This tutorial shows how to add Pre-Trained Entities to your Conversation Learner Model.
This tutorial requires that the general tutorial Bot is running
npm run tutorial-general
Pre-Trained Entities recognize common types of Entities, such as numbers, dates, monetary amounts, and others. They work "out-of-the-box," do not require any training and their behavior cannot be changed unlike custom entities. By default, Pre-Trained Entities are multi-valued, accumulating every identified instance of the Entity.
Start on the home page in the Web UI.
- Select New Model.
- Enter PretrainedEntities for Name.
- Select Create.
- Select Entities in the left panel, then New Entity.
- Select Pre-Trained/datetimeV2 for Entity Type.
- Check Multi-valued to enable the Entity accumulate one or more values. Note, Pre-Trained Entities cannot be negatable.
- Select Create.
- Select Actions in the left panel, then New Action.
- Enter The date is $builtin-datetimev2 for Bot's Response....
- Select Create.
- Select Actions in the left panel, then New Action.
- Enter What's the date? for Bot's Response.... Pre-Trained entities cannot be Required Entities as they are recognized by default for all utterances.
- Enter builtin-datetimev2 for Disqualifying Entities.
- Select Create.
- Select Train Dialogs in the left panel, then New Train Dialog.
- Enter hello for the user's utterance in the left chat panel.
- Select Score Actions.
- Select What's the date? from the Actions list
- Enter today for the user's utterance in the left chat panel.
- The today utterance is automatically recognized by pre-trained models in LUIS.
- Hovering over values of Pre-Trained Entities shows additional data provided by LUIS.
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Entity Resolvers