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93 lines (78 loc) · 4.74 KB

Neovim Configuration

This is my custom Neovim configuration, designed to improve productivity and provide a smooth development experience. It utilizes to manage configurations, key mappings, and plugins, ensuring a clean and efficient setup.

Starup time: ~100ms

Get the latest version of Neovim

cd /tmp # Go to your /tmp directory
wget # Grab the latest version (linux64)
tar xvf nvim-linux64.tar.gz # untar the downloaded file
cd nvim-linux64 # change directory into the unpacked directory
cp -r ./* $HOME/.local/ # Copy the unpacked content to your `~/.local` directory (bin/, lib/ and share/)
cd & rm -rf /tmp/neovim # Clean up

If you can't invoke nvim after this process, make sure your ~/.local/bin is in yout $PATH

echo $PATH # Checks your path
export "$PATH"="$PATH:/home/$USER/.local/bin" # Add the ~/.local/bin dir to $PATH if it didn't show in the last command

(printenv to list all your environment variables or see 'PATH environment variable' for more.)


# list keymappings
  • Modular Configuration: The configuration is broken down into separate files for ease of management. Each file handles specific aspects of Neovim's functionality:

    • init: Main configuration entry point.
    • keymaps: Documented xustom key mappings for enhanced navigation and functionality - see all with <space>km
    • sane: General sane defaults and options to improve the usability of Neovim.
    • highlightonyank: Custom highlight on yank feature.
    • undercurl: Custom undercurl styling for a unique visual touch.
  • Plugin Management with lazy.nvim: The configuration uses lazy.nvim for managing plugins, ensuring a fast and efficient way to keep plugins updated and installed:

    • auto-pairs: Automatic pair management for parentheses, brackets, quotes, etc.
    • cmp: Configurations for cmp (completion plugin) with support for LSP and snippets.
    • copilot-cmp and copilot: Integrations for copilot.vim, enhancing coding with AI-assisted suggestions.
    • fidget: Statusline spinner for LSP to indicate completion and status of language servers.
    • nvim-tree: Setup for file explorer nvim-tree.
    • oil: File explorer designed to be less intrusive than nvim-tree.
    • rooter: Project root finder for quick navigation across different projects.
    • snacks: Various utility functions for everyday editing tasks.
    • snippets: Includes a collection of useful snippets for various programming languages.
    • telescope: Setup for telescope.nvim, a powerful fuzzy finder for files, buffers, and more.
    • todo-comments: Highlight and manage TODO comments within your code.
    • treesitter: Treesitter configurations for syntax highlighting, folding, and incremental selection.
    • undotree: Undo history viewer that allows easy visualization and restoration of changes.
    • vim-tmux-navigator: Seamlessly navigate between Neovim and Tmux panes.
    • which-key: displaying possible mappings for a keypress in a popup.
  • Coding Enhancements:

    • LSP support for multiple languages and linters.
    • Auto-completion with cmp and copilot for efficient coding.
    • Fuzzy finding with telescope.nvim for quick file and buffer access.
    • Undo history visualization with undotree.nvim.
  • Customization:

    • highlightonyank: Custom highlight on yank feature to improve visual feedback.
    • undercurl: Customize undercurl styling for a distinct look.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone ~/.config/nvim
  2. Open Nvim and install packages with Lazy Lazy should open by itself after pulling the repo, but if

    nvim +Lazy install

Directory Structure

  • lua/config/: Contains the main configuration and settings.
  • lua/custom/: Custom configurations that are not part of default settings.
  • lua/plugins/: Specific setups for each plugin.
  • lua/vimisms/: Custom Vim templates and utilities.


Skeleton Files:

  • skeletons/ Template for markdown files created in my local blog directory
  • skeletons/html.html: Boilerplate HTML5 for when creating files ending with .htm and .html
  • skeletons/platformio.ini: Boilerplate template for PIO projects
  • skeletons/ Python file boilerplate template.
  • skeletons/react.tsx: React file boilerplate template.
  • skeletons/ Shell script boilerplate template.
  • skeletons/shell.nix: Shell.nix file boilerplate template.

This configuration is optimized for a productive coding experience and is easily extendable with new plugins and features.