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Chris Glein edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 14 revisions

About react-native-windows

Meet the team

Here's a list of the awesome team members within Microsoft that are bringing react-native-windows to the world!

Name github handle Team
Alicia FalseLobster Office (Jason's team)
Andrew acoates-ms Office (Jason's team)
Eloy alloy Office (Jason's team)
Harold htpiv Office (Jason's team)
Zihan ZihanChen-MSFT Office (Jason's team)
Jason JasonVMo Office
Anandraj mganandraj Office (Khalef's team)
Andreas aeulitz Office (Khalef's team)
Danny dannyvv Office (Khalef's team)
Julio JunielKatarn Office (Khalef's team)
Nick NickGerleman Office (Khalef's team)
Nikolai NikoAri Office (Khalef's team)
Tudor tudorms Office (Khalef's team)
Vladimir vmoroz Office (Khalef Hosany)
Yichen hansenyy Office (Khalef's team)
Khalef khalef1 Office
Chris chrisglein Windows
Alexander asklar Windows (Chris' team)
Igor rectified95 Windows (Chris' team)
Jon jonthysell Windows (Chris' team)
Chiara chiaramooney Windows (Chris' team)
Marlene marlenecota Windows (Chris' team)
Keith kmelmon Windows
Harini harinikmsft Windows
Kiki kikisaints Windows
Steven stmoy Windows