1 # remove existing student-submission directory from
2 # previous execution of grade.sh
3 # clone repository into student-submission directory
4 # from first command-line argument
5 rm -rf student-submission
6 git clone $1 student-submission
8 # instantiate variables
9 CP=".:lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:lib/junit-4.13.2.jar"
11 TESTS=0
12 GRADE=0
14 # move into student-submission directory
15 cd student-submission
17 # check that the appropriate file exists
18 if [ ! -e ListExamples.java ]; then
19 echo $'\n'"ListExamples.java does not exist."$'\n'
20 exit 1
21 fi
23 # copy file from student-submisson to working directory
24 # move back to working directory
25 cp ListExamples.java ..
26 cd ..
28 # compile all java files and save stderr output to a text file
29 javac -cp $CP *.java 2> compilation.txt
31 # check that the compile command produced error output
32 # if so, prints error output and a grade of 0
33 if grep -q error compilation.txt; then
34 echo $'\n'Compilation Error -$'\n\n'"$(head -n -1 compilation.txt)"$'\n\n'Grade: $GRADE
35 exit 1
36 fi
38 # run the appropirate test file and save its stdout output to a text file
39 java -cp $CP org.junit.runner.JUnitCore TestListExamples > results.txt
41 # print the contents of the test
42 echo $'\n'"$(<results.txt)"
44 # calculate the number of errors, tests, and final grade
45 # sed command returns only line 2 from test output
46 ERRORS=$(sed -n 2p results.txt | grep -o 'E' | wc -l)
47 TESTS=$(sed -n 2p results.txt | grep -o '\.' | wc -l)
48 GRADE=$((100 - (100 * ($ERRORS / $TESTS))))
50 # calculates the number of passed tests
51 # prints out ratio
52 tests_passed=$(($ERRORS - $TESTS))
53 echo $'\n'${tests_passed#-}"/"$TESTS" tests passed -"
55 # prints final grade
56 echo Grade: $GRADE
Trace of grade.sh
with the following submission: https://github.com/ucsd-cse15l-f22/list-methods-compile-error
Lines 1-4 do not run because they are comments.
Line 5: rm -rf student-submission
- There is no stdout or stderr and the return code is 0.
Line 6: git clone $1 student-submission
- Stdout is the following: Cloning into 'student-submission'...
- There is no stderr and the return code is 0.
Lines 7-8 do not run because they are empty or comments.
Lines 9-12: variable assignment
- There is no stdout or stderr for these commands and the return code for all these comamnds is 0.
Lines 13-14 do not run because they are empty or comments.
Line 15: cd student-submission
- There is no stdout or stderr and the return code is 0.
Lines 16-17 do not run because they are empty or comments.
Line 18: if [ ! -e ListExamples.java ]; then
- This if statement evaluates to false because the file
does exist in the directorystudent-submission
Lines 19-21 do not run as a result of the if statement on Line 18 evaluating to false.
Lines 22-24 do not run because they are empty or comments.
Line 25: cp ListExamples.java ..
- There is no stdout or stderr and the return code is 0.
Line 26: cd ..
- There is no stdout or stderr and the return code is 0.
Lines 27-28 do not run because they are empty or comments.
Line 29: javac -cp $CP *.java 2> compilation.txt
- The output for stderr is the following:
ListExamples.java:15: error: ';' expected
result.add(0, s)
1 error - There is no stdout and the return code is 1.
Lines 30-32 do not run because they are empty or comments.
Line 33: if grep -q error compilation.txt; then
- This if statement evaluates to true because
contains stderr output from the command on Line 29, therefore thegrep
command returns with a code of zero, indicating the compilation has failed.
Line 34: echo $'\n'Compilation Error -$'\n\n'"$(head -n -1 compilation.txt)"$'\n\n'Grade: $GRADE
- The output for stdout is the following:
Compilation Error -
ListExamples.java:15: error: ';' expected
result.add(0, s)
Grade: 0 - There is no stderr and the return code is 0.
Line 35: exit 1
- There is no stdout or stderr and the return code is 1, as it exits
with that return code.
Lines 36-56 do not run because grade.sh
terminates and returns an code of 1 on Line 35.