These instructions are designed to allow you to start a new project using using the multi step form engine as a base
As gemspec files are not able to point to a github repo and both of the gems below need to be added:
gem 'laa_multi_step_forms', path: 'gems/laa_multi_step_forms'
The following Node modules are required - simply add them to the Package.json
"@ministryofjustice/frontend": "1.6.4",
"govuk-frontend": "5.0.0",
"accessible-autocomplete": "^2.0.4",
To allow autoloading of the default MOJ and GDS stylesheets these are loaded with
the GEM itself, add the following to application.css
@import "laa_multi_step_forms/base";
NOTE: this assumes the use of dart-css to compile the stylesheets. In order to
correctly access the compiled stylesheets you need to add the following to
the manifest.js
//= link_tree ../builds
Please update as issues are encountered