts)
  • Improved stability
  • Improved SysTray (nicer dialogs and improved stability)
  • Index-lookups of PDH counters (hopefully this will once-and.-for-all fixes the dreaded PDH counter thread issues)

Full change log below:

2008-03-08 MickeM
 * Changed so log is now in Unicode format
   Hopefully this will make it simpler to diagnose PDH issues in "strange locales".
   If anyone hates this let me know and I will add an option to use "old ansi log".
 * Fixed so the console is logged as ANSI (properly) and all Unicode's are discarded.
   This means "strangeness" in Unicode and non-us-ascii chars on the console,
    so for details refer to the log-file which is proper Unicode.
 + Since log module is loaded "after" the client has booted I added a "hello" message that prints the current version
    (if you find this annoying let me know, I will make it optional :)
 * Fixed some issues in the registry handling

2008-03-06 MickeM
 * Fixed silly ordering bug with the <> syntax.

2008-03-05 MickeM
 + Added debug to new section [Eventlog], when enabled it will (log) what lines matched what, this is a pretty big performance overhead so don't run with this one.
 + Added syntax to new section [Eventlog] used as a shorthand for the syntax to use as "default" (when no syntax=... option is given)
 * Fixed an issue with eventlog and . matching.
 + Added shorthand ! for != in "all" numeric filters (eventlog)
 + Added <> (same as ! and !=) as NRPE breaks the use of ! (in "all" numeric filters (eventlog))
   Try using: filter-eventType=<>warning to remove everything that is not a warning
 * Fixed two spelling mistakes in the SysTray module.
 * Fixed 64-bit issues with installer
 * Fixed so installer uninstalls/installs the service

2008-02-26 MickeM
 + Added installer

2008-02-22 MickeM
 * Fixed issues in the NRPE module (now returns the correct status)
 + Added a lot of "error log" for when the packet size in NRPEListener is not correct 
    (might make it simpler to diagnose problems)

2008-02-20 MickeM
 + Added new module NRPEClient that can act as a NRPE client, might be useful for testing things and 
   eventually for relaying events.
   Usage: nsclient++ -noboot NRPEClient -H -p 5666 -c check_something -a foo bar
   This is an early concept so don't expect much...
 * Fixed a bug in NSCA module (now it works again :)
 + Added a command wrapper for the NRPECLient module so now it can act as a check command.
   (No argument handling yet though), For a sample check out the [NRPE Client Handlers] section in NSC.ini

2008-02-19 MickeM
 + Fixed a buffer overflow in the NRPE socket handling.

2008-02-18 MickeM
 + Added proper output handling to process subsystem (now you can execute programs that return "much" data.
 + Added select support for SSL_write (now you can send "any amount of data" to the (SSL) socket.
   Since check_nrpe doesn't do this it wont work in that end, but still...

2008-02-16 MickeM
 + Re factored ExternalCommand handling so NRPE and new module does the same thing.

2008-02-14 MickeM
 + Added so commands starting in host_ (NSCA Handlers) are sent as host-commands
 * Fixed a copy constructor in NSCA Commands (now service checks are sent as service checks)

2008-02-13 MickeM
 + Added string_length to [Settings] as well (used internally) for all "injected" buffers.
 * Fixed issue with scripts result truncated after 1024 chars 
    (now they return "all" output and thus you can use the NRPE settings I added yesterday :)
 + Added hostname setting to [NSCA] section (must have been  when I did not add it before)
 + Added to NSCA truncates output when to long.

2008-02-12 MickeM
 + Added new option for the [NRPE] section string_length which is the length of the NRPE strings 
   (notice you need to recompile the check_nrpe to match this value)
 * Improved exception handling in the PDH collector (hopefully less deadlocks)

2008-02-11 MickeM
 + Added encryption support for NSCA module (about half of the algorithms are available, 
     if someone wants to use one not available let me know, and I will try to add it)

2008-02-09 MickeM
 + New module CheckExternalScripts to handle 1, external script (similar to the old NRPE but in its own module)
   - Can Check batch/vbs/programs/*
   - Works with NSCA module (if you don't want to have NRPE at the same time)
   - Simpler syntax (discarded old and added new section for alias)
   - Started to add "sample alias" to ease initial setup and give some nice ideas (please provide me with feedback on them)

2008-02-08 MickeM
 + Added some more default catch handlers (on the "core" side of plugin-calls).

2008-02-07 MickeM
 + Added default catch handlers to all wrapped plug in calls.

2008-02-05 MickeM
 * Fixed issue with checkEventLog (sometimes you got the wrong message back)

2008-02-04 MickeM
 *** Happy Birthday bogi!! :)
 * Fixed issues with performance counter rendering (mainly checkDisk)

2008-02-03 MickeM
 + Added encryption subsystem to NSCA module (still no mcrypt support, but at least you have "xor" and passwords)
 + Added API for scripts to register commands
 + Added command descriptions (for some modules)
 * Fixed issue in NRPE that displayed a console window when running commands
 * New improved "inject" dialog from the system tray
   Lists available commands, and shows command descriptions and a lot of other improvements.
 + Added an internal log windows that displays log in real-time.
 + Fixed some issues with the dialog procs (should work smoother now, especially Termination)

2008-02-02 MickeM
 * Might have fixed the "missing eventlog messages" problem.
 + Added %count% parameter to syntax which (when used with unique) will display the number of hits for each message displayed.

2008-01-27 MickeM
 * Fixed a memory-leak in format_time
 * Fixed so time/date is displayed in "local time" (not UTC) for the eventlog check
 + Added %message% to eventlog check. Will display the "proper formated eventlog message" as in the eventlog viewer.
   For this to work you need to have the descriptions flag set
   In short: /nrpe -H -c checkEventLog -a truncate=1024 "syntax=%generated%: %message%" descriptions=true file=System MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 filter+eventType==error filter+generated=\<12h filter=new filter=all filter=in
 + Added option "unique" to CheckEventLog If this is present only unique errors will be returned.
   The uniqueness is defined by event-log, event-source, event-id and event-category.

2007-12-16 MickeM
 + A lot of new features in the LUA module only "arguments" missing (as well as exposing more of the API)
 * Changed some exceptions that were thrown wrong

2007-12-11 MickeM
 + Added support for index-lookups of PDH counters (hopefully *all* locale problems are now fixed (yeah right))

2007-12-10 MickeM
 + Added initial draft for LUA module

2007-12-09 MickeM
 + Added a check if the service is started when running with /test so you get a warning
 + Improved the socket thread with:
    * a default-catch
    * If the socket fails to start we still wait for it to shut down (no error message)
 + Added first version of the NSCA agent (NSCAgent.dll)
   (no encryption support as of yet, but will come)

// MickeM