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How to Onboard a Tool, Step by Step

REST API Fuzz Testing (RAFT) is a platform designed to automate the execution of security tools against REST APIs, typically from a CI/CD pipeline. But it in theory can run any tool you'd like, subject to some conditions, and in this doc we'll walk you through the process of onboarding a new tools to the platform.

Step One: Prep the Tool Docker Container

RAFT allows you to onboard any tool that is packaged into a Docker container. This means that any public tool (or private tool you develop) is available to include in the test suite you design to test your services.


At this time only Linux containers are supported.

Tools are packaged in containers. These containers are then deployed into a container instance in Microsoft Azure. How many tools you may run simultaneously and the cost of doing so is determined by your subscription limits quotas and limits.

Installing a command-line tool in a container

If you are new to Docker than this is a good starting point: getting started with Docker

You may want to consider writing an agent, or a daemon if you prefer, that starts up and provides continual monitoring of the security tool you're running;

  • retrieving authentication token
  • sending messages to the Deployment's Service Hub to:
    • Emit a progress indicator (percent covered, items found, etc.)
    • Register a bug found (which would in turn trigger a web hook)
  • and tool-specific output processing or serialization needed

For example, see the raft\cli\raft-tools\tools\ZAP\ python file. This is an agent we wrote to get ZAP to run inside RAFT. The report_status function, for example, notifies the service bus of ZAP event of note.

Note that the agent can only send outbound messages; we do not support inbound connections to the agent.

RAFT starts Docker containers (tasks) with "no-restart" policy. Tasks run until termination, either success or failure. When all tasks have terminated then the job is considered to be complete.

RAFT sets environment variables, and mounts file shares before the container is started. RAFT_WORK_DIRECTORY is the file share that is writable and will persist after container termination. This is meant for writing output from test tools runs.

Making the container available to RAFT

The container that you want to add must either be present in Docker Hub or in a private repository.

To enable RAFT to retrieve a container from a private repository, you'll need to create a secret in your Deployment's key vault, which is named [Deployment]-raft-[secondSubscriptionOctet]-kv. The secret name must start with the string PrivateRegistry and its value must be a JSON blob consisting of the repository name, the user name, and the password as follows:

  "registry" : "",
  "user" : "myUsername",
  "password" : "myPassword"

Hold onto this, you'll need it in JSON blob in Step Three.

Step Two: Create the Tool Folder

Your first step is to create a folder in the cli/raft-tools/tools folder under the RAFT repo. The name of the folder should be same name you will use in the tool's toolName field in the Job Definition JSON blob you construct to execute the tool. Note that tool names are case sensitive.

Let's assume we have a tool called demoTool. Create the folder as such alongside the existing tools:

DemoTool Folder

Step Three: Create Tool Config.json

RAFT expects each tool it launches to have a designated config.json file inside the tool folder created in Step Two that maps the RAFT orchestration steps to the corresponding commands your tool expects, and defines the resources that the tool's container needs to run. RAFT will always deploy the latest version that matches the container tag specified in config.json file.

Here's a simple example:

  "container" : "demoTool/demoTool-stable:v.1.0",
  "shell" : "/bin/bash",
  "run" : {
    "shellArguments" : ["-c", 
      "cd $RAFT_TOOL_RUN_DIRECTORY; ln -s $RAFT_WORK_DIRECTORY /demoTool; python3 install; python3 --run-faster $RUN_FASTER" ]
  "idle" : {
    "shellArguments" : ["-c", "echo DebugMode; while true; do sleep 100000; done;"]
  "environmentVariables" : {
    "RUN_FASTER" : "1"

We'll discuss each of the configuration sections in the next steps.

Step Four: Designate Container

In this example, the container field defines the docker image. As explained in Step One, RAFT will download this container if it is not present or outdated locally. For private Docker registries, when the orchestrator starts it will search the RAFT service key vault for secrets that begin with PrivateRegistry and enable container deployment from those registries.

Step Five: Define Run and Idle Sections

Every command execution on the container is done by invoking specified shell, such as /bin/sh, /bin/bash, etc.

The run and idle sections define how RAFT will start the specified container under normal or debug use, respectively. When tool execution completes in the former scenario, the parent container is marked for deletion and garbage collected; in the latter scenario, the container is not deleted and must be removed manually, providing operators the ability to connect to it to investigate issues.

Each section requires shellArguments. This is an argument array that is going to be passed to the specified shell to execute the command.

Whether the run or idle sections are executed upon the create job command is determined by the isIdle setting in the submitted job definition JSON blob. If the update job command is executed, for example while you're SSH'd to the container for debugging purposes, the run command is executed.

environmentVariables is a map of environment variables that will be set on the container when it starts. They are accessible from command or arguments parameters of the config.json

Referencing Environment Variables

The arguments parameter may reference the following environment variables that have been populated for you by the orchestration:

Predefined Environment Variable Value
RAFT_JOB_ID The Job ID string of the currently executing job; you'll need this if you plan to generate events
RAFT_CONTAINER_GROUP_NAME The name of the parent's container's Container Group
RAFT_CONTAINER_NAME The name of the parent's container
RAFT_APP_INSIGHTS_KEY The key needed to identify this container in messages logged to Application Insights
RAFT_WORK_DIRECTORY The absolute path to the file share mounted to the container (contains the task-config.json file)
RAFT_TOOL_RUN_DIRECTORY The absolute path to the tool folder created in Step Two that gets mounted as read-only to the container as well*
RAFT_RUN_CMD The command text provided in the command parameter
RAFT_TASK_INDEX Array index of the task defined in job definition JSON blob
RAFT_SITE_HASH RAFT deployment hash
RAFT_STARTUP_DELAY How many seconds the tool should wait before starting
RAFT_SB_OUT_SAS Azure Service bus connection string for posting task progress updates

*When the tool is uploaded to the file share via the cli command python service upload-tools a unique file share is created and mounted to the container as read-only. The path to the tool folder running the task within the file share is set in RAFT_TOOL_RUN_DIRECTORY environment variable.

Referencing the task-config.json file

In the mounted folder whose path is indicated in the RAFT_WORK_DIRECTORY you will find the task-config.json file that contains the current task entry in the job definition task array.

This structure also contains the tooConfiguration entry. The format of this data is under your control. For example, a RESTler job definition might contain the following toolConfiguration blob:

"toolConfiguration" : {
 "task": "TestFuzzLean",
 "agentConfiguration": {
   "resultsAnalyzerReportTimeSpanInterval": "00:01:00"
 "runConfiguration": {
   "previousStepOutputFolderPath": "/job-compile/0",
   "useSsl": true,
   "producerTimingDelay": 5

This data might be useful to a custom agent, for example, to execute more complex transforms or call custom APIs. You can define this data by including a swagger specification for it in a file called schema.json.

Step Six: Optionally Deploy Your Tool's Swagger Doc

If you specify a swagger document called schema.json in your tool folder, it will be merged with the toolConfiguration node in the service swagger. All component types referenced in the swagger must be defined in the file.

See the RESTler tool schema.json file, located at cli/raft_utils/tools/RESTler as an example.

Step Seven: Refresh your Toolset

After you've saved the updated config.json file, you'll need to push the new or updated tool definition to your RAFT deployment. You can do this via the following command:

D:\REPO\raft\cli>py service upload-tools

This also has the effect of restarting the local service.